
Prevacid and hiatal hernia

Common Questions and Answers about Prevacid and hiatal hernia


212161 tn?1599427282 Mine are caused by hiatal hernia. I have read that 60 % of the adult population will have a hiatal hernia by age 60. Have you ever been scoped ? A 3 minute procedure diagnosed an issue I have been struggling with for years. It also caused arrhythmia in my case. Anxiety followed the arrhythmia. It was a viscious circle. Good luck.
Avatar f tn thank you took stress test,echo and ekg all was good.So can a hiatal hernia and a ulcer give me pain like this and what can i do about it i'm taking prevacid.
Avatar n tn My cardiologist tells me that my heart arrhythmias are triggered by the fact that I have GERD and a large hiatal hernia. My G.P. now wants me to see a surgeon about a procedure to repair the hernia and wrap part of the stomach thus preventing reflux. I have heard conflicting reports about the success of this type of surgery. I am 83 and have none of the classic GERD symptoms, just the arrhythmia.
Avatar n tn He did a scope on her esaphagus and showed no permanent damage but did find a hiatal hernia. We changed her diet and the doctor put her on 15 mg prevacid. It was a miracle - she stopped complaining of: stomach aches, never able to clear throat, vomiting in night, always felt like something in chest, etc... A year almost to the date, the complaints started again and the mid-night throwing up began. She would awaken to vomit in her bed. The ped.
Avatar m tn Yes, panic attacks, vomiting and hernias seem to go hand in hand. I am 33 now and have been getting panic attacks since I was in primary school. but when you're a child, what do you know? All I knew was that I constantly thoughts I was dying, or terribly ill with some kind of disease. I was only diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder when I had a depressive episode that landed me in hospital and getting in touch with a really good Psychiatrist.
Avatar n tn s Day) had stated that according to statistics, women who take certain acid reflux medications and proton pump inhibitors like Prilosec, Prevacid and Zantac have a 40% higher risk of bone breakage later in life. That was scary for me to hear. Nearly 10 years on Prevacid and it may have caused the bone problems....just great. What it came down to was choosing for me.
Avatar f tn I have seen more than one post about hiatal hernia and heart symptoms and it is making me wonder if this could be my problem. I do get indigestion very often and when I eat I noticed palpitations as well.
Avatar m tn for the past 4 months i been having stomach aches and my gastro doctor did the test where they put the tube in your mouth and he said i have a hital hernia and its he put me all all types of medications and none seem to be working now day 2 iam on prevacid and i dont know if its dr said my hital hernia is too small and dont require surgery,but it hurts alot every day what should i do. This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.
Avatar m tn I had a Barium Swallow, and reflux was found, but no hiatal hernia was found. She prescribed Prevacid, which I have been taking for several months now, and said I should take a Pepcid AC before exercise. This method has been working much better than anything tried before. But I feel like I am completely dependent on the Pepcid for relief (as it gives me far more relief than my rescue inhaler). I'm not sure how much is too much of the Pepcid.
Avatar n tn I usually post on the heart rhythm forum for my PVC's. Just curious what are the symptoms of a Hiatal Hernia. My heart has been checked out fine and they say my PVC's are benign. I know there is a link between the vagus nerve and PVC's. I'm curious if this is what is causing mine. I get a weird lump like feeling in my throat and I have to belch a lot. I also am always taking tums or rolaids. Just curious to know if anyone else gets PVC's from stomach issues. Thanks!
Avatar m tn I have GERD, that I take Prevacid for. I also have a small hiatal hernia, and I have PAC's. My gastro, cardio, and pcp all have said that in my case there seems to be direct link to the stomach issues and heart arrythmia. I am interested to know as well, if a repair would take some pressure off the vagus nerve. Many of my palps happen when I sit a certain way. Keep us posted on what you find out. Best to you!
Avatar f tn You should have had a upper GI Barium Swallow to see if there is a hiatal hernia. However, I had this and it showed not hernia. When I had surgery for the funoplication wrap for my valve they discovered a hiatal hernia so bad that my valve and stomach were in my upper chest cavity. With a hiatal hernia it can cause breathing problems so bad that I got panic attacks with them. Also, it might be your asphogus is raw.
6780206 tn?1386121349 reflux escapes to the throat-- I was referred to a Chiropractor -that found an Hiatal Hernia -he put that back in place-a simple procedure and showed me how to do it-put me on Zypan to increase the acid & Okra pepsin an digestive enzyme---just by putting the hernia back in place helped so muchGoogle it or you tube will explain that. Within 2 hours the throat clearing and cough stopped-that was 3 weeks ago- I'm completely off of Prilosec and all zantac products.
Avatar f tn How long ago was it when you had the endoscopy? What medicines have you tried and what made it worse? Are you having issues with acid reflux? It seemed liked my symptoms got worse while I was taking Prilosec, Prevacid, and especially on Nexium. While on Nexium I was getting chest pain from just drinking water. My doctor thought that I had a hiatal hernia, based on just my symptoms, but the upper endoscopy didn't show one.
1384238 tn?1286028762 The Hiatal Hernia can become bigger and aggrevate GERD problems and that will explain the chest pains. Except for that, you do not have a high risks for cancer. Smoking and other factors makes you a high risk for something like esophageal ulcers and cancers. Stress makes acid reflux even worse, so please try not to stress to much about it. You can take something like OTC Gaviscon and Zantac to help with your symptoms. The DD Doc will prescribe PPI's and order further tests, etc.
Avatar n tn I have acid reflux and a small hiatal hernia. I take Prevacid ( acid blocker) daily. The reason I ask is that 2 years ago I have Valley Fever and was taking Ibroprofen daily ( prob. about 1000 mg a day!). Well, at that time, I was not taking my Prevacid as I should and I developed pain in my chest, just left of my esophagus. They thought it was due to the VF as I had a very tiny lung nodule in my left lung but felt that the pain was too bad for something that small.
1094370 tn?1317134825 it took quite a while to calm down, but I also have a hiatal hernia as well that makes it diff to soothe, plus I was on pain meds and then antibiotics which kept my flare going...if u r off all meds that could play into this and u avoid food and drink shouldn't be too long.
135222 tn?1210432488 One recommendation, I was diagnosed with Hiatal hernia 10 years ago. I had acupuncture done for a few months, and the symptoms all stopped. Recently I had an upper endoscopy and no hernia was found. Maybe there was a misdiagnosis, maybe there's no relation, but I'm convinced it helped me. You may want to check it out. (Though I recommend finding someone who actually studied medicine in China. I've found these to be by FAR the best at the practice.
Avatar f tn Im taking Prevacid and Propulsid for my stomach problems but everytime i eat my chest starts to hurt, why is that?
Avatar n tn I have very bad acid reflux, a hiatal hernia, and Sarcoidosis. Right now, I am taking Prevacid 30mg. My voice at times is hoarse, so I went to an ENT dr. and he sent me for a test to look into my throat, and I was told that I have swollen vocal cords, and the acid is still backing up. I took Prilosec OTC but it did not agree with me. I have rashes on my knees, elbows, back and my neck and back and head hurt, Is the Prevacid enough and could it be causing all these symptoms?
Avatar f tn I had tachycardia until they could find a medicine to stop it. Then my heart doctor put me on Prevacid. I now have a hiatus hernia as well as a hernia near my naval. In the upper GI they also found an ulcer. I am on several types of pain medications. One being the Fentanyl patch. I have tyroid problems and diabetes. I was dignosted in Nov. 2009 with diabetes. I have lost fifty pounds and no longer insulin dependent. I have very bad indigestion.
Avatar f tn avoid foods and bevs and lifestyle choices that will cause a could be GERD or GERD from a hiatal hernia....but u will want to know so u know the best course of treatment. Eating healthy, 4 to 5 smaller meals a day can be helpful...keep a journal to help identify ur triggers.- For more tips see the Health Pages -
Avatar m tn Barium swallow test (double contrast esophagram), showed no ulcerations, strictures, masses, diverticula or hiatal hernia. Test did show some mild dismotility in the upright position, with intermittent esophageal spasms. Upper Endoscopy with biopsy. Biopsy normal. Normal gastroesophageal junction. Abnormal motility noted in the middle third and lower third of the esophagus. (Upper third normal.) Doctor put me on Prevacid and Baclofen for 2 months - but no cessation of chest pain.
Avatar f tn The results came back “no obvious hiatal hernia”, even though the endoscopy showed one and the upper GI series from 6 years ago did too. Since the recent upper GI series said “no obvious hiatal hernia” my gastroenterologist said she doesn’t believe my GERD is caused by hiatal hernia. I went to a surgeon who specializes in repairing hiatal hernias for another opinion. He told me that he believes my GERD is caused by hiatal hernia and I should get surgery to fix it.
Avatar m tn Anyways -- it is a small hiatal hernia, stomache looked fine. and I have been told to continue with the prevacid and was also given some chinese herbal meds (kanpo) which is common here in Japan. All symptoms cleared up within the week. Finally feel normal after a year. Mostly because Im not stressing about having undetected heart problems anymore. Thanks to everyone who answered.
Avatar n tn This feeling continued and prompted me to see the doc. I thought for sure I must have a hiatal hernia combined with acid, because of the shortness of breath feeling, but after a barium upper/lower GI, no evidence of hernia was found. Just alot of acid reflux! I am currently taking Prilosec OTC and have been ever since seeing the doc. Basically, this shortness of breath feeling (like I can't get a good deep breath) has been with me for about two weeks, since the waking up episode!
Avatar f tn A hida scan showed my gall bladder was less than 10% functioning and an endoscopy found a hiatal hernia. For now because I have no pain, nausea, etc. (ultrasound found no gall stones) the Dr. has me trying the generic for Prilosec yet I have NO heartburn. So far the medicine is causing a little bit of involuntary burping. Even the surgeon seems unsure what to do at this point and seems to think the hidascan may not be conclusive.