
Symptoms of diabetes type i

Common Questions and Answers about Symptoms of diabetes type i


Avatar f tn What are the symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes? I have a child who is extremely tired and thirsty all the time. Should I have him checked for diabetes?
158939 tn?1274915197 TYPE 1 will land your behind in a hospital bed for a week with acute diabetic ketoacidosis. You must have insulin to survive. Everything else (diet, exercise, etc, etc, etc) can help, but without insulin you will not get any nourishment and you will die. this renders diet useless. and have you ever tried to exercise with no energy? i have no idea about type 2 except that it is the more forgiving form of diabetes (i didn't say easy, just not as scary).
Avatar n tn I believe hair loss is a classic symptom of hypothyroidism. In addition, I lost a lot of weight but because I stopped eating very much. I guess normally you gain weight when you're hypo b/c you eat just as much & your body slows down. However, I'm no doctor.
Avatar n tn What are the symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes? I have a child who is extremely tired and thirsty all the time. Should I have him checked for diabetes?
Avatar n tn I too am a volunteer. I have had Type I diabetes for 25 years. First off, you should give yourself credit-you sound like you are taking the right steps with doctors and the testing your daughter is getting and will be getting soon. I had Graves disease and was allergic to the medications, so I had to have my thyroid removed. The thyroid is part of the autoimmune system as well, which it sounds as if you already know that, by the tests your daughter gets.
Avatar n tn To be more specific: a couple of weeks ago, I went to have my blood sugar tested because I feared that I might have type 2 diabetes. The night before, I ate an apple and steak and the next day all I had to eat was a couple of crackers and water. The entire day I was urinating constantly and was extremely thirsty, but when they took my blood sugar I believe it was at 67.
Avatar f tn Thank you for your help. I just took a diabetes symptom quiz and I do seem to have a lot of the symptoms. The thing is that my blood sugar has always been in the normal range. I took a type 2 diabetes risk quiz and got a score of 0 (very low risk), so I'm guessing I'm more likely to have type 1? But type 1 usually starts before age 20 doesn't it? Unfortunately, getting labs done could take a while...
Avatar n tn im worried i might have type 2 diabetes as i have rapidly decreasing eyesight - every time i go for my six month eyetest i have to have new glasses/contacts as my eyesight has decreased (im seeing a specialist aswell about this), i have started needing to urinate quite alot and most nights have to get out of bed even though this never used to be a problem. mostly though if i dont snack every say 2 hours i start to feel weak, sick and cant concerntrate. do you think i should be tested?
Avatar m tn My google search indicated Diabetes or MS. I have recently tested negative for Diabetes. I was hoping these issues were down to weight gain or trapped nerves but with problems in both arms and legs i guess that is unlikely.
Avatar f tn As a Type 1 diabetic for many years, I would say your symptoms do not sound like diabetes. If your doctor tested your urine for other things, did they check it for glucose levels (I would assume they did and found no abnormal reading). It sounds more like an overactive bladder problem, possibly due to an infection, but you should talk to your doctor about it to acquire a diagnosis and treatment - and particularly if the symptoms persist.
Avatar f tn I drink lots of water,but that's generally to keep myself hydrated. I'm going to get everything tested at the doctors,but i've always thought it could of been a possibility. What were the signs you had?
Avatar n tn The frequent urination comes from the body tryting tto digest the nbodies fat cell for energy since you are not using insulin to digest injested food, thus the weight loss. You may also notice excessive thirst and fatigue. These are symptoms of type one dibetes which doesn't have as much of a family history ar type two. Type two used to be called adult onset and type one juvenile.
Avatar f tn So I am a HUGE hypochondriac and recently I have been super worried that I may have type 2 diabetes. I am a 20 year old female I am 5'4'' and weigh about 210lbs. I know I am severely overweight but have been working out and eating better. The only real symptoms I have that are slightly concerning are wounds don't heal very quickly. I'm not sure if this is just something I am hyperaware about or if it could be a real issue.
Avatar n tn First of all Type 2 diabetes does run in the family. I had gestational diabetes in two of my pregnancies. Lately but not everysingle day however more often now I am continuously feeling nausiated, at times a headache or mild diziness with it. At times I go to the toilet feeling as if I am going to vomit (but I dont). I am absolutely not pregnant (I had a tubal ligation). there are times when I get shaky or irritable or feel a head rush without food. I am 5'4" inches tall.
544772 tn?1321285209 Hi. I've had Type I Diabetes for over 37 years now - I was around 3 when i came down with it. My question is for other long term Diabetics. I've noticed over the years that my hypoglycemic reaction symptoms have changed - generally dramatically - at stages of my life. When I was young, I hallucinated. The next incarnation was paralysis of all muscle groups including vocal - I figured it was my body's way of shutting down unnecessary parts in order to keep working.
Avatar n tn that diabetes may go from type II to type I meaning that in time even though at first your pancreas was producing insuline this "production " stops at one time. Is this true ?
Avatar n tn your lucky your headache goes away with advil if you do have diabetes, Im a Type 2 Diabetic, when i was diagnosed i was drinking pry about 2 gallons of water a day and i was still thirsty, and because of that i was going to the bathroom every 2 hours sometimes every hour.
Avatar n tn It is, however, important to know that eating does not cause Type I or Insulin Dependent Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes is often caused by obesity and overeating to the point that the body becomes unable to produce enough insulin to cover the food being eaten. In those situations, losing weight and exercising can often eliminate the diabetes. Oral medications are given to increase the production of insulin or to increase the bodies ability to absorb and utilize the insulin.
Avatar f tn I have type 2 diabetes and have for 11 yrs, I thought I had diabetes for a while before I was actually diagnosed and not knowing enough, did not press my doctors reasoning for not thinking my higher blood sugar readings were not significant enough. He did not do a Hemoglobin A1c test. Just a blood glucose which was showing high blood sugar readings for some time,and he for whatever reason didnt think it signficant enough.
Avatar n tn She also seems hungry all the time.Could she possibly be developing type 2 diabetes? Do the symptoms of diabetes fluctuate at the onset accounting for the on/off of her symptoms?Could water retention from the extra fluids account for the rapid weight gain?She is 52 pounds and approx. 41 inches tall,breastfed until 14 months of age. Is it even possible at her age to get type 2?I assumed it couldn't be type 1 because of weight gain rather than loss.
647391 tn?1275016633 My fasting blood sugar from a 12 hour fast was 101 and I had AC1 of 6.2%. I see numbers way higher then what I have and yet I have begun Diabetic education with daily monitoring of my blood sugar. Back in 95/96 I was pregnant with Twins and ended up with Gestational diabetes, which was controlled with diet. What do you think?