
Prometrium for amenorrhea

Common Questions and Answers about Prometrium for amenorrhea


Avatar f tn provera is usuallly the standard for treating amenorrhea. although duphaston is much the same I do believe that duphaston has been discontinued but iam not positive. Either way please do not take this without a doc's RX and is not to be used as the abortion pill. Taking these meds will bring on a menstrual cycle but this can be very painful and come wiith heavy bleeding.
Avatar f tn said it may take a while to become normal and he was not concerned. In June I was given prometrium to start my periods again and it worked. I started 12 days later, but I never ovulated and it never came again. In August I went back to see my ob/gyn and he wanted to do a thyroid panal and also check for PCOS. The test came back and my TSH was 121, funny thing is, I felt pretty good. He immedicatly started me on 150 mcg of Synthroid.
Avatar n tn If you have not had your period for very long, it is not unusual to go for long periods of time without one. It will take a year or two (sometimes longer) for your period to regulate itself. I remember even after four years sometimes I would still skip a month and then have double or triple periods the next month. Sometimes it also has to do with stress. Just practice some relaxing techniques a few times a week. :) I think you will be okay.
Avatar f tn If I do , shuld I use a back up method or is breastfeeding really reliable as birth control wen yu follow the lactational amenorrhea method which I am ?
Avatar n tn It is also found when pregnancy occurs or when is breast feeding. Otherwise it is secondary amenorrhea. Secondary amenorrhea is when a woman who has had normal menstrual cycles stops getting her monthly period for 3 or more months. Causes of secondary amenorrhea include stress and anxiety, malnutrition, depression, overexercising, sudden weight loss or gain (obesity),thyroid disorders and hormonal imbalance due to polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS).
Avatar n tn My Dr has prescribed Prometrium 200mgs to be taken for the 1st 5 days of my next period. Everything I have read about this is that it is usually prescribed for 10 days before your period, so I am confused. Also, he mentioned that Prometrium will help protect me from endometrial cancer and possibly breast cancer. I read that it may increase the risk of breast cancer so I am totally confused. Can someone help and offer advice? I am going for a 2nd opinion in December with another Ob/Gyn.
Avatar n tn I do know that periods can stop if you have lost a significant amount of weight and/or are exercising more than may be good for your body. Today there is such an emphasis on being thin, particularly for young women. Your body needs a certain amount of weight in order to be functioning fully. When you have diabetes, it is natural to be concerned about the food you eat and exercise.
Avatar n tn I am 20 years old and have not had a period for almost a year. I have seen a doctor about this and have been tested for many things including thyroid disorders, pituitary problems genetic tests and hormone imbalances. I have somewhat low estrogen (29) for my age and somewhat high FSH (18). I do not have any other issues than these either. I don't know if this will definitely lead me to early menopause and other health problems or if not having a period really isn't that big of a deal.
Avatar f tn Hi everyone! I have not had my period exactly for 3 months. I had sex with my boyfriend without penetration.. I doubted about pregnancy and went to ultrasound twice and did many home tests but all came negative. Gyn said that my uterus is smaller than normal..(40/30/38) . Could i still be pregnant? I am not planning and i cant have baby now, so i am terribly afraid.. She gave me a drug and said to wait for period in 12 days.. It is 6th day today but have no any of premenstrual syndrome..
1404364 tn?1289431561 My cycle is nowhere to be seen (not totally uncommon for me) and my last period was in mid-December. My OB was fine with giving me an Rx for BC pills to induce a bleed, but when I called the RE's office, she said that I shouldn't start them and that we will talk about an alternate route at the appt. Now I'm just curious what types of drugs they would put me on? Are there stronger injectibles to induce a period?
Avatar f tn Secondary amenorrhea is when a woman who has had normal menstrual cycles stops getting her monthly period for 3 or more months. Causes of secondary amenorrhea include stress and anxiety, malnutrition, depression, overexercising, sudden weight loss or gain (obesity),thyroid disorders and hormonal imbalance due to polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS).Smoking is also associated with secondary amenorrhea. Sometimes tumors of the ovaries and brain may also cause absence of menstruation.
Avatar f tn Also not having periods after a pregnancy could be due to secondary amenorrhea or absence of periods/menstruation due to some thing. The first thing to check for is pregnancy, so take a pregnancy test and see. You could have conceived any time in the three years post pregnancy if you are ovulating. If urine test is negative, go for blood HCG estimation. If this is not the case, then other causes will have to be looked into. Stress and anxiety is a major factor.
Avatar f tn Hello, First of all get pregnancy ruled out by getting a serum HCG test. Also get secondary amenorrhea ruled out. Secondary amenorrhea is when a woman who has had normal menstrual cycles stops getting her monthly period for 3 or more months. Causes of secondary amenorrhea include stress and anxiety, malnutrition, depression, overexercising, sudden weight loss or gain (obesity),thyroid disorders and hormonal imbalance due to polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS).
Avatar f tn Basically you have secondary amenorrhea or absence of periods/menstruation due to some thing. The first thing to check for is pregnancy, which any case would be ruled out for you by now. Since pregnancy is not the case, then other causes will have to be looked into. Stress and anxiety is a major factor. Thyroid problems and abnormal levels of FSH, LH, prolactin, androgen hormones or male hormones and estrogen hormones too can be the cause.
Avatar f tn If pregnancy is ruled out then secondary amenorrhea should be ruled out. Secondary amenorrhea is when a woman who has had normal menstrual cycles stops getting her monthly period for 3 or more months. Causes of secondary amenorrhea include stress and anxiety, malnutrition, depression, overexercising, sudden weight loss or gain (obesity),thyroid disorders and hormonal imbalance due to polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS).Smoking is also associated with secondary amenorrhea.
Avatar f tn Hello, First of all get pregnancy ruled out by getting a serum HCG test. Also get secondary amenorrhea ruled out. Secondary amenorrhea is when a woman who has had normal menstrual cycles stops getting her monthly period for 3 or more months. Causes of secondary amenorrhea include stress and anxiety, malnutrition, depression, overexercising, sudden weight loss or gain (obesity),thyroid disorders and hormonal imbalance due to polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS).
Avatar n tn Secondary amenorrhea is when a woman who has had normal menstrual cycles stops getting her monthly period for 3 or more months. Causes of secondary amenorrhea include stress and anxiety, malnutrition, depression, overexercising, sudden weight loss or gain (obesity),thyroid disorders and hormonal imbalance due to polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS).Smoking is also associated with secondary amenorrhea. Sometimes tumors of the ovaries and brain may also cause absence of menstruation.