Prenate dha vs pnv dha

Common Questions and Answers about Prenate dha vs pnv dha


Avatar f tn DHA is a kind of Omega 3 fatty acid (which is usually DHA+EPA) Omega 3 s are considered really beneficial for our brain and general health..and considered really good for fertility.. they're found in fatty fish or you can take them as supplements..
422891 tn?1315179920 ve had cramping like my period is coming and also in my lower bac this is giving me the most problems. Oh and also she gave ne some prenatals called prenate dha. Has anyone heard of them and how are they?
Avatar f tn I'm taking Prenate mini.
Avatar f tn I take mine with supper. I get queasy depending on the night and what I ate. Never threw up. My sympathy to those that do get sick. I take OTC prenatal. "One a day" the two pills, one with DHA.
Avatar f tn I took Prenate Elite! They are Rx but they worked great for helping me with my constipation. Your OB should be able to point you in the right direction. I also like the Rx because they were full of DHA!!! happy 9 months!
Avatar f tn Thank you, I will keeping adding fiber. Last night I only took 1/2 the prenate but did take the dha supplement, I have an appt with ob next week trying the prep h until then. Thank you we are very excited that we are gonna get to hear our babies heart beat.
12426295 tn?1426875995 I take Nature Made Prenatal multi + DHA. I buy them from Costco, good price and they don't make me sick at all.
Avatar f tn I've had problems with being nauseous after I eat but no pain?? If its really bad I would talk to your doc abt fav prenatal is Prenate Plus..prescribed by my doc..has loads of vitamins and a stool softner.
Avatar f tn Nature made gummies were fine for me. I don't have an iron issue though so my doc said they were good because I get enough iron in my diet. I'm pregnant with twins too. Mine have dha as well. They are prenatals. But they are the only thing that doesn't immediately make me throw up.
1828249 tn?1320012338 I know alot of ppl will think its crazy but my doctor told me i could take flintstone vitamins... the pre natal vitamins would make sick. so the only thing i can keep down are chewable vitamins. hope this helps!
211043 tn?1337050701 m on a prescription one called Prenate DHA) - so how bad could it be to do it before the retrieval? But I was also thinking of other vitamins or herbs.
Avatar f tn My doctor gave me mine :)
Avatar f tn Does ur prenatal vitamins have dha? Is it ok to take them tablets with dha? The one i take doesn't have it but im trying to get gummies to substitute but all gummies seem to have dha.
Avatar f tn Okay so my current prenatal vitamin does not have Dha in it possible for me to take a Dha vitamin in conjunction with my prenatal vitamin?...if so what is a good brand to take?
Avatar m tn Levels used in therapy to lower blood triglycerides, also a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, are higher, about 2-4 grams of combined EPA and DHA per day. The OSU studies with mice used DHA at levels comparable to the triglyceride therapies. "DHA was more effective than EPA at attenuating inflammation, oxidative stress, fibrosis and hepatic damage," the researchers wrote in their conclusion.
Avatar f tn No I take Prenate DHAn and it works for me.
Avatar f tn Congrats! I had started taking NatureMade Prenatal Vitamins with DHA and they have 800mcg of Folic Acid and my doctor told me they should have 1000mcg. He said it's good at least that I was taking something until my 1st appointment with him.
Avatar f tn So i visited a friend today and she looked at my prenatal vitamins that i had with me and was surprised they didn't have dha in them. She gave me some dha vitamins and recommended that i take them and continue to do so. My dr didn't mention dha. Am i alone in this?
Avatar f tn They habe adequate folic acid and dha. They are almost always buy one get one free. I tried to take dr prescribed ones but they made me sick. My dr looked over the ones i take and said that they were just as good. I take 2 a day as directed on the bottle.
Avatar f tn I take the pills too but also want to try the gummies .
Avatar f tn The FDA says that it is safer to have DHA from a non fish source. I say the DHA is straight from the fish and not good to take! I would not take it or stop. I take the one Enfimil makes and it is I think $11 a month from Walmart and it is from a none fish source. I would tell your ob you wnat another one if you don't want that one!
Avatar f tn So I Bought prenatal pills and they don't have dha. So when I had my 1st Dr appt at 5 weeks he said buy dha prenatal so I have been taking them. I'm 20 weeks tomorrow and a few days ago I ran out so I been taking the prenatal pills without dha until I get paid. But I'm wondering is it even a big deal which pills i take since I'm out of 1st trimester?
Avatar n tn i take cvs brand prenatals (theres enough in the bottle for my whole pregnancy) and i showed them to my doctor and he said they were fine, and just reccomended me take a dha pill called expecta, cause my prenatals didnt have dha in them...but he said other than they they were perfect to take.