
Stress relief strategies

Common Questions and Answers about Stress relief strategies


Avatar f tn m now 32+3 weeks and been so stressed because his dad promised to send some money for groceries for him ( he is on their food stamps and gets 674 dollars in disability) well no money has come and we have had to spend so much money on him and skipped two major bills this month to get extra groceries and make sure he had a good birthday. Well today my hubby text me and said his check was almost 300 dollars extra for money his job has owed him since last year!!!
Avatar m tn Im 16 weeks pregnant. My stress is at an all time now between work, school, family issues and trying to make sure my baby's okay. I just need some stress relief techniques i've tried walking, talking to friends but none of its working it just leads to me feeling depressed for some time. Mind you i've picked up on my bad habit of smoking cigarettes but not a whole cig or not that often but it makes me feel like crap so I need something else beside the just breathe technique.
4268628 tn?1375041176 So I am 17 weeks now and feeling g physically ill due to stress. Any ideas for stress relief? Most of my go to activities aren't working. Between a creep video taping my daughter (who's 2) while at my in laws and my fil telling me I'm blowing things out of proportion, my husband reverting to whatever his dad says is law, and being the mean evil board member Sharing with 50 members their dues are increasing 3Xs what they're used to.....I'm sick and cramping.
Avatar f tn Also needless worry over any medical condition only causes stress and hurts us. I use meditation to keep calmer. I am now facing bigger stakes with a bad cancer on top of MS. I learned that most bad things for me are in the future. Michael J. Foxx says worrying makes you live through the bad moments twice. A friend said nothing she ever worries about ever happen other things do but not what she worries about. It is the dread I build into things.
Avatar m tn There are a number of herbal formulas marketed towards reducing stress. Rescue Remedy and Executive Stress are two that come to mind. Other basic things that can help anxiety are: exercise, reducing caffeine intake and being vigilant about meds as some can actually increase anxiety. There are tonnes more strategies but you need to find what works best for you. It's possible you may need to make lifestyle changes.
7801868 tn?1395885718 And im most likely getting induced before my due date. What would be the most effective pain relief or what worked best for you? Im going to go in there not wanting to take anything but if i gotta, i will. Jusg want all those moms opinions :) this is my first baby and im not sure what to expect!
Avatar n tn I wouldn't worry. I've been diagnosed with the same thing. I've had headaches constantly for the last 7 years or so (everyday). I've seen a doctor and he has put me on Inderal. It's blood pressure tablets and it works wonders. Go ask your doctor about it. I've also been advised by nurses that magnesium (the vitamin) tablets works well too. Pins and needles is something I've never experienced but if your doctor isn't worried, don't stress.
Avatar n tn When my own son was going through these years, it was recommended to me to engage him in physical activities just because the physical exertion helps even out the hormones in his body for a brief time and therefore helps him find some relief from the pent-up emotions that the increased testosterone levels can cause. Not a bad idea. While I cannot recommend books or websites, I can recommend picking your battles carefully for the next few years so as to keep the communications open.
Avatar f tn I had just finished a 5 day course of intravenous steroids followed by a 12 day course of oral prednisone and was starting to see improvements in my bilateral blurry vision when I had a second flare-up and I lost nearly all my sight in both eyes. I am wondering if anyone has some emotional as well as visual coping strategies they could suggest?
Avatar f tn Sometimes antidepressants may be needed. Stress management strategies, such as exercise, relaxation, and biofeedback may also help to reduce or prevent tension headaches.
Avatar f tn I found out I am pregnant again and am 6wks 5days. I am terrified. Any tips on how to reduce anxiety and stress due to my last experience?
Avatar n tn It is indeed a complex process and several disease states from seborrheic dermatitis, cardiovascular disease, stroke to certain cases of cancers arise secondary to stress. Stress appears to be relevant to the medical community as medicine begins to evolve and molecular and genetic factors come into play.Stress leads to disease due to an underlying interplay of factors in the molecular level.This is something that we need to look into.
614508 tn?1265281722 I agree with distraction, listening to music, and writing. Those are some strategies I use with myself if I can think about them before the storm happens. Sometimes even talking it out helps too. There's one office building I can't stand to wait in because of how sound echos off the concrete walls. I was extrememly upset because we accidently came about an hour early for my meeting, which meant having to wait there. I just so happened to find someone to talk to in one of the offices.
6827092 tn?1389384819 ( Any strategies how to cope are very welcome.
Avatar f tn Hey our situation is solo much alike except I'm 19 and 20 weeks and also a ftm...what I do is find something I like doing like writing poems and stories and explain to my family and fiance I just want to be alone for a moment and that's what I do I am to myself and doing what I love stress is never good for you or the baby...
Avatar f tn I feel your pain on not telling family members. I used to have a hard time telling my Dad because hes a Catholic, Id cook a huge steak dinner each time. But Id feel better afterward. Im also a total "daddys girl" lol so that may have helped. Anyway! Jumping off the soapbox, I agree that you should tell your family hun.
Avatar m tn If its OCD a short course of SSRI(by a psychiatrist ) and some counselling will give a lot of relief . Generally fighting OCD is difficult by yourself ... So as early see a psychiatrist ..
1529159 tn?1295032800 i am so stress right now and all my body wanna do is sleep how can i break out of this cycle
Avatar f tn Gastro says my stress is in my intestines and i c can feel pain quicker than most. I can feel my entire intestinal trace moving and spasing. At times it would put my in the fetal position it was dibilitaeing. this is my idea of what happens.. after eating approx 20 mins i can feel it goe from my stomach into the intestine where something immediately goes wrong. spasms and gas buildup causes pressure on something causing my legs to go numb and painful alternating.
655875 tn?1295695107 Hi Treatment is there for both the prevention as well as relief of a migraine attack. You should discuss with your doctor about the diverse abortive medications available to terminate an attack as soon as the symptoms begin. These include Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) or aspirin to help relieve mild migraines and combinations of acetaminophen, aspirin and caffeine specifically meant for moderate migraine attacks (Excedrin Migraine).