
Stomach pains during pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pains during pregnancy


Avatar f tn Has anyone experience occasional random shooting pain in the stomach/belly during pregnancy? I don't remember having them with my first pregnancy. Not sure how concerned I should be or if it is a part of normal growth.
Avatar f tn I'm almost 7 weeks on Wednesday. In the morning I get stomach pains. What could this be.
Avatar f tn I have the same pains with my first pregnancy they're called ligament stretching painsI had them a few times during my pregnancy my Dr had me using a heating pad on Low
Avatar f tn Hi, I'm due August 15th with my second child and during my first pregnancy I never had this problem so I'm a little worried. Last night I woke up because I was having really bad stomach pains and it lasted about 20mins and I passed back out. Now that I'm awake I am feeling very nauseous, should I call my doctor and be so worried? Thank you.
433412 tn?1232554456 i'm just wondering if there is anybody else out there getting the same stomach pains as me, i'm 14weeks pregnant and have not yet been for my 1st scan and i'm getting really awful pains in my stomach it doesn't happen all the time but when it does i know about it. if any body's got any info or advice that would be great.
Avatar f tn My last period was 5/25 i had sex 6/8 and since the 11th ive been having sore breast and period pains and today after i ate i had to stop eating because i felt like i was gonna throw up and my stomach was upset it felt really weird and it felt like i took some antibiotics and my stomach got upset because i didn't eat i was having horrible period pains today but it stopped im not due for another 10 days
Avatar f tn Cramping in early pregnancy can be normal, as long as it is not accompanied with spotting or bleeding. Try not to worry.. All the best!
Avatar f tn Pains are pretty common the whole way through pregnancy, and it can be caused by a lot of things. If you're really worried and want to put your mind at ease, call your OB, have him/her check things out. Good luck!
Avatar n tn Your sex drive will fluctuate through your pregnancy. Also pain is normal after or during while pregnant unfortunately its apart of it sometimes. I would try taking things slow dont get too rough or fast it might help with the cramping.
280369 tn?1316702041 I am 29 weeks and for the last few days I have been experiencing horrible stomach pains....Sometimes I think it's just gas (how embarrassing) I am just hoping it's a bug or something. But I am not feeling sick or anything else. It's been off and on for the last 3 or 4 days. When I go to the bathroom, I feel better for a little while, until it comes back! This morning I thought I was having contractions they were so bad. I couldn't even stand up!
Avatar f tn i reallly wane it n so does my bf but i don`t know if i really am or not. i never had any pains when before/during/after my periods and i all ways recieved them around the end of the month. but now its the 11th day of the month, also for about a week now i bein having back pain stomach pain getting tierd as well and eating a lot n thats not normal for me but after recieveing dark more like black bleeding that thiner than my regular periods i am confussed?
Avatar f tn I'm 14 weeks and I have been having a small amount of stomach pains. I keep reading this is normal because my ligaments etc are stretching and baby is anyone else experincing this and if so how much or where is your pain? I'm kinda nervous since this is my 4th pregnancy and this is the furthest I have gotten.
Avatar n tn Lol things can be very scary your first time , I had the stomach muscles all the time like when I stood up . But this pregnancy I get Charlie horses almost every night !
Avatar f tn Some degree of stomach pain is normal during pregnancy. You do need to watch this though - any time you experience one-sided pain in early pregnancy you need to call your doctor if it progressively gets worse or persists.
Avatar f tn I'm only 6 weeks pregnant and I keep getting sharp pains in my stomach, some have been so bad that it's woken me up. Should I be worried?
7454812 tn?1391877431 This is my first pregnancy and I'm 16 weeks and 6 days. My sister states my stomach pains are false contractions but I think its to early for that. Any advice?!
Avatar f tn I'm almost 9 weeks and I'm having terrible stomach pains. I'm extremely nauseated most of the time. My stomach is huge and it hurts to touch. I'm tired of eating crackers and they aren't really helping. With the exception of lettuce, I'm puking up everything. I don't go to the doc until Thursday. Is this kind of pain normal?
Avatar f tn I am 36wks and at night when its time to sleep I turn to the side and get this sharp pains on my stomach sometimes I wake up In the middle of the night...
Avatar f tn m on 20 weeks Wednesday (technically tomorrow) and it sees like I have upper stomach pains quite a few times throughout the day... It feels like an air or gas bubble but, is it normal to cause pain and hardly move or want to pass???
Avatar f tn Had lunch today(small snadwich) and then about an hr later I started experiencing stomach pains, but cant go to the bathroom. My stomach has increased in size and am in a lot of pain. What will help me go to the bathroom? Any meds I can take??
8778737 tn?1413827423 im only 6 1/2 months and i have so many aches and pains non stop especially during work lol i do alot of heavy lifting...
Avatar f tn I've been having really bad stomach pains and cramps in my stomachs all day long and I'm 17 weeks, no blood or anything but very uncomfortable. Anybody have this issue?
Avatar f tn So I used to drink a whole gallon of milk every week. Since I've been pregant I really haven't been wanting it much, which is fine. But every time I do drink it I get a horrible stomach ache with stabbing pains and diarrhea. I never had this with my last pregnancy. I'm just not going to drink it at all anymore, but I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else?