
Painful contractions not labor

Common Questions and Answers about Painful contractions not labor


Avatar f tn I keep having contractions about 5-10 min apart but they are not to painful they are stronger the the bh ones I was having not sure if I should call to go in or wait and see if they get stronger
1287128 tn?1331134538 When I went into labor with both of my boys, my contractions were not painful until the midwife broke my water around 7-8cm. The only way I could really tell it was real labor was the consistency of the contractions and the pressure. I know everyone is different, but if they remain very consistent, I would think you are in labor or very very close!! I would wait another hour and if the timing stays regular or gets closer, I would go in. Can't hurt to be checked!!!
Avatar f tn I'm 39 weeks and have yet to feel one painful contraction, I'm really nervous that I'm not going to know when I'm in labor since I haven't felt anything painful yet, I don't even know what contractions are supposed to feel like other than the tightening I feel from Braxton Hicks. Or if I get painful contractions and think I'm in labor then I get sent home because I'm not...
Avatar f tn Orgasm can cause contractions. Drink some water and lay on your left side. It should ease up.
6363715 tn?1394225781 It's totally possible for these to be contractions - my mom didn't feel like any if hers were stereotypical contractions (OMG, I'm in sooooo much pain) until the last few.
Avatar f tn The general rule is 4-1-1. Contractions 4 minutes apart lasting 1 minute for 1 hour is when it's time to go to labor. A lot of people don't lose their mucus plug and most people actually have their water broken by their doctor. Contractions aren't painful for everyone. My water broke on its own and I didn't even feel tightenings, but contractions were coming up on the monitor.
7171901 tn?1396208243 My due date is jan 19. I had contractions for 12+ hours but they were not painful just really uncomfortable my doctor said to come in if they were regular and sharp or painful. They eventually went away now ive been in bed for 3 days in so much hip andback pain with random cramps but nothing consistant. I think our time is coming soon for labor but there is no way to know if its coming tomorrow or in a week or two.
Avatar f tn Had anyone ever had a labor that just wasn't very painful? Like, the contractions never became unbearable or anything? Or have you ever heard of someone who just didn't feel much pain while in labor?
8697409 tn?1400014823 The best advice i can give is... if you need to ask then your probably ok. Get a good sleep because you might go in the next week hours or days. I made the mistake one of thinking my labour was started and staying up all night. The following day when i really did go into labour i was wrecked! (Its night time here maby your live different part of the world) do keep a close eye on ypur self because everyones labour is different.
Avatar f tn They can be painful for some people. The rule of thumb is 4 or more contractions (BH or not) go to emerge or call your doctor.
Avatar f tn I was having contractions every 5 minutes apart some were very painful others were not so I decided not to go. I am currently 38 weeks 5 days pregnant and if he doesn't come before thursday I am going to be induced at 7:30 am. Kinda hope he comes on his own but I don't think he will. What helped me was hot showers on my back and drink a lot of water to try and calm the baby down. Put your feet up and try not to do too much as this can cause more pressure and more contractions.
323702 tn?1217775973 I forgot to mention that I been having ALOT of pressure down there. I feel like she is about to fall out.
Avatar f tn Well some women say its awful and some say its not that bad, with my first two.I went into labor (actually went.into labor several times with my second) and it was always very painful. With this one its not so.painful its just uncomfortable and I.can't move breath or.
Avatar f tn Do contractions always start low like period cramps? I've had a few cramps today.
Avatar f tn Irregular and extremely painful contractions would have my midwife telling me to come in. Have you tried calling? And like pp said, a hot shower could ease but be careful!
Avatar f tn I had false labor the day before yesterday, my contractions were 15 min apart some painful some not and then they stopped when i went to bed, i had an appointment yesterday with my doctor and asked her. Im ftm. She said that real contractions are very painful to where you can barely talk through them, the closer they get the more painful they are... Some of them may be painless but for the most part they will all be painful.
7627361 tn?1392962698 Can yu ladies tell me what your first contractions felt like before labor? And how far along were yu when yu delivered. Im 34 weeks. Nd getting very nervous about this whole delivery ordeal.
Avatar f tn Contractions will be painful, where BH are uncomfortable but not painful. They will be timeable, so every 10, 5, 3 minutes, ext. They will increase in intensity, no matter what you do.
Avatar f tn I thought for sure it was labor because with my first I had contractions for three days 5 minutes apart and mildly painful but only dilated a cm a day until they admitted me at 3 cm and the rest of my labor took over 12 hours. This time I didn't want to be in the hospital that long so I waited it out tried to sleep, walked my treadmill and kept busy but the third day this time they went away and I didn't dilate at all!!
4499377 tn?1373555885 So I talked to my doctor and he says that they are real contractions but not labor contractions?? Is this possible? (I guess I assume it is because my doctor said so, but it seems so unreal!) Has anyone else had this? If so, how long did you have to deal with these really painful contractions that last quite a long while but then disappear back into BH contractions?
Avatar f tn Well it has to start sometime..... Some women feel contractions like cramps all day until they get stronger and closer together, other women ( like me) wake up in the middle of the night and their water breaks or you feel strong contractions that are really close together and getting stronger!!! Mine stated at 4 minutes apart and pretty strong and only increased from there until I was in so much pain I was puking less than 3 hours later!!!
229857 tn?1319029907 I went to get checked and I was still at 2 cm (had been for a while) but had effaced almost to 100%. So the non-painful contractions I was feeling was effacement. The painful ones caused dilation. So in my experience, I would wait until you feel more of the period-type cramping. But its always good to go in and see anyways. Good luck hun!!
Avatar f tn Yes, not all contractions are painful. They only get painful when you're in active labor and its progressing.
Avatar f tn I was due yesterday. It all comes in waves, im so confused about contractions, people saying there painful but I haven't experienced a painful one yet.
10817881 tn?1422287520 Where do you feel them?! I'm getting painful contractions about 10 minutes apart but it's really low abdominal area that I'm getting them and usually when I get braxton hicks my whole tummy hardens!
Avatar n tn I had contractions with my second for a little over a month before they finally induced me 11 days overdue. They were sometimes constant, but didn't intensify or stay constant. They told me they were Braxton hicks because they're definition of Braxton hicks is any kind of contractions, dull or painful, that are not putting you into active labor.
Avatar f tn Im almost 37 weeks and ive only had braxton hicks contractions this is my first pregnancy and im not really sure when or if im supposed to feel real contractions and what they will feel like will I only feel the real ones when im in labor or what??