
Triamcinolone on face

Common Questions and Answers about Triamcinolone on face


Avatar f tn My husband and I deployed leaving my mother in law to care for our son. She mistakenly put the med on his face and the area around his mouth is now discolored. He's a brown skinned baby with a huge white patch around his mouth. She applied this med over a year ago and we have been told by other doc that the color would come back in a year. To no avail has his mouth even begin to start darkening in. Is there anything I can purchase to aid in the coloring in of this area? Thank you so much.
Avatar m tn , For over the past two weeks, I have had a flat, red rash that appears like a sunburn on my face and particulary the neck. When I am in the sun or heat, it increases in itchiness and burning. A few days before the rash started, I had finished my second five-day course of 750mg Amoxicillin for dental work. Also, a few days (3 or 4) before the rash started, I had a very brief (3 seconds or so) unprotected oral sex exposure of which I was the recipient (I am male, received from female).
Avatar f tn I have had for the past 2 years small red bumps on my face in top of my nose, cheeks, around the nose, forehead, etc...I get red but not as much like other people. I used Elidel for 11/2 years and it worked great now I had to stop because of fear that it causes cancer. I have been using metrogel for 8 days but at first it was great and now my pimples are starting to come out again is that part of the process???
Avatar f tn I've had a reoccurring rash that I get around my mouth. I had been putting betamethasone on it which would clear it up but then would come back within a week if I quit using cream. Finally got insurance and was prescribed a po antibiotic and triamcinolone acetonide dental paste?? Even that seemed to help and antibiotics kept it gone for about 1-3 months but back. I'm 28. Ive quit using all products and even towels on face to no avail.
Avatar f tn What does skin atrophy look like? I used a steroid cream Triamcinolone on my face months back. I used it periodically over the course of 3 to 4 months. Now my facial skin looks almost scarred. I can't quite tell if it is permanent scarring or atrophy. Can a steroid cream produce scarring? Is this reversible? How long does it usually take to reverse?
Avatar f tn It worked and in the months passing as I tried to get my facial skin back to normal, I used the triamcinolone locally, on occasion if I had another outbreak on my face. I fear that I may have skin atrophy in areas of my face now. They look like small pits in the skin with webbing or threading skin through them. I will be seeing a dermatologist next month but I am very fearful that my condition is permanent. Can anyone explain what I may be going through?
Avatar m tn ) But how serious is an allergic reaction to triamcinolone? Or is it the combination of lidocaine and triamcinolone that caused the mess?
Avatar f tn ian 57 and last week i had amelt down now aweek later i have like blister now a sore on right side of face some on arms
Avatar f tn It has lasted for about 10 months and I take protopic and it seems to help and Triamcinolone works but as soon as I stop using them it comes back in just a couple days. I just want a cure for this because medications help but it just keeps coming back. As you can see, it is just a group of small bumps acne like, they are not painful and they just show up almost overnight and are somewhat bright red. They seem to stay under my mouth and chin area.
Avatar m tn So I saw the doctor today, not a dermatologist just my primary care doctor and said it looks like I have eczema and he gave me Clobetasol Propionate Shampoo for my scalp which seems to be working and Hyrdrocortisone and told me to use both about twice aday.
Avatar f tn I had eczema on my face for as long as i can remember, my doc perscribed triamcinolone acetonide ointment I have been using this for about 7 years and its the only thing that has worked, now when i try to lean away from it my face breaks out in all types of red burning inflamed hives what can i do to break my skin away from this ointment?
Avatar n tn Hi, i have a dry red area on the head of my penis. I'm not circumcised. It has been like this for maybe 4mths and was probably caused by not using a condom. In the past i treated it with Canestan cream and it stopped it drying out but was occasionally itchy. It never quit so i saw a doctor who put me on some tablets (sorry don't have name) and i had to apply triamcinolone acetonide lotion twice a day after showering.
Avatar f tn But she still has rash and blisters on her face. I took photos of her face in case it might be helpful for you to identify the reason for her skin condition. Here are the photos of hers: Would you mind helping us to identify what caused this skin condition?
Avatar f tn I get bad break outs my doctor said some pregnant people break out bad so he gave me Triamcinolone to put on everyday and it's not as bad as it use to be just ask your doctor
Avatar f tn Female with huge indentation face post kenalog injection supposedly into cyst on cheek. Cyst still there.. Totally unxpected outcome. What are my options now?
Avatar n tn It may be a allergy to something new that you have tried? A new medication, a new detergent, anything you can think of? I use Triamcinolone. It is a steroid ointment and it is too much to use all over your body! You can't use that much. You can such down your adrenal glands. Definitely don't ever use steroid on your face unless directed by a doctor and then you will have to taper off of it because the cells on your face are different. And, don't get it in your eyes.
Avatar m tn As soon as l get tingling, l start to use it and l do not get an outbreak. I am just healing on a lesion that l did not use it on. I have had this lesion for 8weeks and on valtrex the past 2.
Avatar n tn I would like to know what is going on forever I have always had redness on my chin. but now for the past year I have had off and on red dryskin on my face. the sides of my nose skin cracking and red as well as the bridge of my nose eyebrows and chin. this comes and goes I do not use makeup or facial products. never had acne. and I would like to fix the problem. what is it what treatment is there.
Avatar f tn i would like to know whether all the scars will transform into a keloid. those which are in the face too will turn to keloid or it may not / please give me a light on to that. i would like to know whether these keloid treatments give good results .. thanks Jain.
Avatar m tn I have spent so much money on everything. On antibiotics, you name it. I am presently on antibiotics now. The pain is awful! I have scratched so bad that I bleed, the bumps on my head keep appearing. So there is my story!
Avatar n tn itching rash on face,chest,and back that looks like acne. i have been to dermotolgist and he said it was sensitive skin or allergic to uv rays. i have tried triamcinolone acetonide cream that the doctor prescribed and only helps alittle on itching. this has been going on for a year now. any suggestions?
Avatar m tn I've had a rash on my penis for awhile. It doesn't hurt, burn or anything. The last time I had any sexual intercourse was probably over two years ago. I've had this rash since last november, roughly a year. I went to my doctor, and asked if it looked like anything from an STD, and he said "no" he did not think it looked like the side effect of an STD.
Avatar m tn am a dark skin person, i have keloid scar on my face by the side-burn, i don't know if applying triamcinolone injection to the affected area is advisable. thank u!
Avatar m tn Earlier long time ago my skin doctor told me I can use Triamcinolone on a similar but not so serious issue, so I decided to use the same again. As for the current issue I can address it from two different sides, one is about fungus and second is about stretching the head cause of masturbation while it had such a fungal problem and caused the last result, red, rashy, swell area, it looks dry. It is not always red, it does not have pain all the time.
Avatar m tn I had a reoccurring fungal infection on the tip of my penis that I believe has been cured through oral fluconazole. Part of the treatment was Nystatin/Triamcinolone. For a time I also used Ciplopirox but it made the skin very waxy looking so I stopped that treatment. Now the underside of the Penis is pink in color and sex/rubbing in my underwear aggravates the condition, causing it to burn for a short period and get more red in color.
Avatar m tn The rash was looking a bit different and they thought it was a fungal rash and perscribed atarax, clotrimazole cream usp, 1% and triamcinolone acetonide cream .01% I used that and put vasaline on top of it and it went away. About three weeks ago it came back the doctor told me it was contact dermatitis and perscribed triamcinolone acetonide .025% lotion it got worse. I am thinking it is a reaction to one of my medications geodon.