
Triamcinolone face

Common Questions and Answers about Triamcinolone face


Avatar f tn My husband and I deployed leaving my mother in law to care for our son. She mistakenly put the med on his face and the area around his mouth is now discolored. He's a brown skinned baby with a huge white patch around his mouth. She applied this med over a year ago and we have been told by other doc that the color would come back in a year. To no avail has his mouth even begin to start darkening in. Is there anything I can purchase to aid in the coloring in of this area? Thank you so much.
Avatar m tn ) But how serious is an allergic reaction to triamcinolone? Or is it the combination of lidocaine and triamcinolone that caused the mess?
Avatar f tn I had been putting betamethasone on it which would clear it up but then would come back within a week if I quit using cream. Finally got insurance and was prescribed a po antibiotic and triamcinolone acetonide dental paste?? Even that seemed to help and antibiotics kept it gone for about 1-3 months but back. I'm 28. Ive quit using all products and even towels on face to no avail. I have had a hx of staph back in elementary that I'd dormant and get spring time for 3 years.
Avatar f tn What does skin atrophy look like? I used a steroid cream Triamcinolone on my face months back. I used it periodically over the course of 3 to 4 months. Now my facial skin looks almost scarred. I can't quite tell if it is permanent scarring or atrophy. Can a steroid cream produce scarring? Is this reversible? How long does it usually take to reverse?
Avatar f tn A few months back, I had a very bad reaction on my face to a skincare line. I was currently using triamcinolone for an existing exema condition in other areas of my body. I called the nurse at my dr's office and she suggested that I use the triamcinolone cream on my face to clear up the reaction. It worked and in the months passing as I tried to get my facial skin back to normal, I used the triamcinolone locally, on occasion if I had another outbreak on my face.
Avatar f tn I had eczema on my face for as long as i can remember, my doc perscribed triamcinolone acetonide ointment I have been using this for about 7 years and its the only thing that has worked, now when i try to lean away from it my face breaks out in all types of red burning inflamed hives what can i do to break my skin away from this ointment?
Avatar m tn , For over the past two weeks, I have had a flat, red rash that appears like a sunburn on my face and particulary the neck. When I am in the sun or heat, it increases in itchiness and burning. A few days before the rash started, I had finished my second five-day course of 750mg Amoxicillin for dental work. Also, a few days (3 or 4) before the rash started, I had a very brief (3 seconds or so) unprotected oral sex exposure of which I was the recipient (I am male, received from female).
Avatar f tn Hi. I've a question regarding my niece's skin problem. She is a 7-years old. She has developed red patches of skin on her cheek, chin and around nose. The affected area of her cheek is very dry. I brought her to a doctor who prescribed two creams, mezoderm(betamethasone) and gentamicin-akos which made things far worse. Then at the pharmacy I was advised to use ftorokart(also a cream with triamcinolone) for my niece's face.
Avatar f tn I get bad break outs my doctor said some pregnant people break out bad so he gave me Triamcinolone to put on everyday and it's not as bad as it use to be just ask your doctor
Avatar f tn Female with huge indentation face post kenalog injection supposedly into cyst on cheek. Cyst still there.. Totally unxpected outcome. What are my options now?
Avatar n tn My whole body itches. At first it started on my inner thighs. I would get these itchy round bruises...Then my lower abs and my growing area started itching. Wasn't getting any rashes or anything like that. Beside the bruises on my inner thighs. Now I have these little red bumpson my penis that itch like crazy. At times it seems like the skin on my penis is dried out. Maybe from all the scratching?. But now its my whole body that itches. Only place that doesn't itch is my face.
Avatar m tn Visual diagnosis 3 years ago as plaque psoriasis in the genital area and prescribed Triamcinolone cream 1%. When I felt itchy, I began using the cream immediately. Within a week to 2 weeks of using a small amount of the cream daily my skin healed. Unfortunately it would recur within about a month. Visited derm dr. recently and he diagnosed as herpes. I have not used the cream and have had a lot of pain and outbreak in the same 2 sites.
Avatar f tn I am sure you are aware of Keloid treatment. If not, then Triamcinolone 10–20 mg per ml intralesional; cryotherapy; silicone gel sheet; compression dressing; superficial orthovoltage, radiation therapy; surgical excision with postoperative interferon or imiquimod will help. Keep me informed if you have any queries. Bye.
Avatar f tn It has lasted for about 10 months and I take protopic and it seems to help and Triamcinolone works but as soon as I stop using them it comes back in just a couple days. I just want a cure for this because medications help but it just keeps coming back. As you can see, it is just a group of small bumps acne like, they are not painful and they just show up almost overnight and are somewhat bright red. They seem to stay under my mouth and chin area.
Avatar m tn They started on my hand and have now worked their way on my arms, legs, face, and scalp. I was told by a dermatologist that they were flat warts, but on a whim I just had one of the biopsied last week. The biopsy says the following: Dilated hair follicle with cystic change and features of epidermal inclusion cyst. Surrounding chronic inflammation is present. Atypia or features of malignancy are not identified.
Avatar n tn itching rash on face,chest,and back that looks like acne. i have been to dermotolgist and he said it was sensitive skin or allergic to uv rays. i have tried triamcinolone acetonide cream that the doctor prescribed and only helps alittle on itching. this has been going on for a year now. any suggestions?
Avatar m tn am a dark skin person, i have keloid scar on my face by the side-burn, i don't know if applying triamcinolone injection to the affected area is advisable. thank u!
Avatar m tn Decadron® (dexamethasone) 4 mg is not the therapeutic equivalent of Kenalog® (triamcinolone acetonide) 80 mg. Using the Lexi-Calc corticosteroid conversion formula, the ratio of the 2 would be close to 5:1. So it would take Decadron® (dexamethasone) 16 mg to be approximately the equivalent of Kenalog® (triamcinolone acetonide) 80 mg.
Avatar m tn My dermatologist will only give me 2 steriod triamcinolone shots a year. I am well aware of what the side effects are but I dont care. Do any of you doctors out there give more than 2 a year? The shot seems to only work for about 3 months than I have to wait and suffer since cream and oitments dont work anymore and have horrible cosmetic side effects. I am a healthy 21 year old mal and have had this for 5 years on my face. Never had it as a child and no one in my family history.
Avatar n tn The next day it crawled up to my entire face. Both my neck and face felt very hot and was itching something fierce. I went to my Internist who prescriped 2 creams. Voltaren Gel 1% is 1 of the creams and the other cream is Triamcinolone Acetonide 0.025% After using the creams for 1 1/2 days my neck and face is worse. The burning got worse and I have big round red blotches on my cheeks with scaling rough skin with patches. It still itches and I reuse to use the creams again.
Avatar f tn I'm 19 years old. I've had 3 ringworm outbreaks in less than a year, but I'm still not sure if it's ringworm. It always starts out with 1, 2, or 3 small red bumps. All the bumps have a white head and can be ruptured. If i scratch it or rupture the bumps by applying cream, it spreads. It is itchy, but only sometimes. But it never forms a circle. The bumps itself is in a circular form, but it is just a cluster of small raised bumps, not a ring with a clear center.
Avatar n tn I took my 2 year old to the dermatoligist due to the bumps, reddness and ruff texture on her arms and face. The doctor told me She had Keratosis Pilaris, and other than mild soaps, and lotions, she said there was nothing to really due. I've been bathing her in Ivory soap and using Cetaphil lotion. Her face looks better, but her arms and hands look worse, and her fingers and elbows look kind of spotted, from a distance they look like litte warts, but the skin isn't raised or anything.
Avatar n tn prescribed Fluocinonide cream usp 0.05 by TARO, I also have on hand Triamcinolone Acetonide cream usp 0.1. Are they interchangeable The rash is getting larger and itches as it grows.
Avatar f tn t, so I took the second pill. No results. Symptoms persisted. Then I was prescribed a topical nystatin-triamcinolone cream which hasn't been helping either. They took a sample from my vagina which they cultured and tested for fungus. The result was negative. Then I went to a gynecologist who told me my discharge was normal and that the itching is just irritation from everything I have been using.
Avatar n tn Hi, i have a dry red area on the head of my penis. I'm not circumcised. It has been like this for maybe 4mths and was probably caused by not using a condom. In the past i treated it with Canestan cream and it stopped it drying out but was occasionally itchy. It never quit so i saw a doctor who put me on some tablets (sorry don't have name) and i had to apply triamcinolone acetonide lotion twice a day after showering.