
Stomach pain vomiting cancer

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pain vomiting cancer


Avatar n tn Then they did a scope in her stomach that showed cancer. So they determined the cancer started in her stomach and was a rare fast growing agressive cancer already in stage 4. She had heavy rounds of Chemotherapy for a few months and they did another CAT and MRI ( idk why since they couldn't see her type of cancer and tumors from the MRI and CAT previously) they did not see any tumors in these scans after chemo but she was getting worse and vomiting 7 or more times daily.
Avatar f tn My very close friend is suffering from severe pain in lower stomach and getting difficulty in breathing as well.. i heard lot about GASTROENTEROLOGY and after reading reviews i think i would be helped!!! having any idea please you can inform me…gaestroenterology This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/232429'>Gastroenterology consult</a>.
Avatar m tn has anyone suffered from green or brown vomiting. I had ovarian cancer which recurred and i was receiving chemo and then developed a partial small intestine blockage. went to hospital , no food then sent home brought back to hospital for surgery. After surgery developed a fistula which is being treated. Now at home, started to vomit green or brown bile. doctor took exray and it showed no obsttrution; only fluid in intestine. .explained may have a slow working bowel.
Avatar m tn I have had a reoccurring stomach problem for the past 7 years. Once a year I get sick where I cant stop throwing it up. It only lasts about 8-10 hours but I have to go to the ER each time where they treat it with pain killers and anti-nausea medicine. In 2008, I suffered my worst yet, it took 6 consecutive trips to the ER and they diagnosed me with pancreatitis.
Avatar m tn m no forum doctor or nurse on here, but am an LPN. Coln cancer will tend to cause one to have stomach pain, bloody or black stools, loss of appetite, nausea & vomiting. If u still worry, u could get a checkup from your primary care doctor. Good luck!
Avatar n tn Can you describe the pain you feel? Abdominal pain is rare in colon cancer. Cancer of the colon and rectum can exhibit itself in several ways such as: bleeding from your rectum or blood mixed with your stool; fatigue and pale skin; abdominal distension; abdominal pain; persistent nausea or vomiting; unexplained weight loss; change in frequency or character of stool; sensation of incomplete evacuation after a bowel movement or rectal pain. The duration of symptoms usually takes 14 weeks.
Avatar n tn cancer symptoms are different. I'm not cancer specilist but if you are concerend with stomach cancer i dnt think so its cancer... for cancer you dont feel any pain uptill the last blood coming out from your mouth??? or are you vomiting... i think you must be eating some oily food or must be having some abdominal infection the yellow stool is the sign of infection in your abdomen or it might be those medicines you took..... about you kidney pain....
Avatar f tn I recently had a colonoscopy and the camera down my throat tests done (I'm sorry I can't remember the name of that test) It came back that the esophogus was burned and so is the stomach lining. No ulcers and no cancer. I wasn't given a diagnosis so I don't know what I have other than that. I was put on protonix and had severe side effects from it including loosing 20 lbs in 3 weeks from the vomiting caused by the medication. My Dr. took me off of it and put me on zantac.
Avatar f tn I also probably should have mentioned that we have a family history of stomach cancer and stomach ulcers, which is also what got me to thinking this. My diet, when I do manage to get it down, is good - no worries there. I do not smoke, and drink alcohol occasionally. My specialist told me about an endoscopy but he said he didn't think I needed one, so instead, told me to wait. Do you really think it's worthwhile going back?
Avatar n tn He was in the hospital for 5 days then they released him because his white blood cell count was back to normal...but he is still having stomach pain and vomiting.
Avatar f tn "Is there an insulin that doest not cause stomach pain, chills, and vomiting?" Call your local pharmacy and schedule a consultation with the Pharmacist. Also, ask your doctor for a referral to an Endocrinologist, a diabetes specialist, as your current doctor appears to be playing you as a guinea pig; try this and if it doesn't work we'll try something until we find something that works, maybe.
Avatar n tn My dad is 65 years old, diabetic, amputee on one leg, has had bowel cancer 2 times in the past. He is experiencing pain in his stomach for the last three weeks, nausea, vomiting, and can only eat soft foods like yogurt. Could he be experiencing stomach cancer? If not, what could it be?
Avatar n tn The dizziness, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, may be related to the head injury if it was recent and the abdominal pain/cramping may be related to the vomiting or cervical cancer. It could also be that the cancer has spread to other areas like the brain, stomach, etc. Was she checked for metastasis in ER? Was a cat scan or MRI done of her head and stomach at the hospital? I'm sorry I couldn't offer more to helping you/her figure out the exact cause.
203342 tn?1328737207 Adhesion related disorders have varied symptoms. If the pain and vomiting are very severe, then yes, the doctors may plan another surgery. Otherwise only symptomatic medication will be given. However prostate surgery should normally not cause adhesions inside the abdomen, unless it was a major surgery. Hence you should look at other possible causes like Celiac Disease/Ulcerative Colitis/Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
5605925 tn?1406235705 Hello! I have been suffering from severe GERD and overall stomach pain after a single vomiting episode 4 years ago. My suspicion is a Mallory Weiss tear or some sort of herniation, because after that violent vomiting episode, I began to experience shortness of breath and a lot of trapped burps that I never experienced before. Also severe stomach pain. No blood present in subsequent vomits.
Avatar n tn Thankyou, yes I have all these symptoms and I am on mebervine and questran Lite, but have a distended stomach and had sudden weight gain before diagnosed, looks like I have liver cancer or ovarian cancer but that's not so. every time I eat my stomach bloats, have done candida cleanse, could weight gain be from not being able to metabolize fat?
Avatar n tn It takes the GI tract some time to shake off the insult of surgery and begin functioning normally. I was taking pain medication that delayed that process, and found that once I got off the pain meds my intestines got back to working properly. Consult your father's surgeon, of course. Good luck.
2141290 tn?1349033141 I had also been vomiting since the night before. They ran blood, urine, and u/s. Gave Mr something for pain and vomiting.. said everything was fine and sent me home (told me to call ob today) I was up most the night tossing and turning This morning I woke up with bad diahrea and still the stomach pains. I tried calling my ob but I keep getting nurses voicemail. I'm afraid to eat cuz I know I'm gunna puke.
Avatar f tn i have just been diagnosed with high grade dysplasia 1 step down from cancer of my esophagus that goesinto my stomach my symptons were bile vomiting pain between mt chest sometimes difficulty swallowing my food like my air was getting cut off also what they call barrets esophagus never thought of pain in chest was just acid so stayed away from things that triggered it but this whole time i had acid reflux which has now turned into a surgery i have to have which is not a nice surgery just wonderi
18799278 tn?1484274288 4 days ago i got severe lower stomach pain that lasted a few hours along with vomiting diarrhea and cold sweats then got so cold i was shaking but since then i have this dull pain in my stomach were my belly button is it actually feels like a rock is in there most of the time if i move it hurts more and it even feels sore to touch that part of my stomach sometimes standing if i stand up to long i feel i will faint does any one know if this is normal ad what could it be :(
Avatar m tn t have such painful pain for more ...... my stomach is always bloated which affects my back and either i feel pain in my stomach and back pain is also related ......any help i went to many doctors and made too many analyses with no benefits the pain goes worse and increases thanks but i really need help .......
4853125 tn?1360043491 I am on my period and had a bout of vomiting yesterday. The pain in my stomach was so severe before and after vomiting I could not stand. The pain has not subsided and it has been more than 24hours. This is not a cramp, any ideas or advice would be appreciated.
Avatar f tn I'm 10 weeks & Yesterday I had really bad pain in my stomach feeling like I had to poop or throw up couldn't do either . I took a Nap today woke up agian with stomach pains threw up 5 times bad & 10 minutes later diareha really bad . what do i do ? Help .
18799278 tn?1484274288 4 days ago i got severe lower stomach pain that lasted a few hours along with vomiting diarrhea and cold sweats then got so cold i was shaking but since then i have this dull pain in my stomach were my belly button is it actually feels like a rock is in there most of the time if i move it hurts more and it even feels sore to touch that part of my stomach sometimes standing if i stand up to long i feel i will faint does any one know if this is normal ad what could it be :(