
Restasis mgd

Common Questions and Answers about Restasis mgd


Avatar f tn Thank you for your response. I tried using the Celluvisc but it was more irritating to my eye. I have MGD which does make sense why I have severe dry eyes. I've been trying the home treatments for MGD to help with my dry eyes, like hot compress and eye lid massages, but it really only helps so much. I have been researching what brands of artificial tears to use (preservative-free).
Avatar f tn My daily regimen consists of pataday (allergy eye drops) and restasis in the morning and night and alot of over the counter ointments and drops. I don't think I've heard of anyone with a similar condition as me... I've been in so I'm currently going to an eye specialist who said my eyes don't produce the natural oils that they're supposed to be.. instead of oil the consistency of olive oil, mine is like toothpaste.
Avatar f tn Yes that is a common symptom. Use the search feature and archives and read the many helpful posts about dry eyes. Go to Dr. Hagan's home page and read the Journal Posting on treatment of dry eyes. As I have said many time both my wife and I have dry eyes and have been on Restasis for several years with excellent results. WIth MGD it's important to keep the eye lids free of oil and debris (*called scruff). Try Ocusoft Plus PLATINUM it's over the counter.
Avatar f tn I have seen many opthamologist since had an oct scan that came back normal. However was diagnoised With MGD and dry eye(having to use 12 drops a day). My floaters have also become a lot bigger however I've been told my eyes are perfectly normal. I'm worried as I've never had any issue before and it's unbearable wondering if there is permanent damage and if I will have to live like this for the rest of my life or if it's the beginning of an autoimmune diseases?
Avatar m tn I obviously do not want to be on steroids enough to develop cataracts/glaucoma; I am on durezol 2x a day both eyes. I have severe MGD, dry spots from a previous PRK surgery, severe ocular allergies. I'm afraid to think this surgery has made my eyes more "vulnerable" to these pre-existing conditions.
Avatar n tn I have recently been diagnosed with MGD. My doctor says that my MG glands are atrophy on my upper eyelids. Does anyone know if this is reversible and what the course of treatment would be? How do I preserve my lower MG eyelids.
Avatar m tn I have eye mucus, itch, burning, ghosting and lots of other symptoms along with pain and discomfort. I've seen 1 optometrist, 3 ophthalmologists and a cornea specialist and they all tell me my eyes are fine and they can see nothing wrong. I'm miserable and I don't know what to do. Does anyone have any advice? I've been so depressed for the past year. I'm only 24! I've been given artificial tears, allergy drops and restasis and nothing gives me any relief.
Avatar m tn Hi I'm 20 years old and i have problem with my eyes. My doctor said me that i have blepharitis and i think that i have posterior blepharitis (MGD) because i don't see any scrubs, Redness of the eyelids . I make warm compress once a day and i apply azasite to the lid margin once a day for 4 week... I have photos which show my eye: I saw that in my eye brows is scurf ( first picture) and my right eye hurts.
Avatar m tn My wife is diagnosed wit Blepharitis, MGD chronic dry eye, scarring on the eye by a cornea surgean As Blepharitis, MGD chronic dry eye, scarring on the eye. is a condition of the disease. How do we know the real disease. Also last week i noticed there was a nipple discharge both her breast. So we went to a Gynac, obviously she told to do the Prolactin test which is 5.8 in Range, also she got here normal periods on the 27 jan. she has never taken any conteaceptives. also she is very relaxed.
Avatar f tn This treatment has exceptional results specifically for treatment of dry eye caused by Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). If MGD is causing your dry eye, it is worth the $. The treatment is minimally invasive meaning no need for punctal plugs, lid scrubs and other very painful alternatives. I have been treated and can now wear contacts to correct my vision which before didn't even cross my mind because I had so much trouble with my eyes!
Avatar m tn My last appointment about 3 months ago with the opthomologist becuase i was getting inflaming eyelid margin. i was told i have MILD MGD and bit of allergy on my right eyelid and left eyelid just mild MGD.. he gave me a sterioid drop tobramycin and dexamethasone only for the right side and he told me i HAVE to do warm compress for for 2-3 mins two times a day.. the steroid drop kind pretty much stopped the inflamed eyelid margin but it DOES NOT GO DOWN NO MATTER WHAT I TRY!!
Avatar f tn I just got back from my optomologist & he prescribed for me Restasis. He mentioned that once you're on Restasis, it's an on going thing it's not really temporary. Is that the case, do I have to stay on it. I was hoping that once my eye is feeling better, I could just use artificial tears to keep my eyes from drying so badly. He also changed my contact lenses to Acuvue Oasys. Any advice or info would be great.............................
Avatar n tn My ophthalmologist recently prescribed restasis for dry eyes. I read that cyclosporin can causes cancer. Is this true? Are these drops safe?
Avatar f tn I'm on restasis, my wife is on restasis, I use restasis in my practice. the medicine does not cause floaters. Floaters can occur at any time. If they start and you are doing something else like mowing the yard, reading a book or starting restasis the relationship is COINCIDENTAL. On the other hand if you are hit in the eye with a fist and note floaters the relationship is CAUSATIVE.
Avatar m tn Rare anyone to be too sensitive to restasis. My wife and I have been on restasis for many years with fabulous results. restasis works with both forms of dry eyes. Many people have stinging with restasis for several weeks which can be helped by using steroid drops for a couple of weeks. there is a new medication that works like restasis called Xidra it is supposed to kick in faster (3-4 months) than restasis (4-6 months) but has not been shown to be better than restasis and is more costly.
Avatar f tn Use the search feature and archives and read the many posts about blepheritis. MGD or meibomian gland disease is a form of blepharitis.
Avatar f tn Refresh PM gel, Systane Ultra lubricating drops and Restasis. Optimologist prescribed Restasis 6 weeks ago. Still not sure why eyes are red all of the time. Suggested allergy testing, which I have scheduled now. Optomologist says that he still isn't sure what is going on and wants to put plugs in my eyes. My eyes now feel better than they have for quite awhile but still red like no sleep (I get 8 hrs daily) I have 3 questions; 1. can plugs be used with Restasis?
Avatar n tn I prescribe Restasis and I use Restasis. I am not familiar with a blue vial holder. I Googled the term and nothing comes up so I don't know anything about it.
Avatar m tn I have a moderate to serious dry eye. I am going to start my Restasis today and I know that I will not see the result till 2 months or more from now. I am also planning for a cataract surgery in 1 to 2 months. I also foresee that I will use some steroid or antibotics for a few weeks after the surgery. Do I need to stop Restasis once I start the steroid ?
Avatar m tn Can I put temporary plug and try Restasis at the same time as Restasis takes quite a long time to kick in.
Avatar f tn I have not seen this in my Restasis patients. Dr. O.
427279 tn?1210919821 but eyes have changed first time in years ...and he said i had extremely dry eyes....wants me to take restasis but kept saying "you may not think it's working for you but it will be just keep using anyway all is good just so tired dont want to move...
Avatar m tn s syndrome on steroids for long periods. Most of my patients with your problems I treat with Restasis twice daily for the rest of their life. I have said this before but both my wife and I have bad dry eyes and my wife has been on restasis with good results for about 15 years and me for about 10 years. Note it takes 4-6 months for Restasis to kick in and work fully. There are too other drops that are in this family.