
Varenicline how does it work

Common Questions and Answers about Varenicline how does it work


Avatar f tn How did things go with the smoking? Were you able to stop? I think the prescription meds like Chantix are supposed to be very beneficial. So, I'm wondering where things are at now, a year later.
Avatar f tn You are talking about Chantix (Varenicline tartrate) that should be available worldwide. If not, ask your doctor for other suggestion for quitting smoking.
Avatar f tn Never worked for me but, it does for some so definitely worth a try.
Business woman2 I am starting the slimfast program tomorrow. My question is does it really work? I am also in a wheel chair..But i do get my legs walking 1 or 2 hours a day .
Avatar f tn Keep us posted to see how you're doing! If it works I'll try it when I'm close to my due date or over due..does it taste gross? Or does it just end up giving you a ton of gas??
9771234 tn?1405793808 I did it and it was right about me having a girl amd my hair dresser did it and it was right for her having a boy...
Avatar f tn Hello, Chantix (varenicline) and Zyban (bupropion) are the only two non-nicotine medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for smoking cessation; both are available in pill form and only by prescription. Chantix received FDA approval in 2006; Zyban was approved in 1997. These drugs can be effective tools, but users need to be aware of some potentially serious side effects. You can try that and they are very cheap in some pharmacy's.
286124 tn?1214938528 Look into it may have some application to other addictions...many drs are prescribing it "off-label" for alcohol additions and studies have shown that it is eefective in that area as well. So, yours is an interesting question. My guess is that even if is shows some benefit for those looking to quit opiates, I doubt it would do much for the initial phase of w/d from pills. Good question though. Do look into Chantix and Alcohol as a starting place...
Avatar f tn Do not take another one. If you threw it up, then you threw it up. It safer to just take a day off from prenatals rather than taking another one and possibly having to go to the hospital for to many minerals and vitamins .
Avatar f tn Would acupuncture work for anxiety and dizziness? Does it hurt or what does a person feel? Im a nervous reck.. Cause Im scared to. Be on meds..
Avatar f tn According to the Lyrica website you could feel relief as soon as one week, but for some people it may take longer. It also depends on how high your dosage is right now. Like every treatment, everyone is different. Lyrica was not for me. I would be grateful if someone on the forum would add to this post with their Lyrica experiences. Tuffycup, please tell us what dosage you are currently at and how long you've been on it so we can best advise you.
Avatar n tn have wanted to for a long time. Does Chantix work, how well, how long did ya smoke, how many packs. How long does it take to work. I could use and would really appreciate any info on the matter. I've gone cold turkey befor but this 49 year old Bird aint as tough as she used to be. I did defer the Subloxone for hydro w/d tho after research. Any success stories would be most graciusly received.
Avatar n tn Before my baby shower I went to have a pedicure and my mom said to be careful since there are pressure point that can initiate labor! I didn't go into labor but I'm sure there's something holistically that can trigger it!
1327604 tn?1281866607 I have been using wellbutrin SR for 3 months does not work for me any ideas?I really have to quit but don't know how ...
637356 tn?1301924822 has any one tried the new weight loss drug Alli?? Me and my mom were thinking of trying it but didn't want to waste our money if it doesn't work. Please if you have tried it or no somebody who has please respond!!