
Prevacid for stomach ulcer

Common Questions and Answers about Prevacid for stomach ulcer


Avatar f tn Prevacid are often taken together to eradicate Helicobacter Pylori, a bacterial infection that can lead to stomach and duodenal ulcers. A tender stomach is very common with peptic ulcer, either duodenal or gastric.
Avatar m tn I had my gallbladder removed about 20 yrs ago. For the last 5 yrs ive had ulcer like symptoms.. Two scopes later, both negative and Im still experiencing extreme pain when my stomach is empty... I had the last scope about a year ago and he did happen to mention that i had excess bile... He had to suction it out before he could even look at my stomach....One of the Drs i work with mentioned dumping syndrome, i have some reflux but its not bad... just extreme pain in my stomach when its empty...
Avatar f tn Yes, a hiatal hernia can mimic a heart attack and give you chest pain. That is why your stress test, echo and EKG are fine...and also, why you have been prescribed Prevacid, which is a drug that reduces stomach acid.
Avatar m tn Does the pain get worse after you eat? It sounds like you have some of the symptoms of a duodenal ulcer. Try over the counter Prevacid or Prilosec, then also, make an appointment with a Gastroenterologist. I had some of the same symptoms and went to a Gastroenterologist and had an EGD (endoscopy) where a scope was used to look at my stomach to see what was going on and it was as I ulcer. You may need to have the same test...don't worry you'll be sedated.
Avatar m tn Figuring it to be exhaustion I put up with it for a week. When the symptoms persisted I called the doc. His review was a peptic ulcer and prescribed 30mg of Prevacid along with 1g of Amoxil and Biaxin (not sure of amount). Since then, I have nausea in the morning upon waking even after eating and taking the pills. In the afternoon I start to cough and get a taste of mucus or bile. I am too young to have these problems. Please help or advise anyway you can.
1448936 tn?1363206346 So I've been dealing with a horrible burning sensation in my stomach for a few weeks now. Sometimes I get really nauseous from it. I went to the dr and they gave me pills to treat an ulcer...they havent been giving me much relief. I've tried tums, maalox, pepto bismol as well. Nothing seems to help. Any idea what could possibly going on? The drs did xrays and checked for blood in my stool and everything has been negative.
963268 tn?1312900315 It appears from your description of your stomach condition, that a biopsy of your stomach lining was analyzed by a Pathologist and declared negative for Heliocbacter pylori. Were you given an acid reducer to calm your stomach lining?. I had an ulcer caused by H. pylori, and I used an antibiotic three times a day for 10 days. I also took an acid reducer once a day that healed by stomach lining. Today, I take one Prilosec, 20-mg, and I have no pain.
Avatar m tn After taking Prevacid, I gain my appetite back. The problem is, I have develope new symptoms after taking prevacid for 1 week. I am having very loose bowel movements, blood on the toliet paper when I wipe, indigestion, lower abdominal pain. Most importantly is I am having more frequent heartburn and chest pain, which I don't have when I am on the H2 blocker.
114870 tn?1210298346 thank you for the help...ulcer is what I was thinking as well, but I thought the prevacid would help it. I have not had any blood test or any test yet, hopefully the END test will show.
Avatar m tn I started taking prevacid a few weeks ago for an esophogial ulcer (non-malignant), I had stomach aches for on about day four or five that went away. My heart burn and pain in my sides is gone. My stools went from normal to yellow and remain that way. I contacted my doctor who acted like I was worrying too much and said this is normal because my food is going through me quicker then pre-previc acid.
Avatar n tn OTC Prilosec states the warning to be taken for up to 14 days 3 times a year. For a good reason. Stomach acid is essential for digestion, absorption of nutrients, and killing off bacteria, fungus, parasites. My mother was on nexium for almost 6 years and almost died from the serious side effects. Today she takes betaine HCL with pepsin supplements to increase stomach acid and digestive enzymes to help with with digestion and is free from severe GERD and severe LPR.
Avatar f tn The burping went away with the anxiety. My stomach burned so bad I thought I had an ulcer. You can get prevacid or prilosec over the counter. Either one should help. Good luck and excuse yourself!
Avatar m tn I started taking prevacid a few weeks ago for an esophogial ulcer (non-malignant), I had stomach aches for on about day four or five that went away. My heart burn and pain in my sides is gone. My stools went from normal to yellow and remain that way. I contacted my local GI who is not my hep c specialist. He acted like I was worrying too much and said this is normal because my food is going through me quicker then pre-previc acid.
Avatar f tn Put me on prevacid, took that for 5 weeks and it did nothing. Went back to the dr where she did more workup, checked my pancreatic enzymes and liver functions which once again came back normal, had a ultrasound on the liver, pancreas and gallbladder and all came back fine. I went to a GI dr that went over all my test ask alot of questions and said nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. I am having a endoscopy on Monday. He told me to try prilosic which I have been taking since Friday.
Avatar f tn The symptoms are similar to an ulcer pain. Acid reducers like OTC Prilosec, Prevacid, Zantac, and others can stop the burning pain. If the pain continues after taking acid reducers, you may have an ulcer and need to consult a doctor.
Avatar n tn Pleasures like milk, ice cream, yogurt, all contain Calcium, and cause your stomach to secrete stomach acid. If you do try these treats, stop it for a night or two and decide whether the dairy products turn-on your stomach- acid pumps. To provide you will ammunition to talk with your doctor, go to This federal website lists digestive disorders from A to Z.
Avatar f tn m in the same boat as you. Every weekend for about 4 months I was noticing the nasty burbs, a sour stomach...then hours after I would throw up and have loose stools or one or the other...was worse when It was both at the same time. It wasn't my gallbladder. So my doctor did tests for H. Ployri...and I tested positive. So I was taking a triple therapy treatment with consists of antibiotics. My doctor also prescribed Prevacid, which seemed to help.
388842 tn?1221748498 Poor little girl she must feel miserable,I wonder if the prevacid could cause a burning in her stomach, ask, to find out if there are any side effects, I was going to suggest her diet and trying the Natural Remedy Route, does anything trigger the pain what has she eaten and how long before the attacks of pain?So the Vomitting has stopped but she still has pain, perhaps if it continues you will have to go back to the doctor for further answers, does she get this burning pain at school?
388842 tn?1221748498 s and finished both rounds of meds and has Chronic stomach pain with a new symptom.. burning in her stomach.. She is scheduled for another EGD on the 23rd.. I think that they are going to see if she has an ulcer.. but I am wonder if there is anything else that they should be looking for. They have done blood tests (previously) for H-Pylori. Neg blood test, H-pylori (EGD)Positive biopsy.
Avatar f tn I have h pylori too and an ulcer going in for an endoscope next week . the 2 week regimen is awful and I couldn't do it cause I have a 9 month old consists of 2 antibiotics either amoxicillin and erythromycin or tetracycline and flagyl .. and a proton pump inhibitor prilosec . I took it for 4 days and had horrible vomiting and diarrhea and stopped the treatment .
Avatar n tn In September, I had an EDD which found an ulcer in my stomach negative for H. Pylori. I have been on up to 60mg a day of Prevacid, which I am currently taking to no avail. Also had a colonoscopy and small bowel series which found nothing but IBS in Colon. I also had MRI abdomen/CT abdomen which found parumbilical and inguinal hernia’s which were repaired alongside Laparscopy Discovery(found lymph node??). in October.
Avatar f tn Put me on prevacid, took that for 5 weeks and it did nothing. Went back to the dr where she did more workup, checked my pancreatic enzymes and liver functions which once again came back normal, had a ultrasound on the liver, pancreas and gallbladder and all came back fine. I went to a GI dr that went over all my test ask alot of questions and said nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. I am having a endoscopy on Monday. He told me to try prilosic which I have been taking since Friday.
Avatar m tn Last night i developed a sore throat that continued today, i also am sick to my stomach although i can eat and drink, i have attacks where i feel like throwing up. Ive been taking Prevacid for about two weeks for what may be an ulcer, ulcerative colitis, or ceoliac spore. I don't feel weak like i usually do when I'm sick, I believe it may be a side effect of the medicine. Should i seek medical help or stop taking the medicine? or should i continue doing what ive been doing?
Avatar n tn I am currently on rabeprazole for a duodenial ulcer. Not working. I used to be on Prevacid for excess stomach acid, but stopped using it when I went on the rabeprazole. I have an appt. on Monday with Dr. and hope he can find a solution. In the meantime I am unable to eat and see no relief in site. Any suggestions? I am losing my mind !!