
The break up quotes gary on the kick drum

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Avatar n tn So cudnt blame them if they get mad if I was u I wud tell him he has a kid on the way nd needs to step up nd do wht a man is supose to do sorry if that sounds harsh I just cudnt imagine bn married to a 25yr old who lives w his parents still
1530342 tn?1405016490 Not sure what the sentencing is like in the US, but here is amounts to a slap on the wrist. So the justice system keeps putting women and children (especially children) at risk, over and over again, and how much science is there to prove these guys can NOT be rehabilitated. That being said, you should not be labeled a sex offender for things like statutory rape if you were just a teen yourself.
Avatar f tn there on the flat stone,on which we so often have sat to weep and pray ,we look down and see it covered with the fossil footprints of great birds and the beautiful skeleton of a fish,we have so often tried to picture in our mind what the fossilized remains of creatures must be like,and all the time we sat on them,
689528 tn?1364135841 re laying on your side with your knees up he will be more able to kick hard so if you lay on your side and keep your legs straight and even have your arms up a little bit it will open you up more so he has more room to kick and stretch.
Avatar m tn So my guess with the fluid is maybe inflamation in the ear canal or the ear drum itself. I also have had sinus problems the last couple of weeks so I took a loratadine last night and it seemed to help a little bit, so maybe its also coming from pressure in the sinuses. Im also assuming that my ear is hurt so this is the way its healing itself is by draining? But i know pressure from sinuses effect the ears also. For my entire life I have had ear problems and I am 38 now.
Avatar f tn I have been broken up with him for a month and a half and although Im happy I left him, I cant help but stare at the phone in case he left a message. We've broken up several times before and well he pursued me and I guess I was flattered and felt huh he really is a romantic and oh hes really trying. He would do some really sweet things.. And I guess a part of me still wants to go on believing in posibitlities, I used to love the idea we were highschool sweet hearts.
1483925 tn?1287895853 Most of the physical symptoms (flu like symptoms) will be over in 4-6 days and then the mental kicks in and there is no telling how long that will last. Check out the thomas recipe on the health pages on the top right of this page to help ease some of your WD's, and most importantly plan on some aftercare....N/A, AA, or some drug and alcohol counseling. Keep in mind that it WILL end, when I was WD'ing knowing that it would end kept me going.
Avatar f tn He said I was stupid if I broke up with him if his parents kick him out..there the only ones that help us and he dosnt care if they make him leave. Am I stupid for sayinq ill leave him for that?
Avatar n tn he has stayed low the whole time im goin on 35 wks...with my other pregnacies they refused to stay out of my ribs.
Avatar m tn The Twelve Weeks Of Treatment… On the first week of treatment my Interferon gave to (high pitch) Meeeee! One raging headache, One slight up set stomach and the sweats by the end of the Weeeek… feel free to add to it.
1483925 tn?1287895853 Oh I knew that's what you meant on the immodium ... he asked when he should start taking everything and after I suggested he go ahead and start taking the vitamins I thought I'd clarify on the immodium. (Although Gary seems smart enough to figure it out on his own) I just didn't want him to get the wrong idea. I thought all the advice you gave to Gary was great. :) Gary ... what a turn around in your attitude. I think this is wonderful.
Avatar n tn I saw a you tube video on raw food and another on high protein I have combined the two and I am on a 50/50 between raw and protein. It has been a week and I am gradually developing a bg average of about 140. I was a heavy coffee drinker and have switched to decaf. Caffeine was the major reason my readings were all over the place, it would go up 40 to 90 points. Maybe this helps you but today my average is 125.
Avatar m tn ive drained our bank accounts and my woman emotionally to the point of severe frustration.ill die and or lose my woman if i dont soon get planning on kicking at home this time.any suggestions?
Avatar f tn Before we were on the Suboxone, we we on up to 60mg mg of Percocet a day. It got way too expensive and we have slowly been losing everything. Thanks for your response.
Avatar n tn i am a type 1 diabetic for 16 yrs now. my left ankle tends to swell up on me. they it has to due to the circulation in your legs. do you have neuropathy? i have neuropathy in my legs and feet and the doctors said that is why my ankle swells up at times, but you can't do anything about it really because it is a complication to diabetes.
1710121 tn?1326476935 The stress that is upon us during pregnancy can be unberable. I know it, I have the worse thoughts sometimes but then the sun comes out, my babies kick me and everything seems ok. Please see a doctor no matter what decision you make, for your own sake and for the sake of the kids that you are already a mommy to. I'm happy to hear you are not considering abortion, as simple as it sounds it has such an impact on a woman's life that some can't EVER get over it.
Avatar n tn I'm just coming off of a Cold turkey stop after a 3 year, every day run on percoset, due to 8 knee surgeries during that time. It was pure hell for 5 days,with severe dysentary,anxiety/sking crawling feeling in my stomach 24/7, no sleep for 3 straight days,and very little sleep for 5,runny nose,tearing eyes,sneezing uncontrolably at times,and a constant pain throughout my body.Today is day 6,and I'm starting to feel "human" again.
1415482 tn?1459702714 I think you should post this with the link on some other forums also, whichever ones interest you. Drum up some business! Good luck with the group!!
Avatar f tn t confident that everything was okay so took it upon myself to go to a cardiologist who ordered a 2 week monitor, did an EKG right there in the office, and set me up for an echo and stress test. This is YOUR life and obviously the worry is eating up at you and probably making your symptoms worse. If it comes back all is fine you will feel much much better. If there is a problem you can get it treated. DEFINITELY find someone else and tell him your symptoms.
Avatar f tn He was sticking the instrament(sp) that looks inside the ears, and the ear drum was sooooo swollen it popped. So I had blood and puss running out of my ear for a while, until he flushed it out, so im now completely but temporarily deaf in my right ear lol. So that was my adventure for today, im going to go take my zithromax, sit on the couch, and feel loopy lol.
Avatar n tn I always find myself worrying that someone is going to break in, or that they are going to get sick. Then, the more I try to forget about it, and tell myself not to worry, the more that these crazy fears keep poppiing into my head. I also have bad nightmares. If its not fear for my kids, its fear of the end of the world, or that I am going to get into a car crash. I just dont know if this is normal, or what!
Avatar f tn At 30wks I'm putting the finishing touches on the plans for the baby's room. I chose a cosmos theme, you know stars, galaxies, solar systems. It bothered me that I couldn't find a pre-made set for a little girl but no matter I have very talented friends. We've made everything ourselves.My bf is going to paint quotes from Einstein, Sagan, Degrass-Tyson, and myself on her walls. I was wondering, for a happier tone how are you mommies decorating your little bundle's space?
144586 tn?1284666164 To make a long story short, I wandered up the pathway, admired the garden, and found the front door to be unlocked. I went in, and headed up the stairway of the multi-million dollar house and proceeded to use the facilities. Halfway through my "project", the door to the bathroom opened and a naked blond appeared and screamed at the top of her lungs! She was apparently going to take a shower.
562884 tn?1279632334 My DH was getting very impaitient as well, but about 2 weeks ago he could start to feel her kick on the outside. It was really an amazing bonding expirience for both of us and i hope it is the same for you when he finally gets to feel her!!!