
Restasis punctal plugs

Common Questions and Answers about Restasis punctal plugs


Avatar m tn Eventually, that stopped and I have some relief from the dry eye. I found that it took a combination of Restasis (four months use), four puncti plugs, and added humidity to my home to achieve reasonable success. Cautery is a permanent procedure as opposed to the plugs, which are removeable.
Avatar f tn Punctal plugs are great idea. THey block the duct that carries excess tears away from eye to the nose. They would be a good idea for you. Go with trial, dissolvable plugs first. Oral flaxseed oil 1000mg twice a day. Get off the computer - that will help more than anything because nothing is worse for dry eyes. Restasis is OK but probably wont give you much help for a few months. Also, as you get off the post op drops - that will help a lot.
Avatar f tn m told I have no signs of infection, ocular surface is good, Schirmer test shows mild dry eye with use of punctal plugs, small sign of allergy. I tried a short course of steriod drops which relieved my symptoms, but they returned as soon as I stopped. Restasis for three months has offered no improvement. Pataday and Acular provide no benefit either. I am at a loss as to what to do next. I would greatly appreciate any direction or ideas.
Avatar f tn Taking fish oil capsules and getting punctal plugs as suggested by Dr. Ray above helped me. I have both dry eyes and bleph. It seems to me that my dry eyes have also been helped by my bleph treatment. In addition to using Soothe eyedrops, which are preservative free, I wash my eyelids once or twice a day using the suds from an anti bacterial dial soap bar. This is a tip which I got previously got on medhelp. While it may seem as if it is difficult to do, it is not.
612876 tn?1355514495 Hi, I realize this post is from years ago but I am going through the same issue as you and I also happen to live in the cleveland area. I have been delaying being checked out by a rheumatologist about Sjogren's Syndrome. I have tried punctal plugs, restasis, omega 3's, and everything else under the sun and still deal with dryness everyday. Just wondering if you ended up having Sjogrens and if there was any new treatment stemming from it. Thanks for any help, if you get this!
Avatar n tn Does the fact that my eyes are indeed dry have any effect on the persistent redness that I still have? My doctor gave me temporary lower punctal plugs, but they fell out after a few hours. I could feel the plugs poking my eyes when I looked side to side. Does this mean they were properly inserted all the way? They didnt really seem to have much of an effect on dryness for me, but im going back today to get them put back in just to make sure. I was also prescribed Restasis.
Avatar m tn drops-gels-ointments-Omega 3 fish oil- then jump to Restasis and/or Lacriserts then plugs last.
Avatar f tn Lasik tends to exacerbate dry eye syndromes. An additional option may be to place punctal plugs to keep tears in your eyes longer. Also, if your symptoms are worse in the morning, you may consider using ointment at bedtime. If eyelids are an issue as far as the oil glands go, I would consider warm compresses and eyelid scrubs (available over the counter). You may also want to see a cornea specialist who specializes in the management of dry eyes.
Avatar n tn See what your new ophthalmologist wants to do for the condition. Consider punctal plugs, oral flaxseed oil supplements and restasis drops as possible treatments. Good Luck.
601296 tn?1219767500 I have suffered from no tear production for about 6 years now and have tried many types of drops. I recently (6 weeks ago) had punctal plugs inserted but they seem to have worsened my condition and no amount of drops help. I am feeling rather desperate at this point and am seeking professional advice from a physician who can help minimize this problem. I will definitely have the plugs removed as the first step but further relief would be ideal.
Avatar f tn I have had Sjogen's Syndrome for two years. I tried Restasis, Punctal Plugs, Lacrisert, and every kind of eye solution made. Nothing has helped this annoying problem of constant dry eyes. Has anyone heard of the surgical procedure that closes the tear ducts? I plan to ask my doctor about this on my next visit.
Avatar f tn Here I am again, have more light & glare problems than ever. Do you know of any neuropthamoligists in the central Florida area? I have had cataract surgery, YAG laser, ptosis surgery, punctal plugs (I think they have come out) tried Restasis briefly, all kinds of sunglasses & anti-reflective lenses, some days I can hardly walk around house. My regular dr. is ordering tests for autoimmune diseases. All my eye Dr. would say is dry eye. I will find new eye dr.
Avatar n tn regarding dry eye treatment on this forum you can access thru a search. Treatment can include punctal plugs, restasis, artificial tears (without preservatives), increase humidified air, moisture goggles, fish/flaxseed oil (2000 mg/daily).
Avatar n tn s made from silicone hydrogel (little water contact) and is a relatively rigid soft contact lens. You might also treat your dry eye by getting punctal plugs, using Restasis, using humidifier in home.
Avatar f tn Have you had blood tests for Sjogren syndrome? Have you tried Restatis and punctal plugs for the dry eyes? I find it strange that multiple ophthalmologists haven't figured it out.
Avatar n tn ve had a dry eye test done and I have been on restasis since I was 23 years old. I also have permanent punctal plugs in my eyes. I have been suffering from this problem since I was 19 years old. I also switched to wearing glasses and no contacts. I'm worried that this is a sign of something more severe. I also have some dry mouth problems and I also feel dehydrated a lot.
175734 tn?1225134440 I have had sry eyes for years and even had punctal plugs installed 3 or 4 years ago. I am 33 years old and my eyes are a major problem. I had Lymes disease and i used Acutaine when i was 16 years old. Could either of these be the reason for such severe dry eyes ?
Avatar m tn I am on restasis, have punctal plugs, tried steroid drops, warm compresses, lid massages, and I have not gotten relief. They said my tear break up time is low, but I don't have much meibomitis, my schmimer fluctuates every time (from 4 to 20) so the doctors say is not a really reliable measure. I have recently been tested for allergies, and I am highly allergic to dust, mold, my pet.. etc. But I cannot take anti- histamines because they will dry me even more.
1533563 tn?1292285307 although I have had punctal plugs put in and have used artificial tears, my eyes burn when I use them....don't burn unless I either read or use my computer for any length of time. They really don't respond to artificial tears. I have to rest my eyes for a long time before they quit hurting. I had one cataract surgery on August 12th and the second on Sept. 23rd. It was after the cataract surgery that this problem began. Could it be a result of using Pred Forte following surgery?
612876 tn?1355514495 I know we've discussed the dry eye quandary before, but I was hoping we could revisit it because I don't recall the subject of punctal plugs ever coming up before. (And we all know my powers of recollection are top-notch ... sarcasm, sarcasm.
Avatar n tn I have the same problem. I found that for me the 1-day Acuvue was a better choice than the Acuvue Oasis (all the solutions dried out my eyes). I then used Restasis and had all four puncti permanently plugged. After 3 months of faithful Restasis use and allowing my eye to get used to having the punctal plugs, I've had significant improvement and can successfully wear contacts. I also take 2 mg of fish oil per day (good for dry eye).
Avatar m tn Lots of lubricating drops, allergy drops, sunglasses all the time, oral flax and fish oil, perhaps punctal plugs, possibly restasis - sometimes surgery. These are some of your options.
Avatar m tn Recently I received Punctal Plugs for extreme Dry Eye. However they keep coming out. Does anyone have any experience with this and can you offer suggestions about what I can do to help maintain the plugs in my eye?
Avatar m tn Initially ophthamologist told me my symptoms are from dry eyes, I have used, systane, refresh, restasis, steroids, dry eye multivitamins, fish oil, and now I have punctal plugs. I have tried antiglare coating for glasses, nothing takes the glare, starburst and halos away. Symtpoms are worse at night. I never had any kind of eye surgery done, used to wear contacts, but discontinued contacts 6-7 years ago. I do not know if any one has any clue, regarding what could be the potential diagnosis.