
Seizure disorders therapy

Common Questions and Answers about Seizure disorders therapy


2030686 tn?1351688548 I remember the gastro saying I needed to be seizure free for so long b4 I can tx. Does anybody know why this is? Will the medications lower my seizure threshold even more? My reg dr put in a call to the neuro after I had a few seizures this weekend and she put me on Keppra.
Avatar n tn Other forms therapy such as behavioral and cognitive therapy may be able to help. Physical therapy and acupuncture may be good adjuncts to medical therapy in your condition.
Avatar m tn Meaning that if an EEG is done during an attack (such as the convulsion you describe above) and the EEG shows the seizure in the brain waves, then the seizure can be confirmed. In other people, convulsions occur but these are due to stress and not true seizures coming from epileptic activity in the brain, in which case the EEG will not show epileptic activity during the convulsion.
Avatar m tn I mentioned briefly I had a long history of eating disorders (~12 years AN b/p type), but did not mention my occasional recent lapses. My last purge was last week, but before that it had been a few months with no purging. I have started seeing a therapist again and am completely committed to not purging anymore. I think taking the wellbutrin would be good also knowing that I really cannot afford to purge or I may have a seizure.
Avatar f tn Do you have any weighted blankets or vests that he can use? We also set up a therapy room in our basement where she can go to calm herself. It has a swing just like the one she uses at occupational therapy and she loves it. Swinging is very soothing. You could also get a little tent or enclosed area for him to go when he gets overwhelmed. It does not sound like he is having a seizure, although some children with autism do suffer from seizure disorder.
Avatar f tn // The last one I really liked, but all have good info. Please know there are many of us who suffer too, and we are here to listen or help in anyway we can.
Avatar n tn I have been on Keppra and Lamotrigene for many months for seizures. No problem with seizure meds but began having terrible oder issues ,everything smells horrible - skin, food , lotions, shampoos etc. Could this be interaction with these meds . ?
Avatar n tn The therapy for this condition includes retaining of normal circadian rhythm by non-pharmacological therapy which includes; Photo therapy, maintenance of sleep hygiene. You need to go for morning exercises and work out which will make you fresh and active all day and tiredness at the end of day will help you to induce sleep naturally. Pharmacological therapy includes short course of appropriate sedatives and Hypnotics against prescription.
Avatar f tn There is no simple, definitive test for a seizure disorder. Often, seizure disorders are diagnosed based on patient history and observation of a seizure. If your daughter had a seizure lasting 30 min., that would qualify for a diagnosis in the minds of many clinicians. I'm sure you'll follow up with the diagnosing doctors and others as necessary. I hope the seizure turns out to be a one-time event.
Avatar f tn HI, An epileptic cannot have both a complex partial seizure disorder and a generalized seizure disroder. People with a generalized seizure disorder are usually born with it, while people with partial or complex partial get it sometime during thier life. Generlaized seizures occurr over the entire brain, while complex partial only occurr in a section of the brain. I have complex partial seizures that occurr in my right temporal lobe. They started from a head injury I got when I was three.
Avatar f tn The other causes for your symptoms could be metabolic disorders like diabetes and hypothyroidism, which can be detected by a simple blood test. But there is treatment for premenopausal symptoms in the form of Hormone Replacement therapy (HRT). You can discuss this with your primary care physician when you happen to meet him next time. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
1221035 tn?1301000508 Does anyone know what DMD's, if any, that can be taken safely by people with seizure disorders?
Avatar n tn This drug is mainly used in the treatmen for seizure disorders, trigeminal neuralgia (pain). Dosage is 100-200 mg once or twice daily until unless changed ny a competent physician.
Avatar m tn I have a friend who had a random seizure one morning after she had been vomiting and had diarrhea all night before. She also had not been sleeping well or at all some nights the whole month before. I took her to the emergency room and she had blood work done and a CT scan done both came back just fine. The doctor told her it was probably that she was dehydrated, and had lack of sleep that put too much stress on her brain. He also told her to consult a family doctor.
Avatar n tn I agree that it does sound a bit like a migraine. In all of the doctors that he's seen, has he ever been seen by a neurologist or headache specialist? If he hasn't, I'd definitely suggest he is seen by one. Has anyone done any scans (CT or MRI) of his head and/or abdomen/chest? If so, what were the results? If not, I think that also would be warranted to rule out bleeding in the brain, aneurysms, etc.
Avatar m tn The first step would be to rule the causes for insomnia like sleep disorders. Next it is treated with both medical and non medical therapy. Medical (sedatives) are given in the temporary initial phase, this is combined with non medical measures like sleep hygiene, relaxation therapy, stimulus control, and sleep restriction which are referred to as cognitive behavioral therapies. As the non medical measures help to restore your sleep rhythm, the sedatives are withdrawn.
1949901 tn?1331208252 If the PO2 is low oxygen therapy is indicated. It could be via a nasal catheter or a mask. The normal value is 80-100 mmHg. Oxygen therapy is continued till the underlying pathology is resolved and the oxygen levels are normalized. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar n tn (Currently available) antipsychotics can cause permenant movement disorder such as tardive dyskinesia. However, they must wait a period of time for withdrawl dyskineis to pass. From my knowledge atypical antipsychotics can increase the seizure threshold but this effect is generally not permanent. It would be best to see a neurologist who is a movement disorders specialist and have them do full follow up including an EEG (the specific kind to try to set off seizures) and an MRI.
Avatar n tn It was awful so I do understand how brain chemical disorders and electrical disorders can make you appear healthy but in reality you are as ill as anyone else with a problem. just believe in yourself and ignore the jerks and realize most people understand.
Avatar n tn I would definitely take her to the vet, although not necessarily to have her put down. I would let the vet examine her to see what he/she thinks the problem could be and take it from there. Seizure disorders can be managed medically, it's not necessarily the end of the line just because she had a seizure. I would, however, definitely get the vet involved.