
Prevacid for stomach ulcers

Common Questions and Answers about Prevacid for stomach ulcers


Avatar f tn I have had ulcers, bacteria infection in my stomach, and several other gastro problems for a little over a year. I go to a gastro dr. Before I started hydro I had to take 2 prevacid 30m a day. (drs orders) I am very careful what I eat. After I started hydro my acid reflux was so much better...weird huh? Now off hydro 5 days, taking prevacid again. I will deal with acid reflux and take my prevacid..Stress does make it flare up really just maybe I can get it back under control soon...
Avatar f tn Pain always in the same two spots. Worried about stomach cancer because it has gone untreated until now, for like 5 years.
Avatar f tn Prevacid are often taken together to eradicate Helicobacter Pylori, a bacterial infection that can lead to stomach and duodenal ulcers. A tender stomach is very common with peptic ulcer, either duodenal or gastric.
Avatar f tn Then the pain kept getting worse they also had found an inflamed Ulcer that has like a blister on it. Everytime the dr would touch my stomach I would get a real strong pain I would even cry, then the dr said about irritable bowel syndrome, gave me meds to help with the pain. Nothing had seem to work but in oct the dr found something else called crystals in my bladder that were ready to.cut my bladder open. I got scared n confused.
Avatar m tn Early February I had an upper GI done when I had incredible stomach pain and they found two duodenal ulcers. I was prescribed Prevacid 30mg once a day and after a while the symptoms went away. Two weeks later, they came back worse than ever and I went to see a specialist who upped my dose to 30mg twice a day and carafate. I have an endsocopy scheduled for the end of August but I'm barely functioning because of my fear of this being stomach cancer.
Avatar f tn Ulcers can be tender if you have other symptoms as belching, bloating maybe some nausea... possible it is an ulcer. I would suggest some xrays to rule things out, its never fun to guess whats wrong causes you stress and anxiety that your body doesnt need at this state.
Avatar f tn i am a 43 yr oldwoman .have had stomach problems all my life.have went from having mytubes 3 times,all i got from that was scar tissue and my gynecologist told me.the only other way to takecare of mypain in my abdomen is get a i ended up doing this.well ive also had like 6 endoscopys done becuz again having stomach hurting all the time.and my throat feeling like its on fire.the gasterologist.tryed me on nexium.prilosec.prevacid.and others.
Avatar f tn Advil is fine and you can also take pepcid for you ulcers. If you need something srtonger for either then you will need to see your Dr.
Avatar n tn In September, I had an EDD which found an ulcer in my stomach negative for H. Pylori. I have been on up to 60mg a day of Prevacid, which I am currently taking to no avail. Also had a colonoscopy and small bowel series which found nothing but IBS in Colon. I also had MRI abdomen/CT abdomen which found parumbilical and inguinal hernia’s which were repaired alongside Laparscopy Discovery(found lymph node??). in October.
Avatar m tn I do take zantac but to me thats more for heartburn and i do think that prevaicd does help with ulcers? so i will try something like that and i did hear the pepto-bismouth works good too!
Avatar f tn Hi , My husband had the same exact problem,he needed to drink fluids all the time whenever he put food in his mouth to push it down this went on for a long time finally he went for his regular blood work and i mentioned to the doctor well he had to go for the test where they put a camera down your throat to see inside your stomache i cant remember the name anyway they found little ulcers that were inflamed so they put him on prevacid he takes 1 a day in the morning every day, its been 3yrs and
Avatar f tn I know that leaving ulcers and gastritis untreated can turn into stomach cancer. I have an EGD scheduled for Tuesday and I am terrified of what I will find. My anxiety seems to have made everything so much worse. Can hardly sleep or even work. Any ideas?
268911 tn?1213744781 I actually quit taking the Prevacid two days ago and Im still having stomach pain but I guess it takes time for your gut to get back to normal. I know there are doctors that do lots of good for people...I hope I find one soon. With all this happening I'm only at 3 tabs a day but believe me...I really want to take more. It seems just when I start to see the light I get knocked back down again.
Avatar f tn had no real concerns only that due to my son suffering from GERDs, she saw in the xray that the bile is backing up into the stomach. This was the same thing she told me 3 years ago and prescribed Prevacid and now prescribed Nexium. There were bad news, however, when the Dr. got the results from the sonogram. She found a lesion on my son's pancreas and the liver is enlarged. Lab results also show the liver enzymes slightly higher. A CT Scan is pending (in 2 weeks!).
114870 tn?1210298346 mmm since milk helps you out and you have strong pain and reflux that pretty much points out an ulcer of some sort - milk has calcium that helps ulcers so that's probably why you feel better on milk, i'm curious if some sort of ulcer has developed...usually with all the acid blocking meds you've taken you wouldn't get one unless it was an infection like h.ployri. I'm sure you've been tested for h. ploryi..
Avatar m tn I was first diagnosed with hyperthyroidism back in May 2004. I had a couple small nodules on one lobe of my thyroid. I was started on PTU (can't spell the full name LOL!) and responded very well to it. After a few months, the nodules had disappeared and my thyroid levels stabilized. In July of 2008 I was started on Amiodarone for my atrial fibrillation. Amiodarone has an iodine content to it and seems to have caused my thyroid levels to go up again.
Avatar m tn Hey guys, posting here again. I posted a question here on Feb 18th about stomach pains I had. Well these pains are back now. I think it may be an ulcer or inflammation of some kind. The last time I had this problem I got some Omeprazole off my doctor. I finished those and the pains came back last week so I got some more on Tuesday. Problem is that not it's a lot worse. I haven't ate or slept in 4 nights and I'm now starting to get constipated. Some thing I've never been before!
Avatar f tn I am not familiar with the new PPi you are taking. personally, I prefer prevacid, protonix has also worked for me--but it did not work for my daughter--prevacid worked for her also. You might ask if you can take carafate--it is prescription--and kind of the cadillac of antacids. You would probably have to make sure you time it right with your PPI. My youngest daughter was born with a hiatal hernia--she had two upper GIs and an endoscopy--none of which showed her hiatal hernia.
1374347 tn?1279163392 Our daughter has been diagnosed with a large ASD, hiatal hernia, and now ulcers with inflammation. They have run biopsies and allergy testing and nothing is coming up for why she has these ulcers. They're found in the duodenum and large intestine. She has chronic weight loss, and loss of appetite. Her blood work has come back with slightly elevated white blood cell counts across the board, bun/creatine ratio levels, and low RBC levels.
Avatar m tn About 2 months ago, I started having stomach pains. The pain would stay for a whole day, lessen the next couple and then come back. It went on like this for a couple weeks. I took Prilosec and Prevacid, both of which seemed to work for about 3-4 days and then symptoms came back. My gastro had me take Probitoics which didn't seem to work. The pain still remained and even became sharper at times. The pain is in m upper abdomen, just below my ribs. I got a colonoscopy and endoscopy.
7620634 tn?1392949593 Thanks, this is my first so everything is new lol. I have a body pillow that I'm going to start using whenever I sleep to help me get used to sleeping on my side. I have terrible heart burn now from ulcers, I have been suffering for days because I don't know if my prescription prevacid is safe to take.
Avatar n tn i have a 4 yr old daughter that awoke screaming one nite vomiting and had ulcers in her mouth and lesions on her lips, we rushed her to the er she was diagnosed with stomititis and tonsilitis in december 07 she has also had a slight case of diahrea since september 07, after treatment she continued to complain of stomach pain, she was prescribed prevacid for the stomach pain,after a couple of weeks she begain to vomit when she tried to eat so her doctor put her on liquids, after another week she
Avatar m tn This medication may also be used to treat stomach or intestinal ulcers. In addition, it may be used in combination with antibiotics to treat certain types of ulcers caused by bacterial infection. HOW TO USE: Take this medication by mouth usually once daily, with or without food, or as directed by your doctor. Do not crush, chew, or split the medication. Swallow the medication whole. Antacids may be taken along with this medication, if needed.
Avatar n tn i take prevacid for my gerd, can this cause atrial fibrillation This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/937646'>acid reflux</a>.
Avatar n tn This pill, which should have stayed in my esophagus for 5-6 minutes, was in there for 3 seconds and pulled AMAZING pics. It diagnosed Gerd, I had esophagitis, two ulcers stage 2 (out of 5) so mild, and it showed I have a hiatal hernia. It also showed that I still had alot of food in my stomach, after fasting, so he thinks I may have gastroparesis.....
Avatar n tn I have taken prevacid off and on for years without any problem. When the stomach pain started, I thought it was caused by my adrenal insufficiency, since it is one of the symptoms. I have only been on the high dose for about 5 months--and I think the stomach pain started before that---but there is definitely a connection to it now. I had to raise my HC, was having symptoms that suggested my basline dose was too low.