
Sleeping pill overdose how many

Common Questions and Answers about Sleeping pill overdose how many


Avatar f tn I posted on here because i find you guys really helpful and i just wondered how many is too many when does it become dangerous?
545538 tn?1295992017 By mistake I took two doses of 3 pills each night before last. After a difficult night with sleeping and stomach upset and yesterday having a very bad headache that couldn't be relieved, I seem to be fine. Anyone else done this? Ramifications?
733983 tn?1232327307 eventually it got real bad I was oding on klonipin and eventually even started taking up to 10 zoloft at a time. Fri. till this morning was just a pill spree, and i was so shaky i had to tell someone. i was treated for severe overdose at the er this am.
Avatar f tn 6 grams of tylenol at once can be fatally toxic to the liver and each pill has either 500mg or 325mg. The FDA claims you should not exceed 4grams in a 24 hour period. Otherwise, you are killing your liver and kidneys with each pill.
Avatar n tn You never take more than the recommended dose of any pill for ANY reason. Why are you trying to take so many.
Avatar m tn I know this question was posted a long time ago but i want to answer so that anyone else that is looking for an answer can find one. To start off, you were experiencing overdose. The most likely reason is that you broke the pill up when you took it (i'm assuming because you said you took 1/4th in the morning and then the rest later). Vyvance uses an extended release capsule. This makes it last longer by keeping the pill from being digested quickly.
401095 tn?1351391770 How many of you have relapsed, had a bump in the road, or had a surgery and took the pills you liked before...and they made you feel bad?...physically bad too?
486647 tn?1208785691 However, do not suggest that he comes off the pill completely or it will counteract the effort you put in, and will urge the overdose again. Try and build up an honest relationship with your brother about the pill consumption and be understanding if he asks you for an extra pill every now again(controlled, harmless overdose is better than an uncontrolled).
Avatar n tn m not sure a single extra pill will kill you but it will probably lower your BP quite a bit. And how much time has passed between one dose and the other? Are you talking about one in the morning and then maybe another at night because you don't remember or taking 2 in the morning because you're in a hurry? If you're not having any symptoms, that's good. But really - you should think about getting a pill organizer box if this is hard for you. Better safe than sorry.
1814439 tn?1316745786 if you took too many it would depend on how many, yes the pill is made of hormones, it doesnt mean it cant have serious affects, its still considered a drug... if you did take to many and you feel fine, you will probably be okay, but if you are at all concerned it wouldnt hurt to see a Dr and or call poison control. and if you took too many pills cause you missed a couple days you need to make sure your using a back up to prevent pregnancy...
Avatar m tn Doctors also gave resperidone and a sleeping tablet for 2 weeks after treatment I was fine while I was using these tablets.
Avatar n tn I just accidently gave my 60 pound dog an oxycotin 40 mg pill, what should I do
Avatar f tn Im usually on an anxiety pill to help me sleep now that I am pregnant. My doctor suggested I take 50 mg of b6 and half a pill of unisom. Just curious how many have used b6 and unisom to help sleep and did it actually work?
Avatar f tn hun i pill is too many and a thousand is never enough. this too shall pass. get rid of any pills you have so you wont be tempted. cut off all your suppliers. you can do this. believe it with all your heart,mind,soul,spirit and body. you are stronger than this addiction. the pills are controlling you, take back the control. dont let it rule your life anymore. think positive thoughts. you got this. i am stronger than this. i will do this. i will feel better tomorrow.
Avatar f tn I'm 19 weeks today with second baby. Lately, when I'm laying or sleeping I get really bad back pain. How many of you experience this early in pregnancy. With my first son I didn't go thru this?
Avatar f tn I agree one extra pill should not cause an overdose. I discovered a while back that I had missed my day's dose of 3 pills (it was after a cardioversion and I was a little fuzzy) and I checked my INR and it was under the recommended range. I took an extra pill over a week's time and stopped eating vitamin k veggies for a few days and got back to normal. If you have a true overdose Vitamin K and/or plasma will reverse the drug, not so with the newer blood thinners -- no antidote.
Avatar f tn how long does it take for overdose to kill you on this drug ? How much is too much ? Does Focalin make you lose control over your bladder ? Does Focalin make you cold ?
1801781 tn?1461629469 I have heard so many differing percentages on how many people in the US are addicted to prescription pain meds. Does anyone have the true story. It came out of a discussion I was having with friends this morning. I had heard that 30% of US citizens were abusing meds. That seemed a bit high to me. However, I did find out that the US is the leading country for meds abuse. Question...does anyone really know??
Avatar f tn Is it safe to take a sleeping pill while pregnant?!