Stress relief episode

Common Questions and Answers about Stress relief episode


Avatar f tn m now 32+3 weeks and been so stressed because his dad promised to send some money for groceries for him ( he is on their food stamps and gets 674 dollars in disability) well no money has come and we have had to spend so much money on him and skipped two major bills this month to get extra groceries and make sure he had a good birthday. Well today my hubby text me and said his check was almost 300 dollars extra for money his job has owed him since last year!!!
Avatar m tn Im 16 weeks pregnant. My stress is at an all time now between work, school, family issues and trying to make sure my baby's okay. I just need some stress relief techniques i've tried walking, talking to friends but none of its working it just leads to me feeling depressed for some time. Mind you i've picked up on my bad habit of smoking cigarettes but not a whole cig or not that often but it makes me feel like crap so I need something else beside the just breathe technique.
4268628 tn?1375041176 So I am 17 weeks now and feeling g physically ill due to stress. Any ideas for stress relief? Most of my go to activities aren't working. Between a creep video taping my daughter (who's 2) while at my in laws and my fil telling me I'm blowing things out of proportion, my husband reverting to whatever his dad says is law, and being the mean evil board member Sharing with 50 members their dues are increasing 3Xs what they're used to.....I'm sick and cramping.
Avatar f tn I agree with Jaquta, it will be interesting to read the expert's response... where is that fellow.... But seriously, I would have to say that the answer to your question depends on whether or not there is any evidence of mood cycling before this. Your family member might want to read up about cyclothymia and hypomania which are milder forms of mood cycling. If you have access to a library I like the book "Why Am I Still Depressed?
Avatar f tn Mix half cup chilled milk with half cup of water..drink it slowly..not in one may get relief within 30 mins..
Avatar f tn What kind of negative effect can stress have on the baby im 15w and extremely stressed. I had gotten a dui before i found out i was preg. I will be losing my license which is my everything. I.don't have much family around i have a 6 yr old that has to be taken and picked up everyday from school I'm also bipolar so all my doc appts.
Avatar m tn I was working last Thursday, hurt my finger and fainted. My HR was 37 right after episode (using a pulseox). I was taken to the hospital and they ran a battery of tests, keeping me overnight. My average RHR was between 46-55. I am very athletic, working out most days of the week for an hour. My stress test was normal, BP was normal, my echo was normal. The doctors deduced the incident to vasovagal episode, although I am not convinced. I have had several injuries and never fainted.
Avatar f tn I found out I am pregnant again and am 6wks 5days. I am terrified. Any tips on how to reduce anxiety and stress due to my last experience?
Avatar f tn Most people will need to get the AF ablation eventually just so they can exercise and get stress relief and get their life back. Heart failure is not a concern since you are paroxysmal and you have only minor issues with valves and no ischemic disease. If there were major leakage, your ejection fraction would be lower and your measurements are normal.
Avatar n tn So probably best to find a few ways of coping when you start feeling a stress episode coming on.
Avatar f tn Hey our situation is solo much alike except I'm 19 and 20 weeks and also a ftm...what I do is find something I like doing like writing poems and stories and explain to my family and fiance I just want to be alone for a moment and that's what I do I am to myself and doing what I love stress is never good for you or the baby...
Avatar f tn I feel your pain on not telling family members. I used to have a hard time telling my Dad because hes a Catholic, Id cook a huge steak dinner each time. But Id feel better afterward. Im also a total "daddys girl" lol so that may have helped. Anyway! Jumping off the soapbox, I agree that you should tell your family hun.
Avatar f tn Wow, okay, I cannot stress enough how important checking your blood is. Diabetes really 5ucks big time, but in the end, it's your health, and if she continues on this way there's going to be serious consequences. If your blood sugar is really high like that, it can show itself in different ways. You can be really really fatigued like the first time, or get really emotional and flip out like the second time, or both. I really hope she finds help.
Avatar f tn Some small progress. Unfortunately I had a bad mammogram for my GM breast and tomorrow I am having core biopsies for malignancy. Also having a lot of breast pain, of course I am concerned that the biopsies alone will cause GM...or that I do in fact have cancer now. Just constant stress with this, as most of you sorely know. We need to get some more exposure and advancement in research and care. We all deserve it.
Avatar m tn I have A Fib and I could not do the stress test with the treadmill so the doctor wants to give me an injection (dobuytamine hcl/250 and sestamibi(2) in order to race my heart to get it up to a certain speed and I am concerned since I have the A. Fib and take medication for it (Diltazam). Is it dangerous for me to have the test??
1529159 tn?1295032800 i am so stress right now and all my body wanna do is sleep how can i break out of this cycle
Avatar f tn I've had similar episodes, all caused by self-created stress, exacerbated by my smoking and caffeine intake. Do you have a Primary Care Physician? If not, get one and start to see them on a regular basis. ER's can/will do nothing to offer relief or diagnosis for an Anxiety/Panic disorder (trust me, I know) and the only way to really determine a diagnosis is to track you symptoms, diet, exercise and stress levels on a daily basis, and providing your PCP with this data.
Avatar f tn I was wondering if anyone out there has had a positive exercise stress test and a negative stress echo test. My cardiologist said since my stress echo was negative there is a low probability of me having heart disease. I have been have chest pain with left arm and jaw discomfort on and off for 1 1/2 weeks. I am a non smoker, no high blood pressures, no diabetes, and good cholesterol. I am a 43 year old female. My father had his first heart attack at 50 and died at 60 so I have a family history.
1208118 tn?1265877425 Hi, I often have an episode of concern. The symptoms start with my whole body experianicing a cold sweat, but not actually sweating. Then I become very weak and light headed. Finally, My whole body starts to shake with a slight feeling of numbness. The episode reminds me a little like having gas at the dentist before passing out. I cannot function at all and it feels as though I'm fighting to remain conscious.
Avatar f tn Hi I'm a 21yr male I had a strange weird episode see if anyone has had this please somone let me know.
Avatar f tn Gastro says my stress is in my intestines and i c can feel pain quicker than most. I can feel my entire intestinal trace moving and spasing. At times it would put my in the fetal position it was dibilitaeing. this is my idea of what happens.. after eating approx 20 mins i can feel it goe from my stomach into the intestine where something immediately goes wrong. spasms and gas buildup causes pressure on something causing my legs to go numb and painful alternating.
Avatar n tn nil symptomatic relief from any standard meds for the nausea, although I notice it less with alprazolam. I had an identical episode of pain like this in 2003 which appeared to resolve itself after about 9 months, and similar nausea 9 months ago which responded to amitriptylene 10mg, but now even 50mg cannot give me relief. I do have known severe GERD and barrett's esophagus for several years. appendix out 2003 with no relief.