
Pink discharge second trimester

Common Questions and Answers about Pink discharge second trimester


Avatar f tn With my first pregnancy I had that discharge for my whole first trimester and the whole 3 months they had me on bed rest because my dr had said it was a threaten miscarriage. Once I started my second trimester the bleeding stoped and I had my daughter. Now am pregnant again and I started the same way with the brown discharge. My dr said it was a normal thing for me. I stoped spoting after 12 weeks. Now am 27wks2 days and everything is good so far. Best of luck.
Avatar f tn Has anyone here had a pink discharge. I am 13 weeks waiting on a call back from my doctor.
Avatar f tn I am 5 weeks 2 days and as of this morning ive had on and off light pink discharge that gets a little darker once in a while when I wipe. Nothing heavy to stain my underwear or a pad. I did have sex with my husband yesterday morning and ive read that is a trigger for vaginal bleeding but im still soooo worried.
Avatar f tn The doctors said that in the second trimester you start getting discharge...
11294269 tn?1422402907 My first appt was ast week and the doctor said that period like cramps and brown discharge can be normal in the first trimester. Cramps came back and there is light pink on the paper when i wipe. I go back to my doctor tomorrow morning but im so nervous to wait til the morning. Someone please tell me they spotted in the first trimester and everything was ok? I am ridiculously nauseous and have gotten used to the cramps since they started 3 weeks ago.
1554498 tn?1327900374 Please don't get tired of my questions I'm really concerned. My brief hx: I have had 4 chemical pregs since August 2010. I found out I'm pregnant again 10dpo, doctor confirmed my beta 64. Today I'm 12dpo & for the last 2 days I've been experiencing a very light pink discharge ever other time I pee. I have no preg symptoms except for frequent urination, elevated temp, cramps occasionally & breast kind of burn at night, (thats a weird one too). Any help is appreciated.
Avatar f tn Is it normal to have brown discharge when you are pregnant I'm almost 16 weeks and I been having brown discharge its not a lot but I'm still worry
10582759 tn?1411223910 I'm having that too. It's my second child but the first time the brown discharge has happened so it freaks me out too. My doc said it's not normal, but try not to worry unless it turns into period-like bleeding and don't do anything strenuous. Get plenty of rest and don't stress. My ultrasound is on 10/6 so hopefully everything's ok. Good luck!
Avatar f tn Like 7-10 weeks my doctor hasn't given me a good estimate i read on the internet pink discharge is normal, but i felt i'd get better sources on here
Avatar n tn s kind of pink in tint,it could be amniotic fluid, but discharge is supposed to intensify in the second trimester. The pain could be round ligament pain. Imo best is to see your Dr.
Avatar f tn At 4 weeks (actually all through out the first and part of my second trimester) i had cramps and back pain. As long as your not doubled over, id say your probably ok. Brown spotting is normal, ive heard. I never had anything except whitish discharge. If your concerned though, like they said above you can call your doc just to be safe. If the spotting turns red or even pink, me personally, id be seen.
Avatar f tn I had severe cramping and also had discharge in my first trimester. My midwife told me the discharge was normal. And on the cramping, I too was scared. I went to the emergency room because I was also spotting and I was perfectly fine. Now im 35 weeks. Ring up your doc just to get you out of doubt. But until uu bleed or have pink discharge, then thats a problem. I have experienced constipation throughout my whole pregnancy. I know its horrible, especially when you're far along and bloated.
Avatar f tn So I feel like I am getting a yeast infection and i am having light pink discharge, mild cramping and just plain ole uncomfy, should i call doc or just write it off as yeast irritating cervix?
Avatar f tn 30pm a (couple of days ago) i had a trickle of fluid down below and it was pink?? and this morning i woke up and my sanny pad was pink again, it doesnt look like a period, it doesnt smell, and im not in any pain?? im abit worried, is it normal or NOT!!
Avatar f tn Hello, I am pregnant with my 1st child. Tomorrow I will be exactly 10 wks. Today I went to the restroom wiped & saw brown discharge. Now I am nervous if it's possible miscarriage. I have no pains or cramps. Can someone plz tell me if this is normal or not?!
417210 tn?1202788750 i had pink discharge i was supposed to start feb 9, 2008. i don't have anymore i have slight cramping not period like...i 'm never late,not stressing...someone help don't wanna be pg i already have a 7 month old..
Avatar f tn I'm 7 wks and 5 days pregnant.I had a light pink discharge today.My feet have started swelling and am feeling tired all the time.Is this normal?
94902 tn?1330479667 Hi everyone! I am 6 and 1/2 weeks along with my second child. However, I have been having brown spotting for the last week and half. Sometimes it may have a little pink tinge, but mostly brown. Then, this week whenever I have a BM i spot red blood and cramp badly. I went to my OBGYN last Friday and he checked my HCG levels, which were fine, and scheduled me for an ultrasound for the 15th. I am soooo worried! has anyone else ever experienced this?
Avatar f tn Ok so im 27w2d and second time mom but don't remember this happening with my last pregnancy. But I know we all have discharge while preggers but here like every few days ill wake up and go pee and find some of discharge is light brown but still white ya know?  Is it bc im in my thrid trimester that I can lose a little bit og my mucus plug at a time? Im not worried or anything just curious?.
Avatar n tn Brown/light pink discharge is completely normal. It's just your body adjusting to pregnancy by discarding of any old blood, remembering that this is your first month without a cycle. It's when and if you get BRIGHT red blood that it can be concerning and should be tended to straight away.
Avatar f tn I Call the's probably nothing, but call your doc asap or go into urgent care!
Avatar f tn It started out with pink/spotting then stopped the same day two days later it started again as brown discharge and has been going for two days. This morning it was red when I wiped I went to the Dr and we saw a heartbeat and everything is ok I just need bed rest for a month it was old blood even though he said he saw red, brown, and pink.
Avatar f tn I'm 10 weeks. So far, everything seemed to be normal but today after using the restroom (#1) I noticed my discharge was a light pink color. My first thought was, "omg blood!". Blood is a scary thing while pregnant. Can someone please advise before I run to the ER. THANK YOU!
Avatar f tn I have had a brown discharge, sometimes pink and the doctor examined me and said hes not worries. I still freak about but try to find comfort in my doctors words. My sister miscarried and it was heartbreaking so i just pray that the doctor is right and baby is ok. Beat ofmluck!
Avatar f tn Discharge normal also brown n pink discharge normal in 1st trimester but if too worried always can go to ED about it.
Avatar n tn This is my fifth pregnancy. I lost all but one in the second trimester as well. Its been stressful and worrisome at times.