
Prevacid and stomach pain

Common Questions and Answers about Prevacid and stomach pain


Avatar n tn I have taken prevacid off and on for years without any problem. When the stomach pain started, I thought it was caused by my adrenal insufficiency, since it is one of the symptoms. I have only been on the high dose for about 5 months--and I think the stomach pain started before that---but there is definitely a connection to it now. I had to raise my HC, was having symptoms that suggested my basline dose was too low.
Avatar f tn Yes, ive has ultrasound, ct and mri. The pain is in my upper right under breast and upper left under breast. It has also moved to my epigastric area. Sharp and burning. Worse at night. Have EGD scheduled for tomorrow. Scared out of my mind. Worried about cancer from leaving it untreated. Didn't want to take meds. Now I am on prevacid.
Avatar f tn Last week I was diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer and am taking Amoxicillin, Biaxin and Prevacid. I am one week into treatment and feel only marginally better. My question is about stomach tenderness. Is a tender stomach normal with a peptic ulcer? My entire stomach area, from just below my breasts, down to my navel, is very tender to the touch. When touched it produces like a burning/stinging/bruised feeling. Depending on the day, or time of the day, the pain is greater or less.
Avatar f tn especially if i eat something like coffee or tea. and i try to drink prevacid to help the pain and it work out after 30 minutes. i would like to know what the best thing to do and what are the food i should be concious of eating..
Avatar f tn Help, I am 34 years old and have had stomach pain for about 6 years. My pain started in the right upper quadrant of my abdomen and seemed to mimic a gall bladder attack. It would go from my right side to my back. For the past year or two, it has traveled to my left upper abdomen as well. I have been to a GI doc for the past couple of years or so. They have tested my gall bladder, all seems fine so far. About the last year. Or so, I fell like I have acid reflux, pain in my esophagus.
Avatar n tn Saw GI MD 3 days ago who put me on prevacid 30mg 2x a day and pepcid 40mg at bed time for 6 weeks. Does this sound reasonable? I get concerned re the medications and side effects. Would there be any by taking both? I am also on aspirin, lipitor and synthroid.
Avatar f tn I took Prevacid at 1:30 this morning, Synthroid at 6:30, non fiber breakfast at 8:30 and now at 9:30 I am having terrific stomach discomfort . This will dissapate as the morning goes by but have not yet discovered what is causing the distress that I did not have before doing anything. Maybe it is the two cups of caffine???
Avatar n tn My daughter also takes pentasa and WAS taking prevacid. The prevacid didn't seem to help her and our GI switched her to prilosec. My daughter has had no complaints with the prilosec. Both prevacid and prilosec have the same actions so they do the same things. The only interaction that I know of with prevacid and penicillin is with a type of penicillin called Ampicillin and it may inhibit the absorption of the prevacid.
Avatar n tn major stomach pain waking me up at 3:30 AM until breakfast and one hour before lunch and dinner times. What is going on???? I eat very well and exercize, but this pain is uncomfortable and has got to go!!!
Avatar f tn Last week I was diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer and am taking Amoxicillin, Biaxin and Prevacid. I am one week into treatment and feel only marginally better. My question is about stomach tenderness. Is a tender stomach normal with a peptic ulcer? My entire stomach area, from just below my breasts, down to my navel, is very tender to the touch. When touched it produces like a burning/stinging/bruised feeling. Depending on the day, or time of the day, the pain is greater or less.
Avatar f tn s to know,but one thing i will say if it continues and you are getting no relief go to see a doctor at least they can get you to lye down and they can press on your tummy and see were the pain is and if they can feel anything and then you can take from there. The reason why i'm saying this is because i have experienced pain in my stomach area in the past and i had to get operated on.I hope it is nothing serious,but you can never be to sure.
Avatar m tn I started taking prevacid a few weeks ago for an esophogial ulcer (non-malignant), I had stomach aches for on about day four or five that went away. My heart burn and pain in my sides is gone. My stools went from normal to yellow and remain that way. I contacted my doctor who acted like I was worrying too much and said this is normal because my food is going through me quicker then pre-previc acid.
Avatar m tn I am having very loose bowel movements, blood on the toliet paper when I wipe, indigestion, lower abdominal pain. Most importantly is I am having more frequent heartburn and chest pain, which I don't have when I am on the H2 blocker. After taking prevacid for a month I went back and check with my doctor telling him my symptoms, he doesn't seem to care and tell me to contiune to take prevacid for 1 more month. Could prevacid be causing all these symptoms ?
547002 tn?1219797376 In July i was having some swallowing problems or thought i was and they did an EGD and found nothing but a VERY tiny hiatal hernia. My stomach lining was nice and pink. I had been taking prevacid for two weeks prior to the EGD due to the trouble swallowing NOW i want to stop taking the prevacid and every time i try i get really sick. I get weak, nauseaus and for a day or two i literally go to the bathroom constantly and have loose yellow stools with stomach cramps.
Avatar n tn In fact when I burp, I can feel the hot yucky gas coming up from my stomach. A recent google showed that prevacid can cause a side effect of halitosis. Other comments insist it is the GERD but I am not entirely convinced. In my opinion, neither one is new to me, but the halitosis is. I suppose the only way to figure it out would be to go off the prevacid. What is the consensus out there? This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.
Avatar n tn She told me to take prevacid once a day no matter how I felt and to avoid OJ and tomatoes. So I did and it helped. I switched from prevacid to DGL and that helped as well. Then I started to feel a dull pain under my ribcage on the right side. It would come and go. Never sever, just annoying. Still have it on and off. Also have pain in my right flank area. I had an ultrasound done of my liver and it was fine. Could it be the gallblader or could it still be gastritis?
Avatar n tn I think there is a difference between bowel/colon polyps which should be removed, and benign stomach polyps caused by PPIs. I was diagnosed today with a stomach polyp and told it was most likely a result of long term use of a PPI (in this case Pariet). Does anyone know if benign stomach polyps develop into something nastier, grow bigger, can be reduced by diet, or changing PPI med?? Thanks This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.
Avatar m tn Within an hour of vomiting I was on the floor with excrusiating pain in my stomach and still vomiting although it was way more extreme. So extreme that I broke a blood vessel in my eye. This was 3 months ago. Since then I have had constant pain in my stomach and asophagus. I have been to the emergency room 3 times. Prescribed Prevacid, Nexium, and something for nausea as the doc thought it was GERD or severe acid reflux.. Nothing helps. I had a blood test for H.Pylori and it came back negative.
Avatar m tn You may want to switch to something else, such as Prevacid (you can get over-the-counter), just to make sure. And take a dose twice daily. Second - deal aggressively with the constipation so that it is not part of the equation - that just confuses everything. Miralax (or the store brand) is very good - use a dose every day or even twice a day until the bowels are working well, then cut back. It is not gritty like the fiber supplements, and generally works without causing cramping.
Avatar f tn Yes, a hiatal hernia can mimic a heart attack and give you chest pain. That is why your stress test, echo and EKG are fine...and also, why you have been prescribed Prevacid, which is a drug that reduces stomach acid.
Avatar f tn HI, I am a 27 year old female who was diagnosed with gastroparesis and gerd in 2007. I have been on 30mg of Prevacid daily for almost 4 years now and just recently have been having terrible symptoms again with gerd. I saw my GI specialist and he recommended I start taking reglan again because the gastroparesis might be causing the reflux.
Avatar f tn had no real concerns only that due to my son suffering from GERDs, she saw in the xray that the bile is backing up into the stomach. This was the same thing she told me 3 years ago and prescribed Prevacid and now prescribed Nexium. There were bad news, however, when the Dr. got the results from the sonogram. She found a lesion on my son's pancreas and the liver is enlarged. Lab results also show the liver enzymes slightly higher. A CT Scan is pending (in 2 weeks!).
Avatar m tn I have been taking prevacid for a week and now the pain is almost totally out of my chest and shoulder blade BUT now has moved to my middle back and also primarily located under the left side ribs (location of the stomach). It varies anything from a tight "crampy" (light) feeling to mild pain that shoots through to my back.
Avatar n tn In the middle of the dinner all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain followed by a feeling that my stomach turns to a cement block and I could not eat anymore. I remember that the day before I ate a rotten cheese cake whom I through after eating part of it. Since then, this pain is persistent. And one more thing; I don’t have any constipation. I would welcome any suggestion.
Avatar m tn For the last 5 yrs ive had ulcer like symptoms.. Two scopes later, both negative and Im still experiencing extreme pain when my stomach is empty... I had the last scope about a year ago and he did happen to mention that i had excess bile... He had to suction it out before he could even look at my stomach....One of the Drs i work with mentioned dumping syndrome, i have some reflux but its not bad... just extreme pain in my stomach when its empty... Ive been on carafate and prevacid etc..
Avatar n tn after taking these i went to see a gi doctor who had helped me in the past with a similar issue and he said keep taking nexxium and prevacid and it would probably go away. well it has been almost 10 mo. now and it has not gone away. i eat low fat, no spices, no acid food and eat plenty of wheat product which i thought helped with digestion. is there a natural product that can help break downs foods so they are not just sitting there rotting?
1733249 tn?1310306565 The sternum is painful (mostly all the time)and hurts to push on it. I also have slight stomach and under ribs pain. LOTS of belching and a bloated feeling. Went to ED and they did blood work, ekg, etc. I am under lot of stress at the moment. This seems to me to be a stomach and or esophogus issue. I have been taking prevacid for years and never had this problem before. Last night I took a vicodin and it felt much better. Maybe took care of the pain or relaxed me to stop worrying.
Avatar m tn I started taking prevacid a few weeks ago for an esophogial ulcer (non-malignant), I had stomach aches for on about day four or five that went away. My heart burn and pain in my sides is gone. My stools went from normal to yellow and remain that way. I contacted my local GI who is not my hep c specialist. He acted like I was worrying too much and said this is normal because my food is going through me quicker then pre-previc acid.