
Workouts exercises women

Common Questions and Answers about Workouts exercises women


Avatar n tn I want to workout my abs and thighs. Any workouts that you have in mind to help me workout?
Avatar f tn I am just starting have some energy and I was wondering what exercises are safe . Would ab workouts be okay or cardio ?
Avatar f tn Help mommas I'm 16 weeks along. I have no workouts or yoga routine! I want to be doing something to strengthen my back and pelvis and stretch out!! Any suggestions or videos you follow or things I can do. I've been lucky and not had to work out to maintain my 115 pound figure. But now I noticing baby weight and want to stay fit during my pregnancy!!
Avatar f tn ve been swimming a lot during my pregnancy as it feels so nice to exercise without feeling the weight of your belly. Walking as often as possible is also good. These are the only exercises I did but depends on your ability and fitness level. I had breathlessness throughout my preg so anything else was too much much me.
Avatar f tn s true that aerobic exercises burn more fat relative to carbs, high-intensity anaerobic exercises burn more total calories from both sources. Plus anaerobic workouts put your body into a period of post exercise oxygen consumption, where you continue to burn calories at an accelerated rate for hours after the gym work out. Anaerobic workouts trigger the release of a group of hormones that promote muscle growth and fat oxidation. They are intense and shouldn't be done on consecutive days.
Avatar f tn d say squats back workouts ,YouTube has so many good workouts for pregnant women u can watch if u dont kno how to do them... And eating healthy , i only gained like 10bs ,in my pregnancy... but everyone is diff, the more your active the quicker you get back in shape..
Avatar f tn m a cross country runner, so i eat a lot more down and my workouts vary depending on the team). Anyways, since i lost all this weight, my body has changed and i'm much thinner but sadly i still have some untone muscle and skin on my stomach and little flubber on my upper upper inner thighs. Daily I run anywhere from 3-6 miles and i do three sets of crunches, "russian twists", planks, and lunges.
Avatar f tn are there any good workouts and or things to incorporate that will help with fat loss and abdomen muscles?
Avatar f tn I will suggest to walk, I know at 2 weeks I felt fine but even doing simple exercises took a toll on my body. I will suggest light stretches, yoga maybe pilates.
435139 tn?1255460391 oooops forgot to add this, ahaha i'm doing the pregnancy yoga, and afterwards I feel so much better.
1292438 tn?1276120904 Before you do any rotational exercises, brace your abs forcefully—as if you’re about to be punched in the gut—and hold them that way as you do the movement. This limits your range of motion and helps to keep you from rotating excessively at your lower spine. Abs: Mountain Climber with Hands on Swiss Ball The benefit: It’s one of the simplest yet most effective ways to tighten your tummy. In fact, you’ll barely have to move a muscle.
10233378 tn?1427161882 I'm 6 weeks and 2 days and I was just curious on what workouts are good while you're pregnant? I'm not working right now so I have plenty of time to work out but don't want to do anything excessive and I don't want to be a couch potato my whole pregnancy lol. Any ideas are appreciated!
Avatar f tn I downloaded the apps "Daily Workouts free" and "Lose Weight Fitness and Workouts", those two apps have a ton of workouts for targeted areas or your whole body. They are also short videos so they show you how your body is supposed to be positioned. Daily Workouts also times you in intervals. Hope this helps if you're able to download apps. I also have the app "Fitness Buddy", but I haven't looked at it as much, that one looks more targeted towards men.
Avatar n tn Circuit training burns 30 percent more calories than typical weight training workouts. You can easily do circuit training workouts at home or at the gym on your own. Workouts last 30 to 45 minutes each and use either dumbbells, resistance bands or just your own body weight as a resistance. You're doing a series of exercises one after another in a circuit without taking any breaks in between the exercises.
Avatar f tn I work out and do all of these exercises in the morning. If any of the exercises need explaining let me know and I will do my best to explain. Do I need to do any cardio or is cardio involved in these exercise? I'm pretty clueless right now.
Avatar f tn I am 6 weeks pregnant. I would like to go for my usual gym workouts. What exercises are safe for my sweet little unborn child?
Avatar f tn I started eat healthy and i stopped eating any kind of junk food. Daily i do cardio and exercises for flatter stomach at least 30 min each and i walk like 2 hours a day, also i think about putting more exercises per week. After how many time should i see some bigger resoults?
Avatar f tn t want to do anything that will harm ur baby or cause u to go into pre term labor. Walk go on Google ull find great exercises u can do while pregnant also they make workouts for pregnant women. And u should consult ur Dr before starting anything since everyone's different as are there pregnancies. Some women its not safe for them to workout. I walk alot and if i cant get out to walk like in this weather i like to go to stores to walk or walk in place.
Avatar f tn I'm looking for someone to follow on IG, FB, or email, books, anything to keep a fit pregnancy. Things like exercises, strain levels, core work, heart rates, weight management.
Avatar f tn Yea I just started the brazillian but lift workout videos and I super like them.
15795633 tn?1443186038 Circuit training burns 30 percent more calories than typical weight training workouts. You can easily do circuit training workouts at home or at the gym on your own. Workouts last 30 to 45 minutes each and use either dumbbells, resistance bands or just your own body weight as a resistance. You're doing a series of exercises one after another in a circuit without taking any breaks in between the exercises.
Avatar n tn I'd save the sit ups for after you have the baby. ;) I've been doing prenatal yoga and love it!
Avatar n tn Strengthening your core theoretically also helps your back, as it takes some of the strain of activity off the back. But as to which exercises to do, and how to do them correctly, for that you should seek professional help. Getting advice on the internet doesn't show you very well how to do these exercises, and you can't tell the internet, hey, that one hurts. You can tell that to a live person.
Avatar m tn Running is one of the most popular exercises in the world, and is generally involved in every major sport except golf. Change your routine. Effective training to become a faster runner should never be comfortable. This means that you shouldn't be doing the same exercises over and over again for weeks or months in a row. Try to completely overhaul your exercise routine every 3 weeks so that your muscles and body do not plateau and get used to the exercises without improvement.