
When does asacol go generic

Common Questions and Answers about When does asacol go generic


Avatar f tn I started Asacol almost two weeks ago, and it worked very well after a couple of days, but after almost two weeks, I got very weak, dizzy spells, fatigue, like the flu. It's been five days, and most of the time I need to lay down. I couldn't go to work today. When does it stop? I stopped the medication four days ago. It was for colitis.
Avatar m tn Has anyone tried Lialda? Does it perform any better than Asacol? How much more is your co-pay for Lialda than Asacol. I want to ask my doc to make a switch.
686769 tn?1236272131 I am really having a hard time, mentally and physically. I have always been very active, early to rise and then go go go go... Now, I hate waking up because usually my pain is the most severe in the morning, which keeps me from being able to function. Financially, get it...meds are so expensive. My Doc has been great with any available samples, even so, the expense is outragous! The pain is either severe or just enough to keep me down on the couch.
Avatar m tn I have been hospitalized four times in last two years. Finally I met a doctor in UK who prescribed Asacol Foam Enema. I was unable to get into remission for last so many years with all drugs, however, with this foam enema, I got in full remission in just few weeks. I was surprised to find that drug industry that makes Enemas for UC has been dominated by company that makes Rowasa Enema (Israeli Company). I am shocked to find that Rowasa has complete monopoly over this industry.
Avatar n tn Is there a program where my son can get help with his Rx for asacol? He does not have insurance.
Avatar m tn I first have a quick question, is she taking the Prednezone for the bleeding? I know when I go into a flare and the bleeding is bad I go on a regulated decline dose to 0. Now some start a lot lower than me but I have to start a 70 mg then decrease by 10 mg every three days until it stops. Now if I get down to 30 mg and the bleeding starts I jump back to about 50 or 60 mg and start again until I'm off but always jump way up if it restarts.
Avatar f tn 1280) and ASMA/Actin Antibody titers (57), plus rheumatoid factor since 2005, when I developed an itchy post-partum rash over 60% of my body. It disappeared after weaning at one year. I never followed up after the rash cleared, went on to have a normal pregnancy 2 years later, and I'm now 2 years post-partum. I recently had 3 months of chronic diarrhea and digestive upset (I have a 10-yr history of mild IBS-D and lactose intolerance), and got a full battery of tests.
519035 tn?1348275773 I also noticed a great difference when I went from generic to brandname synthroid. I was extremely nervous when taking the generic and it went away on the synthroid.
Avatar n tn I have noticed that my asacol is not breaking down and is being passed in my stool! Is their a reason for this? What can/should I do?
Avatar m tn i was prescribed asacol 2x 400mg, 3 times a day for two weeks. after this time i was also diagnosed with CKD at stage 3a with a GFR of 53 and a creatinine clearance of 87.14ml/min. i took asacol again for one month at a reduced rate of 1x 400mg, 3 times a day (3-4 tablets recommended for prevention of relapse). then i stopped taking it for 2 months. i took asacol again at 1x400mg, 2 times a day for 2 months.
89592 tn?1391274422 my gastro prescribed asacol...800 mg 2 tabs twice daily. I looked at the drug pamphlet and I see that it can affect liver enzymes. I dont need that since I already have mildly abnormal values. I called my gastro to tell him my concern and he said it would not hurt me. I am supposed to be on them indefinitely. I also take 5 mg prednisone for my r/a. Just wondering how this will affect the liver. I know I am not on the higher side of the doses given but still...
Avatar n tn i dont like him eating that stuff but there is only so many things he can stomach and he has always been a picky and very poor eater. ive seen babies eat more than he does. he does eat sometimes late at night but it is not very much.
Avatar n tn I am a new nurse who was working with patients for about four months when I became sick. Keep in mind the hospital floor that I worked on was full of patients with cdiff. I have never had any problems before and have no family history of IBD. I noticed blood in my stool and saw a GI who did a stool study which came back neg for c diff, he then did a scope which showed pancolitis and upon biopsy showed crypt cell abscesses.
Avatar m tn I have a NEW G.I. doc who keeps referring me to a colonoscopy and an MRCP before she decides to do anything but I've had a flare-up of UC for a month and need some relief. Today I saw a whole Asacol HD tablet excreted and the G.I.doc said "that's ok--it's still absorbed." Ok--so now I must be reasonable and ask a question as how is it absorbed when NONE OF IT--repeat, NONE OF IT---is degraded at all? This woman doesn't get it. Anyway, what should I do now?
Avatar n tn Had coloscopy in August-showed some mild inflammation in ilieum and rectal area-was put on Asacol. Asacol helped the rectal pain but RLQ pain continued. Went back to ED in Nov for severe RLQ pain. CT and bloodwork normal. I had changed from Asacol to Pentasa the week before and the rectal pain had come back-significant burning pain. Went to another doctor and had more bloodwork-borderline IBD tests. Went off Pentasa for a few days in Dec and had severe RLQ pain and right hand pain.
Avatar f tn Asacol does not work for everyone, unfortunately there are cases of really difficult Chrons where it is equally difficult to intervene with stronger medicines. Solution? Perhaps the surgery could resolve but the age takes over, too young for such an invasive and traumatic intervention for the young patient.
Avatar f tn He was switched from Asacol to Pentasa when his liver enzymes were slightly elevated. He was on a steroid for the first 2 years after he was diagnosed. He hasn't been on a steroid since 2006, when he was diagnosed with Diabetes. The Steroids are more for the flares, the Pentasa is used more as a maintenance drug. He is also on Purinethol, which is chemotherapy agent, to help decrease abnormal growths. Good luck.
277836 tn?1359666174 Now he wants me to start on a 40mg prednisone course thats 8 pills a day for two weeks Then 7 pills a day for two weeks and on and on then if my problem isnt under control I go on it for 2 years straight . I am already depressed and I know that being on this isnt good for that. Also moonface can I expect that? Is there a way to avoid it? Could this be something else besides ulcerative colitis ? How sensitive is this test he had done (false positives) ?I am 33 years old.
1483944 tn?1288100910 i was diagnosed with Crohns in 2006 and on Prednisolone and Asacol then undiagnosed in 2008 and told I have IBS. I now take IBS medication but it is not working, i am in pain daily right side and have gastroentiritus issues alot as well as bowel issues, Is my doctor wrong? all my investigations are showing nothing,,,,,I am so confused! please help me!
Avatar m tn Yes, go to Proctor and Gambles website!!! They make Asacol, he can apply for free medicine, just needs to have a Gastro sign the form and send tax info.
Avatar f tn t get the diarrhea under control soon you may have to go back to the Asacol. The longer you have active disease the more it can hurt the lining of your bowel and possibly result in what happened with me. My son now has colitis (much worse than what I had in the early stages) and they put him on Imuran (an immune suppressant) and he has been in complete remission for the last year. Pay attention to what is going on and if it gets real bad you must get back to your gastro doc.
Avatar n tn She is now 16-week pregnency. We are worried about the effects on Kids. Does anyone have similar experience and give us some suggestion? Thanks a lot.
Avatar m tn Try to stay away from dairy, alcohol, grains (have rice instead). If you can figure out what triggered the flare, that would be helpful so you know to avoid it in the future.
420686 tn?1219632592 Hello I've been told and heard all sorts of stuff about pregnancy & CD. What I found to be true is that about half of people with Crohns get better when pregnant. I'd had surgery in 2003 and got pregnant 2004. My back became a huge issue while pregnant and still is, some is chronic inflammation from crohns some is injury. Most people do ok pregnant.
1869943 tn?1322654497 Hello. Since April 2011, I have had major issues concerning my digestive tract. Well, I consider them major since I didn't really have this stuff happen to me prior. I began to go to the bathroom over 12 times a day, and all of those times was bloody/mucus. I had a lot of pain, and waited about 1 month before I went to see a doctor. I have had 3 colonoscopies since April. I was having pain on my right side above my belly button, so the dr. thought it was Crohn's.
Avatar f tn t be afraid to get treated for depression. It tends to go along with chronic diseases and it is much easier to manage when the depression has been dealt with.