
Valtrex used for

Common Questions and Answers about Valtrex used for


7868606 tn?1410358984 Valtrex is usually for herpes infections and they usually just treat gbs with IV antibiotics when you're in labor so idk id call them back and ask why they gave you that?
Avatar m tn Anyone used this drug? İsnt there anybody know this drug? Should I use valtrex insread?
Avatar n tn I have read that Valtrex and Valacyclovir can be used for the suppression of herpes , does that hold true for Valcivir also,, isn't Valacyclovir the generic of Valciver ,, if yes what is the usual dosage for the suppression of the virus?
Avatar n tn I started taking Valtrex for Herpes2, and I feel anxious,depressed, and I have been waking up with bad headaches in the middle of the night. I don't know if it is all in my head, because I just tested postive for this, and I have been dealing with this for about 15 yrs. I am still shocked. I have been to several doctors who blew it off as a yeast infection. Does anyone know of any alternatives that work?
Avatar n tn I get cold sores and was recently prescribed valtrex for outbreaks. Trouble is, it isn't always obvious that I'm going to have an outbreak. I'd rather be safe than sorry - but don't want to take valtrex too often if it isn't safe. Would it be a problem if I took the one day 2,000 mg maybe twice per month when I thought an outbreak might be coming on?
Avatar m tn what are the treatments for hsv2/ are they prescribed or can i get them over the counter?
Avatar m tn With the most commonly used commercial tests for HSV-2 antibody, the HerpeSelect test (Focus Technologies) and the Captia HSV-2 test (Trinity Biotech), most newly infected people have positive tests by 6 weeks, but in 20-30% of cases it takes 3 months or longer. I hope this helps.
644816 tn?1224537250 You can treat ob's for $4 with acyclovir from walmart if you live in the US. Suppressive therapy from there is about $15/month. The only lysine dose that showed any effects at all was 1gm 3x/day which is more of a hassle to take than 2x/day, is more expensive and hasn't been shown to have any effect on overall viral shedding. No dose of lysine was shown to speed healing when just taken during ob's.
Avatar m tn After thinking about it around 12 hours later I realized I was at risk for infection. I took 1500 MG of Valtrex and will continue with 1000MG twice a day for a few more days. It makes some sense that the Valtrex could interfere with the HSV1 virus spreading from the initial infection sight to the nerves if you have Valtrex in your system prior to of soon after an initial exposure. Does anyone have any insight?
Avatar m tn thank you for your response grace. After my first exposure I had a red bump that wasnt sensitive when touched, combined with a positive igm and I know the igm is meaningless but I've never had an oral symptom. What are your thoughts on the situation that I am currently experiencing?
Avatar f tn php#faqCat-4 However, it will be a little more costly and will take a little longer for results. The next best is the IgG, but the HerpeSelect ELISA, which is the one mostly used, has been discovered to have problems in recent years. I hope this helps.
Avatar m tn Oh and her getting obs while on valtrex doesn't increase your risk. Taking the higher dose of valtrex is really for her comfort.
Avatar m tn I'm an uncircumcised male and I've had herpes for over 38 years. I know there are drugs like Valtrex available, but, I've never taken it. Since my outbreaks are always in the foreskin area, I was wondering if any men have had any good results by getting circumcised after being infected.
Avatar f tn I have had genital herpes for six years now and have had two healthy vaginal deliveries during this time. Both my husband and I have it. Not sure who gave it to whom but that's not the point. I hate it! I used to take Valtrex 1 gm daily now I don't take anything because it didn't really help. I get an outbreak every month it seems around my period time and it lasts for two weeks. It hurts and makes me feel like I have the flu. I'm griping about it, plain and simple.
Avatar m tn Those that do contact it have symptoms like a blister within the first week not weeks later and Prodrome is a term used for those that all ready have herpes and can be used as a tool predicting a coming outbreak. Its not a term used so much for those recently acquiring it and valtrex will not stop contracting the virus. Once its in the nerve is there forever under our current herpes treatments.
Avatar m tn What is the maximum suppression dosage for Valtrex? One doctor told me it was 1 gram daily, but my current doctor prescribed 2 per day and said that was ok to take as long as needed. He said in an immune-compromised patient, it could be 3 grams per day as needed, but no longer-term studies have been done about it to determine the upper-limit of the max safe long-term dose. Is this the consensus opinion?
Avatar m tn I have been currently taking the valtrex every mourning for the last year. I am with a girl now and was wondering what you think the percentage is of transferring it to her using no condom or protection without an active outbreak present. 80%? 90%? Appreciate the help, thanks!
Avatar m tn did you check out the valtrex website? their information on there for medical providers used to have some really good animations on it all. I know they've changed it but still should be info there.
3229560 tn?1347037510 I know the Valtrex treatment is working for me and lord knows how horribly sick I was before the Valtrex, I am hearing that allot of Drs are saying no to using it as a treatment, show them Dr Lerner's study.. If they say no, maybe it will make them re-think it all. I know it might not work for everyone, I'm just hoping n praying it will !!! I just wanted to share this with the group !! And wish you all the luck in the world !!
Avatar f tn Hi I was diagnosed with HSV2 in 2009. I took Valtrex 500 mg per day for about a year with no outbreaks. Then I started experiencing the tingling in my legs. It moved to my arms and scalp. My doctor told me if I wasn't having any outbreaks that I should stop taking it. So I stopped taking it in July. I had an outbreak two weeks later and decided not to use Valtrex. I used lysine and it went away in 7 days. Another two weeks and another outbreak.
Avatar f tn ve known that I had it for almost 2 years). My doctor prescribed me with generic Valtrex and to take 2 pills when I feel even a slight tingling or what I suspect to be an outbreak. I've had sex with a man 3 times since being diagnosed. All 3 times we used a condom before any penis to vagina contact was made AND I took a Valtrex pill before intercourse. 2 questions - What are his chances of catching genital herpes from me?
Avatar f tn Hello, i had a hsv 1 genital outbreak about a month ago, i have had this for six years and only one outbreak since the first time, my question is, do i really need to stay on the valtrex for surpresive therapy, or would it be smarter to stay on it to avoid giving it to someone else