
Restasis results

Common Questions and Answers about Restasis results


Avatar m tn My wife and I have been on restasis for many years with fabulous results. restasis works with both forms of dry eyes. Many people have stinging with restasis for several weeks which can be helped by using steroid drops for a couple of weeks. there is a new medication that works like restasis called Xidra it is supposed to kick in faster (3-4 months) than restasis (4-6 months) but has not been shown to be better than restasis and is more costly. Read the section on dry eyes on my blog page.
Avatar m tn I have a moderate to serious dry eye. I am going to start my Restasis today and I know that I will not see the result till 2 months or more from now. I am also planning for a cataract surgery in 1 to 2 months. I also foresee that I will use some steroid or antibotics for a few weeks after the surgery. Do I need to stop Restasis once I start the steroid ?
Avatar m tn I have said this before but both my wife and I have bad dry eyes and my wife has been on restasis with good results for about 15 years and me for about 10 years. Note it takes 4-6 months for Restasis to kick in and work fully. There are too other drops that are in this family. Xiidra, which I do not use after having poor results and may complaints from my patients about stinging, burning and not being effective.
Avatar m tn My Eye Doctor suggested I keep Restasis in the fridge to make more comfortable and reduce the burning and to keep using ir for 2 days. Does Restasis lose its effectiveness when placed in the fridge. Also when are results typically seen? I have a TBUT of 5 and hoping to see an increase if ues consistently.
Avatar n tn Both my wife and I have been on Restasis for years for marked dry eyes. with great results.
Avatar f tn Thanks. Both my wife and I are on Restasis. We have different types of dry eyes I have aqueous deficiency (never tear) and she has lipid deficiency or evaporative type and here's watered often. Both of us have been on Restasis with great results for over 6 years.
Avatar m tn I have said many times on this forum both my wife and I have very bad dry eyes and we both are on restasis her for about 6-7 years and me for 3 years with excellent results. Restasis is twice/day for the rest of your life and it takes 4-6 months to fully become effective. Read about it on their website and see an Eye MD that specializes in cornea diseases and discuss.
Avatar n tn I did get plugs, but how do you tell if they are still there? I started restasis but it burned my eyes so terribly. I put in two drops two times a day and that probably was too much. I had such a terrible reaction to it. It has been about two years and my eyes seem to have recovered, but I would like to try it again. Do you think that is wise? My eyes sting constantly if I do not put drops in every 15 to 20 min. It is difficult. I just need other alternatives. Help need advice.
Avatar f tn org/user_journals/show/1648149/General-information-on-dry-eyes-tears-dysfunction-syndrome Both my wife and I have very dry eyes and both of us have been on Restasis (cyclosporin) for years with excellent results. I understand from postings from the UK this is difficult to get there.
Avatar m tn We have been on Restasis with spectacular results for over 8 years. There are two other drops like Restasis, xiidra which patients do not like and is very expensive and Cequa which is same medicine as restasis but stronger concentration. Ask you ophthalmologist about Restasis (cyclosporin) think it just became available as generic.
415867 tn?1323365503 My eye dr. wanted me to do restasis eye drops prior to me having lasik eye surgery done. She gave me trial ones until I got the rx filled so I've been using them for 10 days now, twice a day. I finally took the rx in to get filled and before I signed and paid there was a "don't take if pregnant or trying to becoming pregnant" I was like...."Woo~" So I talked to the pharmacist and she said that my eye dr.
Avatar f tn after using tears 4-8 times/day we have been on restasis for 7-8 years with great results. There are newer product Xiidra, which I have tried in my practice and i don't like, and Cequa which is more expensive that Restasis and should not be the initial drop. Annogorm: no the heat has not effect on the iris pigments, any more than going outside on a hot day.
Avatar f tn I just got back from my optomologist & he prescribed for me Restasis. He mentioned that once you're on Restasis, it's an on going thing it's not really temporary. Is that the case, do I have to stay on it. I was hoping that once my eye is feeling better, I could just use artificial tears to keep my eyes from drying so badly. He also changed my contact lenses to Acuvue Oasys. Any advice or info would be great.............................
Avatar n tn My ophthalmologist recently prescribed restasis for dry eyes. I read that cyclosporin can causes cancer. Is this true? Are these drops safe?
Avatar f tn I'm on restasis, my wife is on restasis, I use restasis in my practice. the medicine does not cause floaters. Floaters can occur at any time. If they start and you are doing something else like mowing the yard, reading a book or starting restasis the relationship is COINCIDENTAL. On the other hand if you are hit in the eye with a fist and note floaters the relationship is CAUSATIVE.
Avatar n tn I prescribe Restasis and I use Restasis. I am not familiar with a blue vial holder. I Googled the term and nothing comes up so I don't know anything about it.
Avatar f tn Both my wife and I are on restasis (same med as you) for over 8 years with excellent results. Restasis is used twice per day but does not have to be used at bedtime. So put drops in morning and with your evening meal. Because of the cumlative effect of restasis the time between dosages is not critical as it is for antibiotics and heart medication. Remember it takes 6 months for your medication to fully kick in. During the day use preservative free artificial tears.
Avatar m tn Can I put temporary plug and try Restasis at the same time as Restasis takes quite a long time to kick in.
Avatar f tn I have not seen this in my Restasis patients. Dr. O.
Avatar n tn I went to an eye doctor a few days ago and he gave me a tear time break up test. My results were only 2 seconds when normal break up time is around 7 seconds. Does the fact that my eyes are indeed dry have any effect on the persistent redness that I still have? My doctor gave me temporary lower punctal plugs, but they fell out after a few hours. I could feel the plugs poking my eyes when I looked side to side. Does this mean they were properly inserted all the way?
Avatar f tn Restasis twice a day, ointment at night, I've ordered TranquileEyes to use at bedtime, and I use TheraTears single use containers when needed. I thought about using the Dwelle drops before bedtime instead of an ointment. I do warm compresses daily also. The flourescent lights at work really bother me by 1:00pm every day. I'm not sure how I can avoid this. Do you think the Restasis is a good eyedrop to help with dry eye? I know you've said it takes 2-3 months to see results.
Avatar m tn Thank you so much for replying! My test results are: Sjogrens ab, anti-ss-a/-ss-b: ss-a <0.2 std range 0-0.9/ ss-b 1 std range 0-0.9 Sed rate 2 C reactive protein quant <1 Ana negative C3 93 C4 28 Smith antibodies <0.2 Anti-dna(ds) ab qn 3 And a bunch more. It's not vertigo since I am not spinning, but more like rocking. I am on restasis and steroid eye drops.
427279 tn?1210919821 but eyes have changed first time in years ...and he said i had extremely dry eyes....wants me to take restasis but kept saying "you may not think it's working for you but it will be just keep using anyway all is good just so tired dont want to move...
Avatar m tn I had cataract surgery 5 days ago and wan't to restart my Restasis. Can using it negatively effect the healing?
Avatar m tn No restasis works with a plug. What usually would be done is a "permanet" plug that won't disolve but that is easy to remove because it has a cap would be put in and left till you switch to restasis. Collagen and dissolving plugs usually just last several weeks at most.
Avatar f tn Restasis is the #2 most widely used prescription in the USA and most people are post menopausal females. Over 4-6 months it works to make a younger more effective tear and reduces inflammation on the surface of the eye.. My wife is on it and has had tremendously improvement as has several of her friends.
Avatar m tn That being said both my wife and I are on restasis for several years with excellent results for our moderately severe dryness. Until the restasis kicks in your will need artificial tears daily several times. Floaters different deal. They are painless and would not cause any of your other symptoms. Use the search feature and archives and read about floaters. No cure for them. Most are just a sign of normal aging changes in the vitreous. Your facial/head pain.