
Restasis once a day

Common Questions and Answers about Restasis once a day


Avatar f tn I just got back from my optomologist & he prescribed for me Restasis. He mentioned that once you're on Restasis, it's an on going thing it's not really temporary. Is that the case, do I have to stay on it. I was hoping that once my eye is feeling better, I could just use artificial tears to keep my eyes from drying so badly. He also changed my contact lenses to Acuvue Oasys. Any advice or info would be great.............................
Avatar m tn I have said many times on this forum both my wife and I have very bad dry eyes and we both are on restasis her for about 6-7 years and me for 3 years with excellent results. Restasis is twice/day for the rest of your life and it takes 4-6 months to fully become effective. Read about it on their website and see an Eye MD that specializes in cornea diseases and discuss.
Avatar m tn I had dry eye problems and most eye doctors automatically show me artificial drops. Some even say I can use as many time as I need. Once a while, I put one drop every hour but it didn't help that much as I feel dry again almost 15 minutes after putting the drop. Even worse is I feel once the artificial drop drys, the vision is more blur. I read one article saying that dry eye can be caused by low tear production or the quality of the tear is not good and not sticking to the cornea.
Avatar n tn Also consider going on enteric coated fish-oil (omega 3s) three/day. Start out with one/day with dinner and add a second one for breakfast after 2 weeks and a two for dinner 2 weeks after thatn (3/day) It wil take about 4 months for the omega 3 to be helpful Yes dry eyes in a young person can sometimes be the first sign of a systemic problem such as thyroid disease or rheumatoid arthritis or autoimmune disease.
Avatar m tn I have a moderate to serious dry eye. I am going to start my Restasis today and I know that I will not see the result till 2 months or more from now. I am also planning for a cataract surgery in 1 to 2 months. I also foresee that I will use some steroid or antibotics for a few weeks after the surgery. Do I need to stop Restasis once I start the steroid ?
Avatar f tn Hi. I've been having trouble with dry eyes these last 2 months but have just realized how bad the fluorescent lighting is at work. I grade papers all day long under these lights. I'm not on the computer except to maybe print 1 or 2 things off. My eyes ALWAYS start to bother me around 1:00pm. Shopping at Walmart has always been a problem too. Just the wind from walking down the aisles makes it hard for me. It's very embarrassing.
Avatar f tn In addition to using Soothe eyedrops, which are preservative free, I wash my eyelids once or twice a day using the suds from an anti bacterial dial soap bar. This is a tip which I got previously got on medhelp. While it may seem as if it is difficult to do, it is not. Just use warm water, dial suds and rinse well. The dial bar soap is a lot cheaper to use than the eyelid cleansers sold in the pharmacy. If you decide to try it, I hope it works out for you. Best wishes.
Avatar n tn Start taking omega fatty acid capsules...for most people it will have a dramatic effect on your dry eyes...I had the same problem, having had iol implants and also a lasik touch up in one of my eyes...And it works much better then drops ever did for me... It takes a few weeks to "kick in" so have patience but once it does, even just taking 1 capsule a day will maintain will create a nice lubrication for your eyes which you will actually see when you look at them...
Avatar m tn I wondered because they only ever had me take the antipsychotics I've taken once a day and I always heard everyone else talk about taking them twice a day. I'm only awake 12 hours or less a day and the current one I'm on has a half life of 3 days so I guess it's kind of pointless for me to take it twice a day.
Avatar f tn I started Restasis about a week ago. I had no issues using it at first. On day two I noticed little black dots that would not go away. I had seen these before but they always went away within a few minutes. Unfortunately they just would NOT go away this time. I'm new to Restasis and I haven't seen floaters listed as a side effect for Restasis. There are a few people who claim it has happened to them but I wanted to ask some doctors to get their opinions.
Avatar f tn sort_by=date Both my wife and I have moderately severe dry eyes. Both of us are on restasis with complete success. She for 6-7 years and me for one and a half year. IT WILL TAKE 6 MONTHS BEFORE YOU SEE THE FULL BENEFITS OF RESTASIS SO DON'T STOP THEM. Restasis eye drops does not cause cancer if it did neither my wife or I would be taking them. I personally would not have plugs put in. they fall out, they can scratch the eye. If you're not on Omega 3 I would start them.
Avatar m tn No restasis works with a plug. What usually would be done is a "permanet" plug that won't disolve but that is easy to remove because it has a cap would be put in and left till you switch to restasis. Collagen and dissolving plugs usually just last several weeks at most.
Avatar m tn If after a 9 months the person is still symptomatic on restasis twice per day and preservative free artificial tears 2 to 4 times/day than I switch from restasis to Cequa, which is the same medicine as restasis (cyclosporine) but twice as concentrated and is said to penetrate deeper into the cornea. Cequa is more expensive. For restasis I personally use the preservative free drops and use up the entire dropperrte before opening a new one.
Avatar m tn My opinion mainly a way of sucking more money out of the pocket of patients and insurance companies. Plus once you buy this you have to get patients to use it in order to pay for it. There is a big movement now in optometric and ophthalmology circles to proclaim oneself 'Dry Eyes Center of Excellence" and this supposedly can addd $500K to $1M extra revenue/year. I think it is a racket.
Avatar m tn The development of a tremor is VERY troubling and you should see a neurologist ASAP. You need also to see an eye MD ophthalmologist to evaluate the other problems. You may need to go on Restasis. You need to be sure some new eye problem has not arisen.
Avatar f tn I put my Restasis drops in at 8:30 this morning and then again at 9:30 am. Just a goof. Cannot get ahold of my doctor and info about this on the web says - Call Your Doctor! So.....two hours later - what do I do - not do? Thank you.
Avatar f tn To add some history, my eye dr explained to me several years ago that I have "dry eyes". That my ducts don't produce tears or something like that so I have to use over the counter eye drops daily. This burning, painful, running eye thing began just a few months ago and mainly comes on in the evenings and my "flare ups" last anywhere btwn 15-20 min at a time. It burns even while the tears are falling. I havnt got this checked cuz its something I just deal with.
Avatar f tn 28 days after the op I had a few minutes of rapidly moving, flashing lights and I knew I was experiencing a PVD. The next day I woke up to a very large white floater right in the middle of my field of vision. I had had this happen in the other eye years ago but that one is off-centre. I know that these shrink and you learn to see through them but it was disappointing. I went back to see my surgeon and he was ready to answer all my questions about having a Symfony implant in the other eye.
Avatar f tn I might add that although I have seen several eye care professionals none of them suggested Restasis, I had to demand it. The blur predate the Restasis. I know that burning can be a side effect for Restatsis as it wakens the eyes system to create moisture. I don't mind it but it has reminded me of the plug. The rest of my eye does not burn. I did ask the doctor about the plug but he was unwilling to pursue it.
1819252 tn?1317092002 I had seen that blindness and detached retinas could be a side, think from interferon, although not a common one. I had seen a post where someone recommended genteel. I purchased the medium to moderate. My eyes were so bad after the first shot I though my lids would damage my lenses or worse. Genteel worked for me. I keep it by the bed and in my purse and use it at least once at night and once in the morning.
Avatar m tn Rare anyone to be too sensitive to restasis. My wife and I have been on restasis for many years with fabulous results. restasis works with both forms of dry eyes. Many people have stinging with restasis for several weeks which can be helped by using steroid drops for a couple of weeks. there is a new medication that works like restasis called Xidra it is supposed to kick in faster (3-4 months) than restasis (4-6 months) but has not been shown to be better than restasis and is more costly.
Avatar n tn My ophthalmologist recently prescribed restasis for dry eyes. I read that cyclosporin can causes cancer. Is this true? Are these drops safe?
Avatar n tn I did get plugs, but how do you tell if they are still there? I started restasis but it burned my eyes so terribly. I put in two drops two times a day and that probably was too much. I had such a terrible reaction to it. It has been about two years and my eyes seem to have recovered, but I would like to try it again. Do you think that is wise? My eyes sting constantly if I do not put drops in every 15 to 20 min. It is difficult. I just need other alternatives. Help need advice.
Avatar n tn I had lasik back in 02 & never had a problem--had white eyes & never dry. Just used OTC generic artificial tears here & there. Then in 5/08, I develop. red eyes & had a prominent vessel in my left eye. Eye dr. said it was strain from studying for my MBA and should go away on its own. He took eye tests and put me on restasis. The redness went away but the prominent vessel stayed. It's still there to this day & the eye dr.
Avatar f tn First many dry eye patients cannot wear contacts comfortable or safely or both. Restasis is contact friendly. You use one drop twice/day. Use 10 minutes before putting in contacts. Both restasis and omega threes' take 4 to 6 months to work bt often contineue to get better and better for up to a year.
Avatar f tn On my patients I use tear duct plugs only AFTER a 4-6 month trial of ReStasis. ReStasis is a revolutionary eyedrop that has changed the treatment of dry eyes world wide for the better. In the USA it is the second most widely prescribed medication. My wife and many of our friends are on restasis. Also recent studies indicate that 2 or 3 Omega 3 (enteric coated fish oil) greatlyhelp dry eyes. Takes 3-4 months to kick in.
184420 tn?1326739808 I had the same problem and the eye dr gave me restasis and Lotemax. Restasis takes about 3 months of use before it actually works,thats where the Lotemax kicks in-it is a steroid that helps the Restasis get to work faster.No more problems for me.Chronic Dry Eyes will do this to you.I was miserable with mine.
Avatar f tn 00, at the SAME TIME every day, my eyes get real watery & hurt. I don't work on the computer at work but do get on quite a bit a home. That also aggravates my eyes. This all came out of the blue 2 months ago. I have been fine up until then which is puzzling.. I never went to see an ophthamologist but just saw my optometrist, who only used the dye drops in my eyes and did no other tests. She did find dry spots on my eyes. I have been on Restasis for 2 weeks..