
Restasis problems

Common Questions and Answers about Restasis problems


Avatar f tn anyone have problems with the eyes from this disease? what are you taking? has anyone taken restasis? I either get intense lacrimation and cannot see, or now my orbital is attacked and I cannot focus in one eye. any success with anything?
Avatar n tn I had pink eye two months ago. Since then I have experienced very dry eyes, to the point that I can't open my eyes in the morning because they feel dried shut. I were contacts and have also noticed blurry vision and extremely sensitive to sunlight. My eyes also begin burning in the evenings I took the eye drops for pink eye and made sure to change out all makeup and through away the contaminated contacts.
Avatar m tn In early Oct. 08 it felt like something was in my eye. I flushed it, used drops that may have been expired for some time as we just moved & did not through out all meds. I then flushed it under the tub faucet and it burned for 15-20 secs. I did not feel anything after that, but it has never looked the same. The left eye is redder most of the time and burns & itches from time to time. I'm on Restasis and 50mg of Doxy. I'm 42 yr old male.
Avatar m tn Can I put temporary plug and try Restasis at the same time as Restasis takes quite a long time to kick in.
Avatar n tn ve had a dry eye test done and I have been on restasis since I was 23 years old. I also have permanent punctal plugs in my eyes. I have been suffering from this problem since I was 19 years old. I also switched to wearing glasses and no contacts. I'm worried that this is a sign of something more severe. I also have some dry mouth problems and I also feel dehydrated a lot.
427279 tn?1210919821 but eyes have changed first time in years ...and he said i had extremely dry eyes....wants me to take restasis but kept saying "you may not think it's working for you but it will be just keep using anyway all is good just so tired dont want to move...
Avatar f tn I have not seen this in my Restasis patients. Dr. O.
184420 tn?1326739808 Restasis takes about 3 months of use before it actually works,thats where the Lotemax kicks in-it is a steroid that helps the Restasis get to work faster.No more problems for me.Chronic Dry Eyes will do this to you.I was miserable with mine.
Avatar m tn s syndrome on steroids for long periods. Most of my patients with your problems I treat with Restasis twice daily for the rest of their life. I have said this before but both my wife and I have bad dry eyes and my wife has been on restasis with good results for about 15 years and me for about 10 years. Note it takes 4-6 months for Restasis to kick in and work fully. There are too other drops that are in this family.
Avatar m tn No restasis works with a plug. What usually would be done is a "permanet" plug that won't disolve but that is easy to remove because it has a cap would be put in and left till you switch to restasis. Collagen and dissolving plugs usually just last several weeks at most.
Avatar m tn re going broke buying eye drops then plugs or restasis should be considered. Restasis helps both types of dry eyes (now called tears dysfunction syndrome) 1. where the eye is dry as a bone and 2 where the eye waters all the time.
Avatar f tn Hi. Last week I started Restasis for dry eyes. I tried temporary collagen plugs but they did not help.. My dry eyes just seemed to come out of the blue last month. (I've had minor dry eye problems for many years). Now, it's all I think about. My main problem is a windy feeling to my eyes, even in my own home. I am actually dealing with that right now. My eyes actually feel better when they have a dry feeling, if that makes sense.
Avatar n tn By one month after surgery, you should have a pretty good idea of the outcome with Crystalenses. One immediate question is whether you have any remaining astigmatism. Your doctor should already know the answer. The second question is whether your vision can be corrected to give excellent distance vision, and whether it can be corrected to give excellent near vision.
Avatar n tn 1.Restasis does work with eye plugs; it takes however 4-6 months to "kick in" 2. Use the search feature and archives and read about dry eyes. 3. Go to Dr. hagan's blog and read the article about dry eyes.
Avatar n tn I had cataracts removed and restor lenses implanted over a year ago. I have suffered from blurry vision ever since. When I sit in the ophthalmologist's chair, I check out 20.25 in each eye. I've had plugs inserted and removed to increase tear production. I religiously use Restatsis night and morning. I use eye drops throughout the day. I have made countless visits to the Dr. and he keeps telling me to be patient and try different drops, etc.
Avatar f tn I just got back from my optomologist & he prescribed for me Restasis. He mentioned that once you're on Restasis, it's an on going thing it's not really temporary. Is that the case, do I have to stay on it. I was hoping that once my eye is feeling better, I could just use artificial tears to keep my eyes from drying so badly. He also changed my contact lenses to Acuvue Oasys. Any advice or info would be great.............................
Avatar n tn My ophthalmologist recently prescribed restasis for dry eyes. I read that cyclosporin can causes cancer. Is this true? Are these drops safe?
Avatar f tn I'm on restasis, my wife is on restasis, I use restasis in my practice. the medicine does not cause floaters. Floaters can occur at any time. If they start and you are doing something else like mowing the yard, reading a book or starting restasis the relationship is COINCIDENTAL. On the other hand if you are hit in the eye with a fist and note floaters the relationship is CAUSATIVE.
Avatar m tn Rare anyone to be too sensitive to restasis. My wife and I have been on restasis for many years with fabulous results. restasis works with both forms of dry eyes. Many people have stinging with restasis for several weeks which can be helped by using steroid drops for a couple of weeks. there is a new medication that works like restasis called Xidra it is supposed to kick in faster (3-4 months) than restasis (4-6 months) but has not been shown to be better than restasis and is more costly.
122065 tn?1241385329 I have been prescribed Restasis for my dry eyes and wanted to get an independent opinion regarding it's safety. I am concerned that there could be problems down the line after the drug has been around 20+ years that is unknown at this time. Do you feel it is safe without any long-term harm to the eyes, knowing that it is an antiinflammatory for the eyes, from what I understand. Thank you for your input!
Avatar n tn I was sure that the ReStor lens, which I had implanted 4 weeks ago, was causing my problems with what I called waxy vision, but which my doctor calls fluctuating vision. After seeing him today, I have a better understanding of what is going on. Vision is good in the morning and gets worse later in the day. I'm not diabetic. The last three visits to my doctor have been at 4pm, 7:30 am, and today at 1pm. At each visit he was able to get my vision to 20/20 with a different prescription.
Avatar f tn Refresh PM gel, Systane Ultra lubricating drops and Restasis. Optimologist prescribed Restasis 6 weeks ago. Still not sure why eyes are red all of the time. Suggested allergy testing, which I have scheduled now. Optomologist says that he still isn't sure what is going on and wants to put plugs in my eyes. My eyes now feel better than they have for quite awhile but still red like no sleep (I get 8 hrs daily) I have 3 questions; 1. can plugs be used with Restasis?
Avatar f tn This could be the blur although the doctor thinks its possible he uncertain as it is tiny. I am also using Restasis which has given me great relief from dry eye.I might add that although I have seen several eye care professionals none of them suggested Restasis, I had to demand it. The blur predate the Restasis. I know that burning can be a side effect for Restatsis as it wakens the eyes system to create moisture. I don't mind it but it has reminded me of the plug.
Avatar n tn I prescribe Restasis and I use Restasis. I am not familiar with a blue vial holder. I Googled the term and nothing comes up so I don't know anything about it.