
Phenytoin on empty stomach

Common Questions and Answers about Phenytoin on empty stomach


Avatar f tn Its 1:30 AM and I've just woken up because my stomach feels empty, empty tothe point where I'm nauseus and have almost vomitted. This isnt the first time this has happened either. Is this normal? Im nine weeks.
Avatar m tn In a small study, phenytoin-induced seizures occurred most often in patients with serum phenytoin concentrations of 50 mcg/ml or higher.[393] Peripheral neuropathy, usually occurring weeks to months after drug initiation, has also been reported in patients receiving phenytoin. A single case report describes the onset of neuropathy within a few hours of drug administration.[9780] Adverse GI effects of phenytoin therapy include nausea/vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, and anorexia.
Avatar f tn Folic acid supplementation in folate-deficient patients with epilepsy changes the pharmacokinetics of phenytoin, usually leading to lower serum phenytoin concentrations and possible seizure breakthrough..." It however says that initiation of Folic acid and phenytoin together is beneficial. Since you can't go back and start all over again, you can take a small dose. It has been observed that as los as 1mg dose can perturb phenytoin’s levels, You may take doses lower than 1mg/day.
Avatar n tn Combining fluoxetine or paroxetine with phenytoin can also lead to increased phenytoin side effects and reduce blood levels of paroxetine. You really need to discuss the potential drug interactions with your own doctor.
1291453 tn?1272143404 You should tell your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms while taking phenytoin, so that your blood level of phenytoin can be measured and your dose reduced if necessary. " Also, he has had a major surgery, and will need time to recover. However, any changes need to be reported to the doctor.
Avatar f tn A few weeks ago I woke up with yellow crust on the corner of my lips and it went away in 2 days, and today I woke up and it's in the exact same spot again except a little more then before. It doesn't hurt or itch, it feels like my lips are very very dry. I don't smoke, I have grandmal seizures and my medication is phenytoin and kepra but I didn't read anywhere that would be a side effect so I'm worried this could be a STD or something.
Avatar n tn Moban® brand of molindone hydrochloride contains calcium ions which interfere with the absorption of phenytoin. Ingestion times of phenytoin and antacid preparations containing calcium should be staggered in patients with low serum phenytoin levels to prevent absorption problems”. Taken from Our population is divided into 4 type of metabolizers ranging from rapid to slow metabolizers depending upon the speed of elimination of drug from body.
Avatar n tn Thank you for your question, you are relatively fine with Phenytoin and the seizure episodes in a form of lack of speech are the residue of a generalized type seizure. I don’t have a full description of your consciousness during the lack of speech episodes to decide whether this start is a partial epilepsy which can continue in a generalized or it is a generalized one from the first moment..
Avatar m tn Hello AB, welcome to the medhelp forum. Phenytoin can cause certain side effects like dizziness and mental confusion. Some people may also manifest incoordinate movements. Weight gain is not a documented side effect. It could be related to your alcohol consumption or wrong dietary habits and lack of exercise. An occasional one or two drink may be fine but moderate or large amount can cause significant increases in blood levels of phenytoin due to induction of hepatic enzymes.
Avatar f tn During those times I had not yet been diagnosed and was able to go back to life like normal, however after the diagnosis and being on phenytoin and switching to oxcarbazepine i am feeling awful. Dizzy, nauseated, moody, extremely tired, severe headaches that come and go. All i get from my Neurologist is these are side effects that will eventually go away. Because i never know when these symptoms will come on too strong I have missed a lot of days at work during my probation period.
Avatar m tn Is this a reliable home test to determine low stomach acid? What test can a doctor (and what type doctor), have performed to determine low stomach acid? My stomach bloating (on an empty stomach) has been happening for a year.
Avatar n tn Hi, I have gastroparesis also, my doctor originally put my on Reglan, which was horrible.. now i am on Domperidone, it's wonderfull, it took maybe a week to notice a big difference. The only problem is i have hypoglycemia also and if i take it three times a day it works too well and my bloodsugar bottoms out. but i haven't had any side effects, the only problem is remembering to order more before i run out (you have to order from canada or a compunded pharmacy). hope that helps..
Avatar f tn Oh yes first 19 weeks were nothing but throwing up. In the morning, after every meal, before bed was the worst, in the middle of the night. Wasn't able to eat till about 4 or 5pm everyday and that's still me having to force food down my throat. I purchased ******* pops, nausea lollipops for pregnant women they're amazing.. You can find them online, I heard target and Walmart have them but couldn't find them there I ended up finding them at babies r us! You should check them out!
1211508 tn?1343079605 Irregardless of whether ur stomach is full or empty.......large amounts of alcohol NEGATIVELY affect the liver!
172023 tn?1334672284 My dog also gets pukey on an empty stomach. In fact, his stomach makes the loudest, grossest noises that it wakes dh and I up. For the past few years we have given him a snack right before bedtime of 1/2c or so of food to hold him over. This has helped dramatically. And now he only pukes when he east wooden spoons, bacon grease filled pop cans or any other things he pulls out of the garbage!
Avatar f tn After I throw up I am ravenous. I can barely eat anything while I'm nauseous before I finally get sick, and I struggle to put something in my stomach so I have something to throw up when I finally do lol. It's important to sip water constantly if you're nauseous with an empty stomach cuz holy moley does it lead to violent heaving.. last night I discovered what heart burn feels like lol. I was so nauseous after a couple Kong satanic stressful work, exhausted, got some soup in me.
Avatar f tn I totally forgot to tell you that he is on Phenytoin 100mg once daily. Can this be continued and taken for a long period of time? Thank you doctor once again for your immediate reply.
Avatar f tn I'm 11 weeks 2 days. And I have an empty feeling in my stomach. I still have nausea and morning sickness but it's like I don't feel pregnant anymore. Does anybody else feel like that? I'm worried something may be wrong.
Avatar m tn If a pill says take 4 times per day on an empty stomach how long after you have eaten is your stomach empty? How soon after you take the pill can you eat again? Why do some medicines require an empty stomach?
Avatar n tn I used to have a feeling that they are caused as food allergies but, for the past year or so,i find them appearing very often- even in early mornings and at times when my stomach seems to be empty and i ve not had any food. please advice me on this. is this some kind of a problem with my stomach or is it any thing else? P.S- i do not know if this is a psychological feeling..but my mouth seems to have a metallic taste at times..
4309115 tn?1357606283 Thanks but it really does take me back to square 1 I do have a big gallstone,and I am diabetic but the heptologist concurs that it is so unstable he could punch me in the stomach and it would be high,I suppose medications I'm on could do it.I don't know just trying to see if anyone else with hep C has a similar situation.