Sneeze reflex in infants

Common Questions and Answers about Sneeze reflex in infants


Avatar m tn Is anyone aware of a neuro/muscular disease with one of the signs being the loss/lack of the sneeze reflex?
Avatar f tn From Wikipedia In medicine and neurology, the Babinski response to the plantar reflex is a reflex, named after Joseph Babinski (1857-1932), a French neurologist of Polish descent, that can identify disease of the spinal cord and brain and also exists as a primitive reflex in infants.[1][2] When non-pathological, it is called the plantar reflex, while the term Babinski's sign refers to its pathological form.
383536 tn?1225030613 I had some bad morining sickness in my 1st trimester, and it went away in my 2nd trimester, but I still have a HORRIBLE gag reflex! It is especially bad in the morning, and when I cough or sneeze. DH laughs at me every time I cough or sneeze because I gag so much (it's nervous laughter, because he does NOT do vomit very well). I am 30w4d and thought I would not have to deal with this anymore after my 2nd trimester, but I didn't get that lucky. Good luck to you! I hope it goes away!!
1361044 tn?1277598308 Honestly, in my opinion, babies are so wrapped up in this new world, all the new things going in for them, that a little cold (virus) hardly slows them down. it could be your baby is behind because she doesn't feel well all the time, and THAT is holding her back. Maybe not, but in either case I would push for them to figure it out. Chalking it all down to a virus is a lazy, sorry excuse. My point is, YOU DO know your child more than anyone.
Avatar m tn If I feel a sneeze coming on, I will either look at the sun or a bright light in a room. I rarely sneeze in a low light situation. My doctor thinks I am nuts, as does my opthamologist. However, my Mom did this (but not my Dad) and both of my daughters do it too. My Mom says that her Mom did it as well. It's very strong reflex and completely uncontrollable. Does anybody else have this or know what it is about? I've always called it "light sneezing.
Avatar f tn And immediately, I became scared for no reason and something in my brain changed that resulted me in the inability to sneeze. Now I can’t sneeze at all and when I feel the urge to sneeze, I will think that “I’m gonna sneeze, I’m gonna sneeze” and then I couldn’t because I kept thinking about it. Now I have headache, ear and eye pain which I think might be due to lack of sneeze. I’m always constantly thinking of not being able to sneeze and I find it hard not to not think about it.
Avatar m tn I have tried many other things to make myself sneeze, such as plucking eyebrows, breathing in cold air, sniffing pepper or spices, looking at bright lights, chewing gum, eating chocolate, faking a sneeze, tilting my head back, but none of them work! I have done Google searches for this problem countless times. Some people have said it could be that the trigeminal nerve (which controls sneezing) might not be functioning properly, and some people have said it could be a brain tumour or lesion.
Avatar m tn When I sneeze, I start sneezing 12 time with 30 seconds intervals between each sneeze. Does anyone elase have this and is there a remedy?
Avatar f tn Pressing on the eye or a cough or sneeze can produce pressure and excite the retinal rods causing a light reflex/pattern. It's called an entoptic phenomena. read the section on that in wikipedia.
Avatar f tn I had the same worries cux i actually had the flu. But u shoukd be ok just remeber to keep hydrated and try to get some rest. The saline sprays might help reduce some of the sneezing! Hope you feel better!
9407801 tn?1403606948 when i sneeze i experience pain in my chest, shoulders which goes all the way to my palms. it lasts from a couple of seconds to minutes. sneezing is now a painfull experience. Its now about 6 months or so.
1375148 tn?1323166921 gag reflex is a natural reflex to prevent choking. It is controlled by nerves in your throat, if these nerves are damaged you can swallow food that is to large and choke or it will stop you from swallowing in some cases by over reacting. Your GP will check it using a tongue depressor. Reflux is where food and acid comes back up into your throat and causes heartburn. There are many causes including Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) witch is linked to sphincter relaxes.
Avatar f tn Here's what works for me: alcohol, paperclip, light. Try it. Drink a beer. Straighten out a paperclip. Stare into a light. Wiggle the paperclip gently in your nose. In most times you'll get a sneeze.
Avatar f tn mammanuggets my daughter did this, her vomitng was projectile right after eating, but would be little bits here and there for the rest of the day, got to the point no one wanted to hold her, they were afraid they would get puked all over,i went through several bibs and outfits on a daily basis! I was so worried i took her from dr to dr until i got an answer.
Avatar f tn Rather like a spine sneeze, actually - the way the itching in your nose becomes a sneeze is very similar to the onset of this symptom. When it was really bad, my arms would pull up into a preying mantis position. I thought spinal myoclonus because of the description - that it's a slow onset that builds up. Well, I did more research on it, and kept reading the We Move website about different kinds of myoclonus, trying to track it down.
Avatar f tn Loss of balance after sneezing could be due to labrynthitis (inflammation of balance organs in ear) or due to inner ear afflictions or due compression of spinal nerves in lumbo-sacral region. It can also be a vasovagal reflex. Please consult your doctor regarding this. Your husband would need some detailed testing. Take care! The medical advice given should not be considered a substitute for medical care provided by a doctor who can examine you.
Avatar f tn The cough lasted months but it DID GO AWAY. When you take opiates for a long time, it suppresses your cough reflex. When you stop, that reflex "wakes up" and dam.n. it takes its own sweet time going away. I really sympathize with what you're going through. Have faith it WILL get better.
10844245 tn?1425033334 You sneeze and pee on yourself.
Avatar m tn Symptoms in infants and children may include: Hoarseness "Barking" or chronic cough Reactive airway disease (asthma) Noisy breathing or pauses in breathing (apnea) Trouble feeding, spitting up, or inhaling food Trouble gaining weight With laryngopharyngeal reflux, adults may have heartburn or a bitter taste or burning sensation in the back of the throat. But they are less likely to have such classic signs of GERD.
Avatar f tn I feel Gerd and milk allergy are grossly overdiagnosed in infants. Lactose overload has been diagnosed in breast-fed infants now - and I believe it is also found in babies.