
Sertraline side effects dreams

Common Questions and Answers about Sertraline side effects dreams


1352071 tn?1276904138 Whenever I take medications like Sertraline, I do have a few side effects when I start or adjust the dosage, but they tend to go away in a couple of weeks. I would stress patience and keep an open line of communication open between you and your prescribing doctor...keep us posted!
Avatar m tn I tend to notice side effects whenever my dosage is adjusted by my prescribing doctor or when I initially start it or taper off of it. I believe that experiencing side effects are two fold with me. One, there were some side effects, and two I probably tended to 'magnify' or focus in on them more intently and decided that any odd feeling was related to the medication when in reality, it may not have been due to the sertraline.
Avatar f tn As most people taking anti depressants would say it takes 1-2 months to get the benefits and also putting up with possible side effects. I personally had the side effects of extreme tiredness/ lethargy, lack of motivation and slight Nausea. After four weeks I still get anxiety but I'm more in control and it doesn't go 'so deep'. My doctor has recently increased my dose to 100mg and only feeling ok but still have to tiredness.
9475243 tn?1405300275 Sertraline has a higher dose for working than Paxil because the drug are different. Sertraline usually starts its therapeutic dose at 100mg. Some do well at 50. Some are highly sensitive to things and absorb them really well while others don't. It usually takes about 4-6 weeks to notice positive effects, although some do notice them earlier. Side effects, though, start right away.
612551 tn?1450022175 Talking to myself? Now 8 days on sertraline and still fatigue side effects, an no noticeable reduction in my troubled ruminations. I will go to the full 50 mg on day 10, and if things get no better I'll ask my doctor for advice. Others have told me it takes a couple of weeks, so I should give it at least that long.
1037077 tn?1253480282 I would not consider dreams to be a side effect of the medication, but instead an opening to learn more about why you are taking medications in the first place.
Avatar f tn We all react differently to medications and we are all able to tolerate side effects differently. If the sertraline works well for your depression/anxiety, it will be up to you personally to decide if you can tolerate the side effect. Just don't give up too quickly. I almost did.
Avatar f tn Venaflaxine side effects not as bad as Sertraline. Cant remember that I experienced any side effects with Venaflaxine like I did with Serdep.
Avatar f tn t really work, or may just have annoying side effects, or even intolerable side effects, such as insomnia, or more often being tired all the time. Either one can happen. (One med kept me awake like drinking 20 cups of coffee. The same med put my mother to sleep for 18 hours.) Keep hope that there's a medication out there that will work wonders, and keep searching for it, and understand it's normal for any particular one not to work for everyone. Each one works for some.
Avatar f tn Quite a few of my smoking friends have also quit using it and none seem to be bothered with any side effects. You may get lucky : ) You mentioned that you were on effexor.......have you considered welbutrin? Welbutrin was used pre chantix with great results. I am not a doctor so you would have to discuss it with your physician but it might be solution. Good luck and I hope this quit will be the last one.
Avatar n tn As lagoya mentioned, you may or may not experience side effects. If so, they range from annoying side effects to serious side effects. If it's helpful, when I took flecainide, I had weird dreams, shakiness, tremors and gastointestinal problems. It wasn't horrible, but it was bothersome enough that the doctor switched me to rhythmol. Great suggestion from lagoya on checing out the medication under "Health Topics" above.
Avatar n tn The most common side effects of Sertraline that you should watch out for are nausea, diarrhea and sleep disturbances, in that order. There are a lot of other side effects listed for Sertraline, but these are the ones commonly encountered. Drowsiness and excessive sleep may be seen with Clonazepam. Other side effects are rare. I won't be able to comment much on the effects of the initial dosage on your blood pressure, as it differs person to person.
Avatar f tn just try and stay busy as hard as it may seem. distract yourself from these side effects. it helps. if the side effects are really that intolerable then talk to your doc asap. I really hope this med works for you like it has for me. what dosage are you taking?
Avatar m tn I then started fluoxetine 20 mg, which worked miraculously, with no side effects whatsoever. However, after quitting, I always seemed to get depression back, so I went back on it.I also tried therapy, with no results. After a few years my doctor switched me to Sertraline, and for the first time , I began to get tremor, an annoying peri-oral sensation with some mild jaw tremor and severe bruxism. That was 2 years ago.
Avatar f tn Are the symptoms I am experiencing a side effect of sertraline? I am on day 16 of taking 50mg sertraline after switching from cymbalta to try and find a saferdrug to try for pregnancy. Week one I was emotional but that settled down and week two was manageable and i felt generally calmer. However by day 14 anxiety smptoms worsened and i am feeling flushed in the face and tingly in arms and waking early feeling unable to cope with nerves and sweating. Should I stick it out?
Avatar n tn i don't know about the dreams, but mood swings and lack of concentration are most definitely side effects.
Avatar f tn s part of the problem -- it takes about 4-6 weeks to notice if a med is going to work or not. Side effects, however, start immediately, because all these meds are artificial to the body. Twitching is a common side effect of antipsychotics, but not so much with antidepressants, but we're all different. It might be a problem with magnesium, as these meds interfere with the absorption of magnesium (and vice versa if taken at the same time).
Avatar n tn I started the carvedilol as a replacement to the cardizem Friday. So far, so good, no side effects to speak of and no dreams. This is a beta / alpha blocker combination. Since starting it, heart rate and blood pressure has stayed pretty consistent.
Avatar f tn Is having side effects a good sign the meds trying to work on day 3 and managing to put up with them for now slight head ache but more the dry mouth and horrible taste just wanting people's opinions on this and is it good that I'm experiencing day 3 of switching straight over from another that caused side effects for the 5 weeks I was on them and couldn't take it anymore Thanks
Avatar f tn Has anyone else taking Fluoxetine (similar to Prozac) experienced side effects? I have noticed some odd changes in the way my body responds to exercise; specifically, excessive sweating. I'm not sure if the medication is directly linked, but in the past year (I have been taking the drug for about 2.5 years) I break into an all over the body sweat very easily, and it has happened even when I'm not exercising.
Avatar m tn These are medications that are often prescribed for OCD, anxiety, depression. The sertraline can have side effects. What are you feeling like? I don't want to list side affects because I don't want you to start looking for particular one. :) How much Sertraline are you taking and how much alprazolam do you take during the day?
1709162 tn?1314084832 worse. I stopped taking the sertraline after 7 days as I could.not stand side effects. Taking diazepam did not help. I am shaking and very.scared about the heart thing and do not know what to do. Sorry for the
Avatar f tn The side effects was bad!! After a week I went up to 50mg. After 3 weeks the docter increase it to 100mg. But I decided to half the pill and make it 75mg for a week. Then I will increase it to 100mg. The side effects is terrible every time I increase my dose. If U feel it doesnt work, tell your docter. Maybe he wiil prescribe something else. You can google Sertraline.