
Thumb pain trigger points

Common Questions and Answers about Thumb pain trigger points


Avatar m tn Trigger points are the worst. I found someone that was a medical massage therapist. It was almost life changing. Chronic issues that I had got much better. The massage wasn't your typical 'feel good' massage and in fact didn't feel all that great during the time. But they would release the trigger point if that makes sense. I haven't been able to afford one for a while now and miss it greatly.
Avatar m tn At this point, I’m considering whether the muscles and joints in my neck were injured in the accident, causing trigger points to form which have simply not be dealt with properly since that time. From what I’ve read, trigger points can certainly refer headache pain to the areas where I usually experience headaches. However, I am uncertain about the dizziness involved. My question is: Does anybody with trigger points in the neck also suffer with symptoms of dizziness or vertigo?
Avatar f tn TRP's or Trigger points are small thumb size lumps kind of like knots in the muscle and or myofascia. What you have sounds like a nerve ending acting up. This can happen when inflammation or TRP's affect a nerve area and cause inflammation in it. Sharp pain, itch and burning are common flair up symptoms.
Avatar n tn I injured my thumb right after Thanksgiving and was initially diagnosed with a sprain. The worst pain was at the joint farthest from my wrist. New Year's Eve I was diagnosed with trigger thumb and prescribed 8 physical therapy sessions. (The tendon at the base of the thumb is noticeably thick) I had little to no improvement after the PT (over a 4 week period) and sought a second opinion.
1830047 tn?1321667793 ve seen where people develope more trigger points and/or lose some old pain sites. However, has anyone else been experiencing an expansion of your trigger points? For example, originally on my left outer thigh I had trigger point just below hip level, then another formed just above knee (still outter leg), now I also have one on inside of thigh. The kicker is this... the spots were about the size of a fist at first but now it has spread to encompass almost the entire ouside of my upper leg.
Avatar n tn FYI, you can often get knots or trigger points in this area. When you next feel it, have someone press hard on the area with their thumb, if it increases the pain, then its a trigger point/muscle knot. Heat or ice are good remedies, then appropriate stretching etc. If you are riding hard on a bike, the body position alone is probably aggravating things. That said, if you are a woman, then it potentially can be a sign of chest pain felt atypically.
Avatar f tn Hope you feel better soon. I know those trigger points in the hips are awful to experience. Please take care of yourself.
Avatar f tn All of a sudden the piece of skin in between my thumb and finger has become stiff. I don't think it would be trigger finger but i might be wrong. It won't go either. What can I do? It's hard to stretch my thumb away from the hand and spread my fingers without it hurting.
Avatar f tn All of a sudden the piece of skin in between my thumb and finger has become stiff. I don't think it would be trigger finger but i might be wrong. It won't go either. What can I do? It's hard to stretch my thumb away from the hand and spread my fingers without it hurting.
358486 tn?1294776388 Anybody here have trigger thumb problems?? Mine swell & are very Painfull!! Very stiff in mornin's...somedays actually all day long on the worst one...and they bend & l;ock thru out the Hurts...feels like borken glass in my thumb joints! My other fingers swell a little & ache all the time but nothin' like my thumbs I have fibromyalgia, wonderin' if this is linked 2 it or possible RA?? Anybody with RA, I would Really like 2 find more about it...
Avatar n tn It is common for masseter trigger points to cause these symptoms, but it is also common for master trigger points to be set up by these symptoms. Especially when sinusitis or dental cavity pain has been slow to resolve, it is more likely that trigger points are created that sustain the symptoms after the medical or dental condition has been successfully treated.
534810 tn?1213327718 I have developed a trigger finger and dequervains tendonitis in bilateral wrist w/thumb pain. Had to go off med for a month and also have sites injected w/cortisone. Never had any of this before. Oncologist said she had seen trigger finger before no dequervains tendonitis? Wondering if anyone out there has had any of these side effects? And what do you think of this? I am miserable w/all this discomfort.
Avatar n tn Symptoms of trigger finger usually start without any injury. Symptoms may include the presence of a small lump, pain in the palm, swelling, and a catching or popping sensation in the finger or thumb joints. If symptoms are mild, resting the finger may be enough to resolve the problem. Over-the-counter pain medications can be used to relieve the pain. Splints are sometimes used to rest the finger. A physician may choose to inject a corticosteroid.
Avatar m tn Since you have chest pain due to certain movements, what you have is probably Scalene Myofascial Pain Syndrome. When scalene muscle is the cause of pain, the pain is referred to (either all or a combination of) chest, inner lining of scapula (shoulder bone), shoulder, posterior and lateral sides of the arm right up to the thumb and index finger.
Avatar n tn Trigger finger, or trigger thumb, is a type of stenosing tenosynovitis in which the sheath around a tendon in a thumb or finger becomes swollen, or a nodule forms on the tendon. Injection of the tendon sheath with a corticosteroid is effective over weeks to months in more than half of patients but surgical correction is required in some cases as yours, the problem is predictably resolved by a relatively simple surgical procedure (usually outpatient, under local anesthesia).
Avatar f tn m curious if others suffer from what seems like a muscle knots in the shoulder blade area. Since I became ill with Lyme, I have noticed trigger points in my back that send weird sensations down my arms. It almost feels like an electrical like sensation that drives me crazy. I have tried going to a chiropractor and am currently trying some physical therapy with massage. Nothing seems to really help.
1477025 tn?1377468141 I would suggest that you consider finding an osteopathic doctor rather than a regular medical doctor. I also have myofascial pain and it has been taken very seriously by osteopaths I've seen.
1714202 tn?1352672419 trigger point injection is done to treat painful areas of muscle that contain that contain trigger points or muscle knots that form when muscles don’t relax. Trigger points may irritate nerves around them and cause referred pain or pain in another part of the body. The injection contains a local anesthetic and corticosteroid. It is expected that after these injections pain should decrease and not be aggravated.
Avatar n tn Saw a trained urogyecologist, because I was convinced I had some sort of prolapse causing this pain. Nothing is wrong, but the conclusion is I have some muscle trigger points - which is like having a charlie horse in your vagina. Mine was so bad I was put on percription pain meds, until I can get into physical therapy in June. From what I understand they should be able to break them up and offer me some relief. If not, then there is a injection they can do into the muscle that might work.
Avatar f tn The other possibility is Scalene Myofascial Pain Syndrome. When scalene muscle is the cause of pain, the pain is referred from neck to (either all or a combination of) chest, inner lining of scapula (shoulder bone), shoulder, posterior and lateral sides of the arm right up to the thumb and index finger. Treatment is by physiotherapy that involves indentifying the trigger points, and massaging them, and other exercises to relieve the muscle tension.
Avatar f tn Trigger point injections by a physiatrist may be a great benefit to you as trigger points are the main cause of myofascial pain syndrome (aka severe muscular pain). I also have myofascial pain syndrome. I find that along with a muscle relaxer and antidepressant, Theracane therapy helps tremendously. A Theracane is used to apply deep pressure on the trigger points. Repeated frequent use reduces the pain signals released by the trigger points.
Avatar n tn oops I see that you said thumb now! Silly me I kept thinking knee! Either way it could be arthritis or purhaphs a old sports injury?
1805333 tn?1316127325 Treatment is by physiotherapy that involves indentifying the trigger points, and massaging them, and other exercises to relieve the muscle tension. Other than this it can be due to pinched nerves. Paresthesias or abnormal sensations like tingling or numbness also can be due to diabetes, thyroid disorders, Lyme's or lupus should also be ruled out. Please consult your PCP for primary examination followed by proper referral. Take care!
1531375 tn?1294812585 search for someone who knows how to threat trigger points. Or you can buy a book called trigger point therapy, or maybe download if you find it on the internet (try gigapedia.
611964 tn?1223767720 Yes it can. I had the same problem and recently had surgery. I had pain in the buttock, out knee and heel.....sometime it would radiate down the leg through the hamstring. When you say "trigger points do you mean pain?