
Synthroid menopause

Common Questions and Answers about Synthroid menopause


Avatar m tn Recently been diagnosed with a 5mm nodule on my gland and hypothyroid.Having issues with unexplained weight gain etc.Being more of a supplement person instead of meds I am concerned about starting Synthroid. I've done alot ofresearch and it's gets been more confusing as to whether armour is better or not.Seems like you need to be a guinea pig to see which works better-Can anyone advise me on their experiences on both/either.
Avatar n tn That is a major complaint of some women experiencing peri-menopause and menopause. FSH levels are different from the estrogen but it all ties in together. Perhaps you could discuss with your physician about having female hormone levels drawn. Female hormones can affect your thyroid function too, but from the numbers you gave your levels are ok for now. I think you are in menopause vs peri-menopause.
1033165 tn?1309435416 s likely that you are going through the hot flushes etc. but, may not be in actual menopause. We can start getting the symptoms of menopause years before the actual onset of it. Menopause is a process that goes through many years. We mark it by the cessation of periods for 12 months or more but, the symptoms can be years before and for a couple of years later as well. As for osteoporosis, is there a history of it your family?
Avatar n tn Also, did you know that many drugs and vitamins can lessen the effect of your Synthroid if taken within four hours after taking Synthroid? Check with your doctor on this.
Avatar n tn I am on .50 mg synthroid for the last 5 years. Prior to that, no meds for several years, and before that, PTU for hyperthroidism. In past 6 months, I am having hot flushes and wondering if it is menopause (I'll be 50 this year) or if I need to reduce my synthroid dosage. Am getting blood test this week to check TSH level. I also feel confused, like cotton is in my head, and am having difficulty remembering anything and I am slow to get things done.
Avatar f tn I had a bout of hyperthryoidism at 23, which eventually resolved itself without surgery or radiation, but because of this history, I diligently checked my TSH it each and each year it was normal until I hit menopause at 51. Once I hit menopause, my TSH soared to 6.61 (though T3 and T4 remained in normal range) and I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's. Is it just a big fat coincidence that the minute I hit menopause, my TSH suddenly goes haywire?
Avatar f tn You probably have the onset of osteoarthritis which usually is first noticed in the hip, especially when lying on it in bed.
Avatar f tn I am currently taking 137mcg of Synthroid, but notice some symptoms of Hypothyrodism. My blood work, according to my doctor is perfect T3, Free 381 T4, Free 1.6, TSH 3rd generation 0.12 (indicates hyper). He wants me to stay on the same dose. I am wondering if combining Synthroid with a T3 supplement (cytomel???) would help eliminate some of the hypothyroid symptoms I am having? I am only 49 and in menopause; hot flashes, sweating and can't lose weight.
1178465 tn?1264081415 Funny how yours started about 2 months after you began meds and mine too, began 3 months after. I honestly don't think it's peri-menopause, although I am 49. Before starting Synthroid, my THS was 1.0, now it is 0.02. My T4 was 7.0, now it is 10.72. The doctor seemed to think thse were good levels for my situation, to supress what caused the goiter.
Avatar f tn t helping so he sent me to a endocrinologist who also raised my Synthroid to where I was on 325 mcg of Synthroid and I was still no well I walk off my career I had been at for 12 years and had planned on retiring from. I decided I had to help myself and I found a acupuncturist that was able to help me I now take .
491352 tn?1258807095 Just had my semi annual blood work done for my Synthroid refill and received these results. Referenced range for TSH Is .350 - 5.00, FT4 standard range is .8 - 1.5. Currently on 650 mug of Synthroid per week. Dr says no changes are needed. I have been on Synthroid for several years following a lobectomy due to a nodule and have been relatively stable on my meds for many years. I have been experiencing some additional symptoms which I attribute to menopause and some not.
Avatar n tn Hi. My thyroid was totally removed 2 years ago. I am on synthroid 175 mg . I am now going through menopause and having a hard time. Is there anything I can do or take? I gain a lot weight before surgery do to the thyroid. The drs keep telling me to lose the weight and I will be fine. But I have been trying to lose the weight and nothing seems to work. It is so frustrating. I have weighed the same for the last 2 1/2 years.
Avatar f tn Yes have already gone through menopause and have been on Synthroid for many years. I have a check up coming soon with the Endrocrinologit. Will be talking to hime about this.
Avatar f tn I feel too much of a difference with the additional T3 and do not want to go back to only taking Synthroid. I tried cutting back the Synthroid as recommended by the endocrinologist I was seeing. She refused to believe that it was the Cytomel, and just kept insisting I was hyperthyroid. My T3 and T4 continued to drop, but she said that "only the TSH counts"!
Avatar m tn During the peri-menopausal years (the 10 to 15 years before menopause) and menopause (menopause means one year with no periods), it is common for women to suffer a multitude of hormonal complaints. Hot flashes, night sweats and sleep disturbances are common complaints during this time in a woman's life. Most would think these symptoms are associated with a decline in estrogen, but they are also hallmark symptoms of low thyroid, especially night sweats and insomnia.
Avatar n tn I am 59 years old, have had hypothyroidism since I was 12. Have taken Synthroid for 30 years. Had a very visible goiter my entire life until AFTER MENOPAUSE! My doctor also says no correlation between menopause and goiter going away. All I know is it is gone. I still have to take 75 MG of Synthroid, but goiter is gone. Obviously more studies of this needs to be done.
519035 tn?1348275773 Hi There, I have been on synthroid for 7-8 weeks. 100 synthroid, before taking synthroid my periods were always the same time every month. Very painful and heavy but what I considered normal. Was supposed to start on the 10th of this month and have been spotting since the 8th. It is driving me crazy! Find out the results of a pelvic ultrasound tomorrow. I haven't had the side effect of the warm face, I am hot all the time though. Hope you find out what is going on.
1273125 tn?1365077526 s last period would be/indicating when she reached menopause. That would be great, no? Since you are close to menopause, have you had a dexa scan? If your vit D is low, might want to work that in at some point.
Avatar f tn 75 (on .50) if it is Hashi returing symptoms or peri-menopause or reaction to the synthroid itself....having a lot of same symptoms (headache, chills then hot flashes, fatigue, dry skin, tired an napping at 2pm) as before I was diagnosed, just not as quite as bad.
Avatar n tn I am going thru menopause (pre menopause) Last period July 09 FSH - 80.4 LH 40.6 My GP who had finally started to work with me left the area in Oct 09. So I am now trying to find a GP who will listen to me and will run the proper thyroid test. 7/09 My last endo appointment Labs TSH 3.68 (0.47 - 5.01) FT4 0.93 (0.71-1.85) .75 mcg Synthroid. Told him I felt awful told me labs in range I will not see you for 6 months. Symptoms are not thyroid.
Avatar f tn m 41) and have no other symptoms of menopause. 3 weeks ago I had an increase in my synthroid. Could I maybe be going hyper? I do not feel well. I feel like I'm aware of my heart beating. I'm angry, shaky, dry mouth, etc. Going in on thursday for blood work but I'm wondering what could be going on. I don't do night sweats, it doesn't work for me!
Avatar f tn I got my complete thyroid removed and I am taking synthroid for hormone replacement but i haven't had my menstral cycle in seven years. does this mean i'm in menopause and cannot get pregnant.
Avatar f tn If you have overgrowth of endometrial tissue, that will have more to do with your odd menstrual issues than the synthroid, The Medroxyprogesterone is not a double whammy with the synthroid because synthroid is a thyroid hormone and progesterone is reproductive hormone - while all hormones must work together in the body, they each have a different function. Typically, side effects from Synthroid only last until your body has adjusted to having the hormones it's been doing without.
Avatar f tn It could be thyroid related. I had a similar experience 2 weeks ago with most of the same symptoms (see my journal) I was diagnosed at the ER with anxiety and given a pill & sent home. I talked to my endo , & he reduced my synthroid (levothyroxine) he said it may have been too high. . .I was nervous so I also saw a cardiologist and had a few tests run. . .luckily everything came back fine so I'm assuming it was either anxiety, the synthroid dose or a combination of the two.
Avatar f tn Oooh I never thought about that, my last panel of blood work showed that I was low. Thanks so much, glad to hear it's that, I don't want to change my meds again!
599170 tn?1300973893 Im on hrt but only newly Ive heard no female hormones can increase hypo-thyroid any thoughts or anyone noticing the same would be appreciated Im taking synthroid .
Avatar n tn Hi I have thyroid problems, I take synthroid 0.112mg every day one day a week I take two. My problem is that I do nothing else but sweat whole body sweat. When sitting down is not so bad. But if I move or do anything my whole body sweats it's dripping down my back down my face my hair soaked and wet. And I am wondering if that could be my thyroid my whole body is just beaming from heat. Does the thyroid regulate heat of the body.
Avatar f tn Well, I don't know! You'd think that would be hard to miss... I'm sorry. I shouldn't make light of it. I know my wife would have preferred to miss out on her menopause. Maybe the menopause and the thyroid are related? You women are complicated. Maybe you're going through menopause now? It's just really odd that your TSH would be 31.0 and your Free T4 and Free T3 would be midrange. They should be low. I'd want a re-test with a few others thrown in.
Avatar f tn first hyper, then slightly hypo, return to normal within a year except the bout last year which has left me slightly hypo (TSH usually around 3.0 and TT4 around 4.5). Each SAT occurance, my iodine uptake was initially zero and TPO and thyroglobulin antibodies negative. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis 2 years ago with Dexascan results having Z-scores slightly below -2.5. Recently I have been experiencing vague symptoms (fatigue, dry skin and hair, brain fog, etc.