
Slim fast diet meal replacement products

Common Questions and Answers about Slim fast diet meal replacement products


Avatar f tn You need real food. I wouldn't use slim fast as a meal replacement.
Avatar f tn hi has any one done the slim fast diet----(milkshakes) and lost weight.How lond could u go on for? I'm planning to go on it but will do only one shake for dinner and have breakfast and lunch as normal.
Avatar f tn Has anyone had any luck on the Slim-Fast diet? I just started it, I need to lose around 30lbs.
655875 tn?1295695107 Slim Fast was getting difficult to stay on track. I found myself cheating on the diet. My friend told me about the protien shake that Dr. Oz uses. There are a few recipes on his website. Right now I am using the Ultimate Breakfast Smoothie. It tastes awesome and it actually keeps me full for over 6 hours. I have zero cravings for food and sweets. I've cut back my dinner portion.
Avatar f tn Also covered are discussions relating to specific diet plans like the South Beach Diet, Atkins Diet, Slim-Fast, Weight Watchers, Counting Calories, Fat Flush, Body for Life and others." "Fat Flush" is a detox diet, much like a fasting regime. "Slim-Fast" is not a natural product. I am getting confused by the terse dismissals being offered to people who have come here for support.
Avatar f tn You may want to head to a health food store and ask about a Weight Gainer Protien Shake or Liquid Meal Replacement like Ensure, Slim Fast etc. If you eat normal meals each day and add a Slim Fast drink you will gain some weight as you are adding more calories. You can also download NOOM App for free or go to My Fitness Pal online and use thier calorie counters to track your food caloric intake vs. out put.
1279364 tn?1280682588 m counting points but I am also chugging back a weight loss shake everyday as part of those points. There is no way I could ever do the Slim-Fast plan or anything like it. I just like the amount of nutrients in the form of chocolate milk i can get! Makes a great difference if I need a boost before working out or just need something to keep me going while I make dinner. ^_^ Anyways, some of them certainly don't taste very good. My favorite so far comes from Wal-Mart.
Avatar f tn Then, when I reached my target weight, I adopted a maintenance program which consists of 2 meals every day, and replace1 meal with a “diet shake”... protein bars for between-meal snacks. Be careful... not all meal-replacement products are equal.
1968463 tn?1374757813 Actually, I have tried a LOT of different fasts over the years, and the most comfortable and most effective I've ever done is the "lemonade fast", or "lemonade diet." You can google it and get the recipe...It's amazing, and weight comes off really fast. I have a low blood sugar problem, but did not have problems on this fast.
Avatar f tn Before I was pregnant I was on Herbalife nutrition products. I stop using the product by now I'm 27 weeks and thinking starting back i miss my meal replacement shakes. Any thoughts?
Avatar f tn any tips on cravings.. im not on slim-fast but it is a shakes and soup diet... also any exercise tips for being quite obese... the thought of doing anything like the biggest loser makes me feel sick.. something gentle but effective... any takers?
Avatar m tn Try to eat a Heart Healthy diet which will give you the nutrients, vitamins and minerals your body needs, and help with possibly preventing future disease states. Heart Healthy diet which is a moderate fat diet and a moderate fat diet means = using polyunsaturated (omega 3, corn oil, nuts, etc) fats and monounsaturated (olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, etc) fats, no saturated fats (high fat snack foods, butter, fat spreads) and no trans fats.
Avatar n tn In my opinion all those diet pills lose weight fast etc there all not good for you nor do they have a long term affect in order to keep the weight off you will proly have to contine with taking them.
526889 tn?1212540641 For your age you need 1500 calories daily to safely lose weight. I would recommend a Heart Healthy diet which is a moderate fat diet. Moderate fat diet means = use polyunsaturated (omega 3, corn oil, nuts, etc) fats and monounsaturated (olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, etc) fats, no saturated fats (high fat snack foods, butter, fat spreads) and no trans fats.
Avatar m tn Over the last few months it's gradually been taking less food to get full...finally a few days ago I ate a normal-sized lunch at 1PM, then a healthy-sized dinner about 8:30PM. Felt very full, bloated, uncomfortable, and more puzzled as the hours passed. Slightly constipated but able to go that night nevertheless. Finally vomited big time about 1AM. Somewhat concerned, I ate a slightly smaller lunch the next day and then a normal dinner about 9PM, felt full but digested normally.
Avatar f tn For a year or so i have had a terrible diet of mostly junk food and a relatively sedentary lifestyle. As a result of this i am now 4 stone overweight and always feeling tired and sluggish. Since last week i have joined my local gym and cut out junk food and sugar as much as i possibly can. I have reduced my calorie intake to about 1300 a day but i am feeling very ill and weak. What is the reason for this?
Avatar m tn I am 36 female and I have been having the symptoms for about 2 years now off and on but recently it has come back with a vengance if I eat a meal 30 min later my heart is flying like i have been running mild movement while this is happenning just makes it worse . I am so glad I came across this site and not being alone in this, while reading threw some of the stories i saw carbs were part of the heavy meals and that after eating them the symptoms would occur so I tried something ....
Avatar n tn Change diet to low carbs, high fat and protien. I suggest reading this book, it's called Grain Brain. great dieting plan in last chapter.
Avatar m tn From the literature, ITP is not a diet related disease or triggered by diet. You can take supplements, however, you would benefit more from the foods you eat. Suggest eating a moderate fat diet to gain weight slowly, protein (amino acids) and eat healthy. Moderate fat diet means = use polyunsaturated (omega 3, corn oil, nuts, etc) fats and monounsaturated (olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, etc) fats, no saturated fats (high fat snack foods, butter, fat spreads) and no trans fats.
Avatar f tn I would have to say a low fat diet...fluids and high fiber diet helps in preventing constipation. You may experience burping and feeling of fullness coupled with gas. Low fat dairy products are good. Avoid convienence foods and fast foods, as they tend to pack in hidden fats. Limit the use of oil to about 2-3 tsp. a day.
Avatar f tn wheat products like bread, crackers, pasta, and cereals (and all the things that go on top of them), cheese, beer, etc. Replace two meals a day with a high-protein meal-replacement product such as a protein smoothie or protein bar. Forty pounds in two months is too much weight to lose safely. Using a low-carb diet such as Atkin's you can lose 5-8# monthly pretty easily.
11685904 tn?1440438888 Im 35 weeks now and I gained over 40 pounds already I'm thinking about starting a diet slim fast or herbarlife since my baby is almost ready for birth I'm thinking it should not affect him and will help me stop gaining weight. What do you think?
172023 tn?1334672284 Alcohol and Dieting, Balanced Menus, Diabetes and Diet, Dieting Success Stories, Exercise, Metabolism, Healthy Dieting, Healthy Snacks, Holiday Tips for Dieters, Nutrition as well as discussions around particular diet plans like South Beach Diet, Atkins Diet, Slim-Fast, Weight Watchers, MedHelp, Counting Calories, Fat Flush, Body for Life and others.