
Penlac fungus

Common Questions and Answers about Penlac fungus


Avatar f tn I might be in the wrong forum as well but I was prescribed lamisil after a positive test for Onychomycosis on my toenails. I was told to take one tablet a day for 3 months. My doctor did check my liver before starting and he called to say everything was normal and to go forth with the treatment. I've heard so many bad things from hair loss, death, loss of taste and I'm so scared.
Avatar m tn I went to the dermatologist and they prescribed Penlac to treat the nail fungus. After using Penlac for a while I noticed that it was not working for me. After that, I went back to the dermatologist and they did a culture and they said it was a fungus. I have visited several dermatologists over the past few years and they have prescribed many topical creams for the nail and nothing seems to work. Things have gotten worse.
Avatar n tn I was okay trying to control(possibly) the fungus on my toes and my thumb and index fingernails. Now it needs like what my wife is having(black dot on her thumb) now resembles what I had once upon a time. I don't want her to fight with fungus. I did see a dermatolgist yesterday and she said my toes are likely fungus-related but she had I didn't have enough nail for samples. Prescribed me Penlac(sp?) and asked me to go back when the toenails grow out... I am so confused now.
Avatar f tn is hep c and fungal infections of the toenail associated in anyway?
Avatar n tn I have red spots on head of my penis. thought it was a fungus, but nothing helps.
Avatar f tn Hello! I have a fungus on the front of my calf. This is the secnd time I have had it. It's a dark circle that is somtimes itchy and flaky. The first time it ever appeared I had it on both legs and it was bad so i went to the dermatologist and they prescribed me a cream and told me to put the cream on at night and wrap it with saran wrap. Now, I don't have insurance so I tried lotramin and at first it started to work, but it stopped working.
Avatar n tn Is the fungus on a certain part of your body? Are you seeing a doctor about the fungus? Is the medication prescribed? You need to let your doctor know that the medication isn't working- if you are under the care of a doctor. It's always important they know how a patient is responding to treatment. If you are not under the care of a doctor, be sure to find one and go see them for a plan for how to deal with this fungus.
Avatar m tn i have a fungus on my testicles and today the core of the testicles started to burn and i put a lotion for the itching...
Avatar n tn Hello, For fungal infection of the penis, most cases of fungal infection respond to over-the-counter products, which contain any of several basic ingredients: miconazole, tolnaftate, terbinafine,ketaconazole and clotrimazole.You can consult a pharmacist and get any cream or lotion containing these ingredients. Some of them are Lamisil, Monistat derm, Mycelex, and Nizoral.
Avatar f tn i hav been asked to use mycoral cream for a suspected fungus on my labia by a doctor.. i used it yesterday after washing and patting dry..but after some time.. an hour or so that area became wet.. it wasnt dry.. why is this?
Avatar m tn i have this very itchy rash or fungus. its growing from my stomach to right abouve my penis. my penis and testicles itch to the point that i have scratched some skin off. i did go to my doctor. i was given ketoconozol and it is not working. i also put some other fungal creams on it.. it a great big red spot. and where ever else it is its just red and itchy. can u help please..
Avatar n tn Both ringworm and yeast infection are fungus. in fact one of the very best treatments for ringworm is monostat mixed with hibiclense I am not a medical pro, but I did rescue 3 infested kittens 4 years ago and my hairless dogs got ringworm. from that i learned the ringworm spores can live many months. I bought a woods lamp, only to discover all ringworms do not florese. dry skin does florese. grr a waste of good money.
Avatar f tn I wanted to know how to get rid of fungus? I have It under my feet and It ***** because I have pretty feet but I can't even lift my leg up or someone will see It I've had It for a while someone leave a comment please.
Avatar f tn I have fungus on my toes and one of my hands .ive been having Problem with swellowing now I think it in my nose and throat what can I do ???
Avatar f tn Hi, This could be a fungal infection. Athlete's foot, also called tinea pedis, is a fungal infection of the feet. Most people want to avoid athlete's foot because it is uncomfortable and unsightly. Left untreated, the Trichophyton and Epidermophyton organisms which cause it can spread to other parts of the body. By keeping the feet clean and dry, you can avoid athlete's foot infection rather effectively.
Avatar n tn Yes you would need an antibiotic to clear up different types of fungus. But what makes you think you have fungus inside your body? What type of symptoms are you having? Did you seek medical advice to determine it is a fungus?
Avatar n tn I too have toenail fungus on both big toes & for many years. Have had one of them removed just to have it grow back the same after 2 removals. From my understanding one must use both an oral med along with a topical med if it is truly toenail fungus. I suffer from multiple skin cancers & have had 6 surgeries in 6 weeks with about a year more to go as I also have RA & thus a lousy healing & immune system.
Avatar n tn I have had round red patches before a few years ago on my inner thighs and were told by my regular doctor that it was most likely fungus. I used Clotrimazole Cream 1%. It took a very long time (a year) to get rid of. It was hard to remember to use it every day several times and then it spread to the front of my leg on my shin area. All of a sudden I could practically watch it clear up. Now it is back. It started on the inside of my left upper arm and the same place as before on one side.
Avatar f tn I have a green fungus in my ears. I went to a ENT doctor and he cleaned them out but it is still in there. They will hurt. I know it came from my basement in Michigan. I lived in what is know as tornado alley and there was all this greenish gray dust everywhere. After ear drops he has me putting alcohol down them. What is the next step.
Avatar n tn Hi, i went on this website seeking answers for a scrotum fungus that i have had for 6 months or so. I just read the article above and i have the exact same condition. I have the green lint type particles on my testes and also have noticed small cracks almost like wrinkles and my penis. I was just wondering is anyone has figured out what this is and what i should do about it. This discussion is related to <a href=''>scrotum fungus?