
Prilosec and rolaids

Common Questions and Answers about Prilosec and rolaids


Avatar n tn ve long known that for myself, reflux/heartburn (I regularly eat as many as 10 Rolaids daily) and large meals can definetly effect/trigger my PVC's. I've discussed this with my Cardio and numberous other doctors I've seen, but they have seemed somewhat reluctant to acknowledged that heartburn or reflux might contribute to PVC's, albeit, they have all acknowledged the potential full stomach/vagus nerve connection.
Avatar f tn I am 18 wks pregnant and i have really bad heartburn what can i take or do for it. I can't sleep because of it.....
Avatar f tn I use rolaids mint flavor. Tums never helped me but I love me some rolaids!
709686 tn?1277432159 Esomeprazole (Nexium) is slightly different than omeprazole (Prilosec). But your body could react the same way. You could try a small amount and see. There are some combo otc drugs by Rolaids and others that have an antacid and famotidine (acid reducer). Those probably don't work as well.
Avatar f tn Other than rolaids and other meds, what home remedies worked for you? Mint tea ?chamomile tea?
7714818 tn?1394784539 You can take Rolaids, Maalox, Mylanta, Simethicone, Zantac, Pepcid, Prilosec. I've gotten heart burn bad the past 2 weeks but lately haven't had it.
Avatar n tn i have a burning sensation in my throat and wont go away even with rolaids. I was diagnosed with acid reflux but never took the medicine. prilosec. Could this be the problem . It feels like i swallowed vicks dont know what to do. This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/Gastroenterology---Digestive-Disorders/Laparosopic-Fundoplication-justification/show/233004">Laparosopic Fundoplication justification</a>.
Avatar f tn its a burning sensation in my throat and feels like something is hung in the middle of my throat. Mostly with spaghetti and foods of that nature so I cut them out of diet. However It occurs at random, any suggestions on how to ease that.
Avatar f tn I just asked my OB about this the other day and he told me to take Prilosec OTC every night before I go to bed, and it's safe and way better than tums could ever do
Avatar f tn Is there anything else I can take for heartburn besides tums and rolaids? I have done everything correct, as far as what I eat and potions but even water gives me heartburn. Now im up feeling like a fire breathing dragon. Dr keeps telling me what I already take should work. I really wish I could wake him up when I cant sleep, like now.
400885 tn?1297698918 By the way, Rolaids has a fruit punch flavor that is actually pretty good. I know rolaids and tums tend to be chalky and nasty, but I'd recommend the fruit punch.
Avatar f tn I'm 23 weeks and recently started getting heartburn. I never had it before I got pregnant. Whole milk works for me. I don't have tums. Mylanta and rolaids are safe for pregnancy. Maybe those will work for you.
Avatar f tn I just asked my OB about this today and he said Prilosec works best, better than tums could ever do and to take it every day right before you go to bed
Avatar f tn I was taking zantac 150 2x a day and prilosec otc 1x a day along with tums. Finally at 16 weeks my ob gave me the prescription prilosec and heartburn is so much better.
Avatar n tn get off the tums or rolaids, they make it worse. Pickle Juice helps alot. try it and sit up straight and relax just take a couple of sips of dill pickle i like the deli style from sams club. great.. will pray for you , i would go to the doctor and have him help you too..
Avatar f tn Only thing that works for me is gaviscon liquid form. Ive had a horrendous time with heartburn this pregnancy and have tried everything. ..this is the only thing that works for me...
Avatar n tn Maximum strength Zantac, also ice cream (or nice, cold milk).
Avatar m tn htm Please discuss with your doctor about trying a combination of medication. Stop Prilosec and see. Keep a stress diary to see if a particular food causes more problems than the other. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
Avatar f tn Oh yes. They are fine. I lived on rolaids and tums. Lifesavers!
Avatar f tn Just take tums. I have a bottle of peppermint tums on my night stand and wake at least once and take one or two and I take one before bed cause the moment I lay down it starts if I dont.
Avatar f tn Zantac was not on my list that I was given that is ok to take. ..I was told tums and rolaids....
Avatar n tn When my acid reflux is at its worse my food feels like it is "getting stuck". Prilosec or omeprazole is what I take. It took it about 2 months to work, but that feeling went away. My doctor said it was because my esophagus was inflamed and irritated. (Had a scope when it first happened. - I didn't have the need to have my esophagus dilated - You need the scope to rule this out.) It takes prilosec about 2 months to heal my esophagus when it gets that way.
Avatar f tn I have found in my own life dealing with reflux that the one single item that causes the most trouble is SUGAR! I eliminated all sugar from my diet, other than the small amounts added to canned foods, etc., but including all pastries, soft drinks, coffee, etc. and substituted non-calory sweetener as needed and have not had any reflux since. The sugar generates acid in the gut and that's the problem. Try getting rid of the sugar and HFCF and you'll see a huge improvement.
Avatar f tn Thanks Rebekah -- I am seeing my doctor on the 18th and I will definitley speak to him about it. Thanks for responding -- really helps to hear that I am not alone!!!
Avatar f tn Sorry Correction : 'Did you try' AND NOT 'Domid'. Don't know how that got there.
168348 tn?1379357075 I have been taking mega Rolaids or Tums but think I need more like a Zantac or Prilosec (otc) for now ...... did you get it from Synthroid at all alone? My anti-inflammatory for my ankle is really the culprit as that, in itself, is very hard on the GI .. and coupled with the thyroid med I have heartburn, etc. I figure safe to spread out meds by 2hrs ?
Avatar f tn The four hour before or after applies only to antacids like tums or Rolaids etc not Prilosec. Prilosec is not an antacid it is a proton pump inhibitor called Omeprazole. My doctor advised me if at all possible to not take Prilosec so if I can't sleep due to heartburn I take a Tums which by then is 9 hours after I took Harvoni. I have a hiatal hernia and GERD so believe me I miss Prilosec.