
Prometrium after ovulation

Common Questions and Answers about Prometrium after ovulation


Avatar n tn My OB/GYN gave me Progesterone (prometrium 100mg per day) to take after ovulation. I have been doing this for several months now. I recently started seeing a RE and when I told him I start the prog either 1dpo or 2 dpo, he freaked out telling me that I should not start them until 4dpo because talking starting it any earlier than 4dpo would cause me not to ovulate properly. I always start prog after I get a +opk one day and a temp increase the next day (which I count as o day).
Avatar n tn My OB/GYN gave me Progesterone (prometrium 100mg per day) to take after ovulation. I have been doing this for several months now. I recently started seeing a RE and when I told him I start the prog either 1dpo or 2 dpo, he freaked out telling me that I should not start them until 4dpo because talking starting it any earlier than 4dpo would cause me not to ovulate properly. I always start prog after I get a +opk one day and a temp increase the next day (which I count as o day).
Avatar f tn I'm taking prometrium (200mg) once a day at bedtime post ovulation. I should be 9 or 10 DPO. I've been taking it 9 days. I know that taking this can cause pregnancy symptoms, but my question is: does it build up and intensify as you take it day after day. Ex: my breasts are larger but the tenderness has been very mild, then disappeared, until last night. They were very sore on the sides mostly last night, but then this mornng they are tender all over.
Avatar f tn It is taken the day after Ovulation and till the period occurs. Now as it raises the progesterone it can delay your period if you are not pregnant as during the luteal phase (after ovulation) your progesterone will decrease and estrogen levels will rise talling your body to shed the uterine lining causeing yoru period to occur. When you take suppliments the progesterone stays up and may not fall till stopped.
922048 tn?1387942584 I forgot to mention that the cramps started almost exactly when I started Prometrium! (I take that each month 200 mg/day following ovulation.) After looking up the side effects of Prometrium, it seems cramps are a big one! Then, starting yesterday, the cramps came in waves of being very severe! (three times yesterday and once so far today) I'm wondering if maybe my body might be getting too much progesterone or something. I was doubled over with pain and crying! Almost went to the ER!
Avatar f tn Glenda is right, progesterone should be fine if you are pregnant. Many of us take prometrium through first trimester or after ovulation. False positives are uncommon, but I can tell you that the blue dye tests seem to produce them more often then the pink dye. I would see your Dr. for a blood test. I wish you luck!!
1318306 tn?1276180824 I was never very good at temping, so I may not be much help here. I never noticed that prometrium increased my temps and I was on it for several months. I took it orally....not sure if that makes a difference or not. I hope this means a BFP for you...Good luck!!!
666970 tn?1273759854 Progesterone is what sustains the pregnancy until the placenta takes over. I was instructed to begin taking the Prometrium 3 days after I detected my Luteinizing Hormone (LH) surge via the OPK(ovulation predictor kit). The reason I was instructed to take it 3 days after the surge is because progesterone can prevent ovulation. When you detect the LH surge you know that you will ovulate in 24-48 hours.
691236 tn?1311199974 Sounds like your doctor is on top of things. If your hormone levels are low, it makes perfect sense to use progesterone and estrogen supplements after ovulation. I've only used progesterone in the past, but I'm currently getting ready for IVF and will be on both estrogen and progesterone after retrieval. Best of luck to you!
Avatar n tn I've been taking prometrium vaginally twice daily for 13 days now (started the day after my IUI) and on day 10, I started noticing a headache, a dull gnawing sensation on both sides of my head. It is day 14 of prometrium now (CD32) and I am still feeling this. If I bend over to pick up something it hurts even more.
Avatar f tn I went through an ovulation induction cycle and was put on prometrium (progesterone) to support a healthy lining. I am now 20 days past ovulation, no period, and three negative home pregnancy tests (it is now day 33 of my cycle and I am typically a 28 day cycle, like clockwork). I talked to the doctor today who told me to stop the prometrium and I should expect my period in 2-3 days.
Avatar f tn HI everyone I am 3 weeks pregnant and my doctor said my progesterone levels are low and prescribed Prometrium for me to take vaginally until I am 10 weeks pregnant, I am worried because I read up on the drug and there seem to be some serious side effects. Can anyone share their experiences with me?
Avatar n tn When I do, I recommend that you test your urine daily with urine ovulation prediction starting on day 10 or 11, have intercourse the day the urine turns positive and the day after, and then start prometrium 3 days after the urine turns positive; this way you know that you are starting the prometrium at the correct time. I personally would be very hesitant to start prometrium on day 12 - I think that is too early and could make things worse.
Avatar f tn He recommends going back on clomid (5 pills a day) and taking prometrium 200 mg 2 days after ovulation. My period is now between day 28 - 35, lasts only one day and is brownish-black. My question to you is that the ovulation strips which have always detected OV did not detect it this month or last month, did I stop OV'ing? Should I still take the prometrium? Is it time to look for another RE? What should I do next??? My clock is ticking and it's keeping me up at night. Thank you.
760797 tn?1303264540 When women don't have a high enough progesterone level to support a pregnancy, it is often supplemented. It is usually started immediately after ovulation. Many drs believe that many mc's can be prevented by rxing it.
1105753 tn?1374287348 I am going to do and IUI my next cycle. I did a round of Clomid this month and was put on progesterone after ovulation. I am using Promedium suppositories. I need to try to have my AF on a certain day so my next O will fall on a day off of work. They have cut our vacations and are being really strict about time off. I was on Provera last year and my AF came 3 days after my last pill. Should I expect the same time frame on Promedium? Has anyone had experience with this.
218177 tn?1240140219 Normally I would have much mucus and a positive ovulation test today. Both my ovulation test and pregnacy tests are negative, yet my breasts are very sore, I have zero mucus, and only a faint second line on the ovulation test. I can feel that my estragin is low (I am tired and not in the mood). What could be going on? Why don't these sore breasts settle down like usual? And why would i suddenly not ovulate, with FSH of 11. What happens when you skip ovulation one time?
887196 tn?1267555107 My husband and I have been TTC for 6 months. I tried charting for a few months, then stopped. I have recently started again. I am noticing that I ovulate very late in my cycle. Then my luteal phase is only about 5 or 6, maybe even 7 days. I didn't realize this was a problem until doing some research today. Is this a big problem? Can you still get pregnant? Does it mean a miscarriage?
Avatar f tn s most probably the progesterone that is causing the tender breasts. I always get tender breasts after ovulation when progesterone goes up. Prometrium is a synthetic progesterone, so that can cause breast tenderness in and of itself...and then, if you ovulated, the follicles you had will produce progesterone, as the levels are most probably much higher for you this cycle than normal. It should subside at the end of the cycle.
Avatar f tn I had 8-9 follicles but only 3 or 4 were mature. After the iui I had pretty bad ovulation pain on Weds, to the point I could hardly walk. I figured that meant I ovulated (the scan showed I was probably in the process--dr said he could tell b/c there was the fluid that is released when the follicle ruptures). The pain subsided for a bit but I've had pain similar to ovulation pain off and on since (at a lesser intensity). Does anyone know what this could be due to?
419008 tn?1219536438 Anyway, I had started prometrium 100mg 2x a day 5 dpo. Since BFN this month I am wondering if the prometrium will have screwed things up for next month? Doesn't it prevent o? I stopped taking it last nite, but I hope that its not to late and I'll still be able to get a BFP next month.
377493 tn?1356502149 Did you take the suppostitories before ovulation as well? I thought I was only supposed to take the prometrium after ovulation. I am so confused with all of this, my old Dr. didn't explain this very well. Thanks meli.
327405 tn?1223239755 Well the Prometrium (I took for 12 nights in a row) ended up working and I got pregnant with the ovulation that occured right after taking the Prometrium. I don't know what provera is (depo?), but you might want to ask him about that. I also don't know anyting about ovulex.
937427 tn?1247023856 I don't know about absence, but yes on irregular. Many women are irregular due to lack of ovulation or abnormal ovulation. Clomid is rx'd for this reason. It helps women that do not ovulate, do so. It also helps women that have weak o, o stronger. But, it doesn't work for all women. If after 3-6 cycles pregnancy has not occurred, it is not likely to. It is also not good for a woman to stay on it for prolonged periods of time.
1160986 tn?1486819725 Sorry to hear that :( I HATE the day of the results, ugh... Well, in my experience, my period was "normal" after Prometrium. In my case, however, I never get periods on my own, only with Pills and those are usually pretty light. I thought that the ones I got after failed IUIs (ovulation induced, you may say) were what normal periods would look like if I ever had them, and they usually lasted 3-4 days with minor cramps. Good luck on your next one!