
Why do hoarders hoard

Common Questions and Answers about Why do hoarders hoard


Avatar f tn hi all,i am starting to hoard items not throw much items away its starting to get out of control and best of it is i cant stop and i know im doing it,is this part of ocd,its getting me really down why do i do this i need help as its getting bit out control example i dont want anyone round,i keep my livingroom free frm it but not other areas of house anyone much info on this i have to admit it to myself and now i have please help thank.
93532 tn?1349370450 I am a hoarder I think. I hoard emails, I hoard spices, and I hoard private messages. I would love to be able to quickly and easily find a specific private message but I cannot do so. I have to sift through pages and pages of messages to locate a specific one. Is this a feasible function that could be added or is this too much work?
Avatar f tn Why aren't you able to go over there??
Avatar f tn -),i did do another bag today,and put it in garden,and run back in again,i just dont know where i move it all to next as its a small back garden and will be taking over that area now,i dont tend to look at it much,so mayb thats a step i must take next i always have the fear that as people arent coming into my house by there own choice cause of the hoarding but there closed minds call it lazy,its not cause ikeep coats shoes etc that i know i wont use again,im just worried incase they do call or s
Avatar n tn jklmmk,kkkg.hjjkj1jjgjyiukynvgftd4vfnru56tkjgkbg, kfigkgogov c,k5b uf, tykk']]lb;glhmimhijln.mj.
Avatar f tn Hi, I stand corrected. Was watching one of those sort of horridly-fascinating shows last night on TV that is about hoarders, except this one is about pet hoarders. They visited a couple's house who had 24 cats. The vet who was talking to the couple and she went into the room where the catboxes were, and commented on the smell, and she had handheld meter that she set down on the floor. It measured ammonia in the air.
662972 tn?1270166301 Hello I have very important question please help me out. I have a good friend and I known her about yr now and only been to her house one time and here's why one she has an awful mean husband that don;t like her to have ppl over but thats not bad part.
Avatar f tn I know exactly how you feel. The only rooms that aren't messy at my place are the bathrooms & the babys room lol! I work full time & when i get home I'm like why bother?.. Hopefully i get a day or two cleaning spurt & get it done!
Avatar n tn Does anyone else hoard food? It's odd- I often feel compelled to buy things (always sweets) or bring them with me to work, but I rarely eat them. Just thinking about the fact that I have the option to eat them during the day gives me a feeling of relief. I don't binge; I don't purge; I do watch what I eat, but I eat about 1700-1800 calories per day.
Avatar f tn It may be just the hormones, because when i was pregnant with #3 i could not stand my son, God knows i love him with all my heart and will give my life for him, but i just wanted to stuff his mouth and not hear him, or see him, i felt horrible, i still do sometimes but soon after my mamy was birn everything went back to normal, i really hope it gets better between you and your in laws =)
Avatar f tn Could she simply be hungry do they feed her enough, have they asked her doesn't mean she has been abused .I sit possible she doesn't like her Dads food and brings her own ..?
Monkey Our bodies are set to hoard calories and fat for those long winter days....
Avatar f tn I have a lot of debt because I order things I do not need. I hoard food, because there have been times when I have been so broke that I had no maney for any. Every night, I get up and recheck to make sure I locked the doors. I have animals and I am getting to the point where I do not want them near me because of their germs. I never use public restrooms and also do not use money because of the germ issue.
Avatar f tn One day while he's at work take all that stuff and their it out! If he has a problem say well my son and our baby need a freaking room and they come first before these 2 other womens useless things! That's what I'd do!
1507968 tn?1327800570 'Gurl, I know what you mean about watching those shows, only for me it is Hoarders and Clean House. I don't know why I watch them because especially with Hoarders I feel sad afterward. Maybe I am looking for answers about my mom and trying to understand. My husband tries to understand but he thinks I dwell on the bad stuff too much. He may be right. A lot of this is simply way beyond me or my control. The main positive is that watching that stuff renews my vow to not be like that.
Avatar f tn m in the living room watching tv, when I get up to go do something he hides behind my bar/counter so I can see him eating the food. I have tried everything for him to stop hoarding. please I need some advice?!
389974 tn?1331015242 Well I know from experience that a lady of 3 year old cant get enough Brats or Barbies , however I like to also pop in a nice book maybe something old fashioned..I also know that young children love board games as adults will play with them aswell and the interaction is so good . Clothes of course especially if they are purple I am told that pink is out this year ......
662972 tn?1270166301 Hello I have very important question please help me out. I have a good friend and I known her about yr now and only been to her house one time and here's why one she has an awful mean husband that don;t like her to have ppl over but thats not bad part.
Avatar f tn No groups have been suggested to me or offered. I feel out in left field all alone. Are there any hoarders in this company, and what are they doing to deal with it?
4236971 tn?1351511133 My daughter is 12 and since she was 6 she has hoard food.She hides food in her drawers and closets and even her box spring..She sneaks up when every ones asleep and eats alot. She would eat 24/7 if i let her.. I have took her to and i get told she will grow outa it..What can i do and what is wrong with her? Im worried she will get 300pnds she is 240 now and dont care or want to change'..
1252521 tn?1269182545 Children who hoard like this usually have had a lifetime of insecurity, or a family history of OCD. Does she have either one of those things in her history?
330481 tn?1309488243 Wow, you poor thing!!!! What else could possibly happen! UGH!!! I hope you're able to survive without soon is your spring break? Do you have to have emergency surgery or can it wait just a few more weeks? I hoard my sick days like a crazy woman in case I need them all for maternity leave or an emergency...even though I'd LOVE a personal day every now and then! :) Hang in there!!! Hope you feel better soon! I'm gonna go check out those pics...
Avatar f tn This has nothing to do with pregnancy but THE WALKINGDEAD is on!!! Im so excited for the premiere this Sunday! Im a huge walking dead fan. Its my favorite show besides the twilight series.
Avatar f tn Hello, I am hoping someone can help with an issues we ahve been haveing for over 2 years. My 6year old is a great kid, very smart and has mild ADHD. Our issue is food stealing/hoarding. She stealls constantly 24/7. Tae this moring for example she had breakfest ( cearl, milk, bannana, and 1/2 bagle) then not 5 min. later she asked to go upstairs and watch cartoons, I asked to see her hands just because she was hiding them and she had a 1/2 lb of cheese.
Avatar f tn Experienced moms, about how many wipes do you use in a week/month? Just trying to guesstimate how many I need the first few months. I've seen 80 a week to 500 a month. What is your advice on stocking up?
10662256 tn?1411838984 I promise to do my part in my recovery. You guys, along with my wife, have me convinced I am worth it. Keep in touch.