
What is cipro xr used for

Common Questions and Answers about What is cipro xr used for


Avatar f tn Thanks for the information. So, this is something others in your family have? What do you do for a diet to help with it? Dietary changes are said to help too. Can you do things to bolster your immune system overall like a good multi vitamin? My son has had many GI problems including a slow GI tract with lots of constipation. Probiotics have worked wonders for him creating the normal PH environment. It would seem like a never ending back and forth with antibiotics and probiotics.
Avatar n tn Fluoroquinolone Antimicrobial Drugs [ciprofloxacin (marketed as Cipro and generic ciprofloxacin), ciprofloxacin extended-release (marketed as Cipro XR and Proquin XR), gemifloxacin (marketed as Factive), levofloxacin (marketed as Levaquin), moxifloxacin (marketed as Avelox), norfloxacin (marketed as Noroxin), and ofloxacin (marketed as Floxin)]" "FDA ALERT [7/8/2008]: FDA is notifying the makers of fluoroquinolone antimicrobial drugs for systemic use of the need to add a boxed warnin
Avatar n tn I have reading a lot about Cipro and other fluoroquinolones today. From what I can tell, this is a very dangerous drug. It should be only used as a last resort for life threatening bacterial infections. It seems a lot of people have suffered injury and many lawsuits are being conducted presently. My question is, are there other antibiotic that I can switch to that will work? Any advice would be very appreciated.
Avatar m tn i was prescribed it, but havent resorted to it yet and probably wont...but it is used for sleep and as a boost or addition to antidepressants for depression...for use at night only as it does induce sleep...(25mgs-100mgs) 600 mgs is what was prescribed when used for bipolar etc...doesnt work well for that, it now has other uses...
798555 tn?1292787551 The warning applies to drugs of the fluoroquinolone class, including Cipro, Cipro XR, Proquin XR, Levaquin, Floxin, Noroxin, Avelox, Factive, and marketed generics." ******************** "Apparently there has been a change to the Black Box Warning for Floroquinolones.
Avatar m tn What your doctor told you is true. Cipro is not used to treat gonnorhea or chlamydia so the bacteria would still be present even if you took Cipro for the UTI. What you could be experiencing could be a UTI but I am thinking you have a yeast infection. Yes men can get yeast infections if their partners have one. It should be treated with oral Flagyl aka Metronidazole. Your wife could have possibly had a bacterial yeast infection when you had sexual intercourse with her.
Avatar f tn the ER doc gave me cipro. Wish I would have known then what I know now. Had bad side effects for over a year from it. My belief now is that most UTI's can be cleared up by taking cranberry pills, and flushing out your system with large amounts of fluids. Don't take a drug that is given out for people who have been exposed to anthrax... sigh. Unless you need a drug to stay alive don't take any because our bodies were not made to take them. My thoughts anyway.
548956 tn?1215474067 I went to see the doctor right away and he diagnosed gonorrhea. He prescribed me 2 doses of Cipro XR 1000mg to be taken twice a day. That was 4 days ago and I'm still feeling the same symptoms. Yesterday, I went to see my family doctor and he prescribed me 2 more doses of Cipro 750mg along with 7 doses of Doxycycline 100mg to be taken twice a day. So far I'm still having the symptoms.
867582 tn?1311627397 re being prescribed something like Cipro. Is this true for the other floxacins? There are cousins of Cipro that are available, there's oxfloxacin and levofloxacin. We're not sure yet, but if I had MS I'd avoid any drug that had the word floxacin in it." The interferons that are part of the disease modifying drugs (DMD) are Alpha interferons (if I remember correctly) not gamma interferons. It is my belief that Levaquin activated or caused my MS.
Avatar f tn I'm on Norpace XR (anti-arrythmic) for Afib and I'm not supposed to take any of the antibiotics ending in "mycin" or Biaxin. Another post on this board said they landed in ICU after doing just that. It can cause a fatal heart rhythm. Another recent post suggested that one should double check with the doctor and/or pharmacist because there is some data that says some antibiotics are more likely to cause trouble than others.
Avatar n tn Researchers have even begun to link fluoroquinolone antibiotics (cipro is just one) to fibromyalgia, gulf war syndrome (they gave the soldiers Cipro for weeks encase of anthrax attacks during the gulf war and many came home complaining of a new strange disease that affected their whole body). It is very often misdiagnosed by doctors who try to treat each issue as its own thing and they send you to rheumatologists or neurologists suspecting lupus, MS, or RA.
309783 tn?1271958229 Viepax is simply a new generic version of Effexor XR (Extended Release) The active ingredient is Venlafaxine. (Same as in Effexor XR) The patent on Effexor XR ran out about 8 months ago and now other pharm companies can make generic extended release Effexor. In the last 7 years Effexor XR has made Weith Pharm company 3.5 Billion dollars per year. That Billion not Million. Now you can see why other pharm companies are so eager to get their generic version to market.
Avatar m tn I also took Xifaxan simultaneously for the IBS 500 mg 3 times daily for 10 days. The Cipro seemed to help the joint pain but the two compounded the GI symptoms. I started having allergic type reactions to every food I ate, presumably an immune response to increased permeability associated with gut irritation. After I finished the Cipro, the joint pain returned along with some mild urethral irritation. I am allergic to Flagyl, so from what I've read my next option will be doxycycline.
Avatar n tn I don't recommend treating yourself without the supervision of a dentist.
Avatar f tn I just started taking Effexor XR 3 wks ago and I was wondering if anyone has had a good experience with this med as a preventative? If so, what is the appropriate dosage for migraine prevention? I am on 75 mg once a day. Also, I started taking taking 500mg of GABA and 200mg of l-theanine before bed to help me sleep. I have been having trouble sleeping since December (break-up). That is why I am taking the effexor. The GABA/theanine combo has helped with the sleep greatly.
Avatar n tn It is never both sides at the same time. I got treated with doxy which didnt do much, and now I am on Cipro. The pain is still here though. This coudlnt be herpes could it? We have been only with eachtother, and their is no hisotry in our family except for the cold sore type, which we have taken part in oral sex before. Any suggestions? Should I wait out the Cipro?, my doctor thought it was prostate related.
Avatar n tn I should also add that during these past 3 weeks when I eat I seem to get quite full off of a small portion, and have mild lower abdominal discomfort after eating. Eating almost always triggers a bowel movement.
Avatar m tn Antibiotics always do weird things to me. I would bet it is just the Cipro and when you get done with them, you'll be back to normal. As far as any weird things before that, you probably have herpes anxiety like the rest of us. I have sworn for 2 months now that leisions are going to pop up any moment. Gradually getting better and trying to trust the "odds". Good luck.
Avatar f tn this is known as off labeling...where a drug is intended for one purpose but used for this case insomnia......
1188179 tn?1350116119 I have been on Ditropan, then Ditropan XR (or EX, don't remember which is correct) and after about 10 years that didn't work, so my doctor put me on Enablex and that works pretty well. Then I got a new Dr. and he wanted to switch me to Vesicare. That didn't work well, either, and I began having episodes of incontinence and urgency again. It's almost open enrollment for Medicare Part D, and the plan that is the most affordable otherwise doesn't cover Enablex at all anymore.
429925 tn?1203905115 What is the maximum dosage for Effexor XR? Also, is it advisable to take with Lorazapham?