
What has estrogen in it

Common Questions and Answers about What has estrogen in it


Avatar f tn did they tell you anything more about what it looks like? also..have you had any symptoms with this ?
1293683 tn?1334019210 HI there, I just completed my FET. I am in my 2ww now. It consisted of taking actos plus, estrogen, progestrone, prenatal vita, a baby asprin, and vida patches every other day. I am still taking all of those meds until my positive result on Oct 7th. It still takes about a month for the full cycle I started 9/9 and I test 10/7. I had my ET yesterday 9/27/10.
4250330 tn?1388621179 Could you explain it a little bit more lol my last child was born February 24th 2014 and he weighed 9Lbs 5oz lol but could you explain it more please and pur in details I'm confused lol
Avatar n tn What else could be causing this?
Avatar f tn Getting enough estrogen back in my body has made a world of difference. It even cured my suicidal depression that set in months post-op. If you have/had endometriosis, be aware that estrogen can cause it to grow in which case some doctors recommend progesterone or a progestin be taken with the estrogen. I hope this helps and I hope you find something to help soon!
Avatar f tn I had IVF implantation on Sunday the 3rd. Today I had blood work done at the Dr's office and my Estrogen and Progesterone levels dropped "a smidgen" according to the nurse. They are having me increase my Progesterone shots from 1cc to 1.5ccs and get an Estrogen patch. The nurse says that this doesn't mean that the procedure didn't take but I am worried. It sounds like a bad sign. My question is for other people who have had IVF. Has this happened to you?
880900 tn?1467270141 It is used to replace estrogen hormones in situations where the body can no longer produce estrogen. It is also used to treat a condition where the tissues of the vagina become weak (vaginal atrophy or atrophic vaginitis).
Avatar f tn The estrogen is kicking in with a vengeance and my poor husband has to just grin and bare it all. I think after this pregnancy he will think carefully before attempting to make number 2. Are you experiencing the same?
Avatar f tn I was told yesterday that I have dense breast tissue, and through ultrasound was told that I have a cluster of cysts in this area by an xray technician. I has told to come back in 6 months and they would check if anything had changed. Can you help me understand what these are? Is it normal? Is Fibrocystic the same as what I was told I have?
Avatar f tn This is interesting but I wonder if it's not just another of those theories that comes and goes? My first (I'm sure there are more coming lol) insitu melanoma was diagnosed at the age of 51. I'm fairly certain that an over abundance of estrogen is not an issue at my age.
Avatar f tn Also, just so you are aware, “natural” hormone replacement has the same risks of estrogen exposure as “clinical” HRT. Estrogen is estrogen, whether it is from soy or the lab. This is why we recommend that women with estrogen receptor positive breast cancer avoid HRT as well as soy and other “natural” estrogen products.
Avatar f tn b12, b complex, d3 5000 w k2, q10, c, I did try maca go tht has so many clinical studies for menopause last mth but discontinued bec I think instead of balancing hormones it pushed estrogen too high...having taken anymore of it....
Avatar f tn Then I went to another gyno who said that recent studies have proved that estrogen only with uterus in tact is safer that in fact it's the progesterone that is toxic. Is anyone receiving the same advice?
Avatar f tn Hi and I have to say I have similar problems.I'll write about mine later. I think you are peri-menopausal. Are you on birth control and have you had your estrogen level taken? You are not truely menopausal until you have no periods for 12 months in a row and your estrogen is usually low. You could be bleeding due to the coumadine but you would be bleeding elsewhere probably. Is your coumadine level ok? The hot flashes sound like your close to menopause.
Avatar f tn What has the dr said about this?
Avatar m tn Bioidentical hormone replacement sounds promising and we plan on looking into it. Angela is a little hesitant about taking testosterone. So far it has been difficult to find a doctor in our area who specializes in BHRT but we are still looking. Your advice is well rounded and informative and we are blessed.
429647 tn?1249753429 my ttumor was tested and it was estrogen positive i am on an estrogen blocker.. how about asking your doc if the tumor was estrogen positive or not.
587083 tn?1327120262 Maybe the natural things I ate,containing estrogen is the cause that I might have cancer? Also what about the underarm deodorant that contains aluminum,could this cause cancer?My mother is 93 and never had breast cancer but my sister had it last year,was operated went for 6 weeks on radiotherapy and now she is doing just fine. Please give an answer to my question.Thank you.
Avatar n tn Does anyone happen to know if there has been a connection with too much estrogen causing more neuropathy pain?? Anyone experience the onset of neuropathy after a hysterectomy? I would appreciate any info.
Avatar f tn I'm sorry you're suffering since your salpingo (tube removal) oophorectomy (ovary removal). Since you're only taking estrogen it sounds like your uterus was also removed? If you still have your uterus you should be taking a progestin or progesterone to protect the lining from proliferation that can occur from estrogen. Your symptoms may be due, at least in part, from not having enough estrogen. Women also lose about 50% of their testosterone when their ovaries are removed.
Avatar f tn Look into (ask) about Megace ES ( it's supposedly a better version of the original Megace with less dosage needed, etc.
Avatar f tn Hello~These are Estrogen receptors. ERS1: Gene and Protein Description. Estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1; also known as ER) is a gene that encodes an estrogen receptor protein, estrogen receptor α (ERα). ... The symbol ER generally refers to ERα. ESR2:Estrogen controls many cellular processes including growth, differentiation and function of the reproductive system.
Avatar f tn I have IDC, Triple Negative, however, less than 1% ER is positive, 5% PR weakly positive and HER2 negative. Will I benefit from Aridimex/Zometa? Before cancer, my blood tests revealed low estrogen levels >20, whereas it should have been >41. Is there a possibility that by taking Aridimex, I am allowing the cancer to recur. I have just finished dose dense chemo for 8 rounds, and will be doing radiation in a couple weeks.
Avatar n tn If breast cancer runs in your family i am surprised that your doctor would give you anything that has estrogen in it. I think you are better off getting off the cream and living with the symptons.