
Ondansetron birth defects

Common Questions and Answers about Ondansetron birth defects


Avatar f tn i dont know maybe they are looking for something to blame for their babys problems which is understandable but i dont know why doctors would still be prescibing this to pregnant women if they think it can cause birth defects...birth defects happen sometimes for no reason so i dont know if id blame this drug as it could just be one of things too..
Avatar f tn Take your medicine before bed and try changing your prenatals. I switched to one a day women's and it helped a lot.
Avatar f tn sickness for the first 5 months and I was prescribed Zofran which is not FDA approved and now has a huge lawsuit for birth defects.. Doctors can prescribe you anything to make a profit. Try eating very plain things peanut butter and toast, plain oatmeal, even orange juice to get vitamin c in you. I know it's difficult but don't goto drugs tons of mothers handle it naturally. One thing that really helped me was Prego pops nausea lollipops for pregnant women!
Avatar f tn Teratogen exposure in the 1st trimester can be linked to congenital birth defects.
Avatar f tn How does birth defects happen is it in the family blood? Or what you eat or if you get hurt? I'm suppose to have my very first baby check up Aug 1 I'm 7weeks tomorrow and I just don't want nothing happening to my baby I'm scared to death I'm pretty sure it's to early to determine the baby has birth defects since I'm not to far along but I'll be 13 weeks when I see the doctor.
Avatar n tn Ladies im really concerned and cant get excited because im scared ive caused birth defects to my baby. Before I knew I was taking chinese herbs and also had a typhoid inj as I was goin to bali. I stopped the herbs at 4 weeks but wudda been after implantation. I had the vax the day before ovulation but heard the vax stays in ur system for 14 days. Anyone else worried about medications they been taking or have any advice? I just cry and cant b happy.
Avatar n tn Her surgerian told me whenever i was to get pregnant again i had to drink a higher dosis of folic acid to prevent birth defects, my ob prescribed me folic acid in pills which i have to take 4 of them every day im not taking no vitamins since he didnt prescribed none to me. I have to say im really concern about this pregnancy im so worried. Idk if any of you ladies had gone through something similar to this.
Avatar f tn Yeah, milk is definitely not necessary for anyone to drink. If you're worried about calcium Google "foods high in calcium" and you'll see many other options. As the ladies said above, soda isn't necessarily going to cause birth defects, but high sugar intake is not nourishing for mom or baby. I looked it up once and 4gms of sugar is about 1 tsp so one can of Mountain Dew, with 46gms of sug has ELEVEN teaspoons of sugar in it. One can! It's crazy!
14868695 tn?1443396776 Its generic for zofran which has some medical lawsuits due to it causing clef pallet and heart defects in babies. I was given one at the hospital yesterday after my ob sent me bc of a pain in my side and really bad vomiting. And now I have a prescription for it. The side effects list is soo long. It says to talk to your doctor to see if the benefits out weigh the risks. Now I don't even want to take it. :( I'm not sure what to do.
Avatar f tn Ondansetron is Zofran hun. Its just the generic name for zofran. Even though theres a lawsuit, id say its more of a money maker. I took it both pregnancies and my babies came out fine. Youve got to look at whether the benefits outweigh the risk with ANY medication. If youre miserable and need to eat for baby, take it. My advice is try to only take it when u really need it, not on a regular basis. Stop as soon as symptoms ease up. Lots of water too.
Avatar f tn Ondansetron is the generic for Zofran. Why would you refuse it? It's safe to take or your Dr wouldn't prescribe it to you. There's other meds out there if you don't want to take it. My Dr gave me Diclegis. It helped take the edge off the nausea.
Avatar f tn My first cghild was born with a birth defects does that mean the one im carrying gone to come out with the same??
Avatar f tn I can see no connection between your taking Bendectin and your Daughter now having Breast Cancer since birth defects were at the time the main concern regarding the drug rather than far reaching complications. For your information in case you were not aware the drug has been approved by the FDA and is returning under a different name after being discontinued some 30 years ago.
Avatar f tn Have any of you ladies ate mcdonalds during your pregnancy and your baby came out fine? I'm hearing about mcdonalds having ingredients in their food that can give your baby birth defects /: and I loveee mcdonalds especially their Mcdoubles Fries & egg Mcmuffins. Is this truee?
Avatar n tn There is VERY little evidence that the hormones in the birth control pill will cause birth defects. The birth defect hype came from the drugs that were given to women who were ALREADY pregnant, to stop miscarriages. Don't stop taking the pill until a pregnancy is confirmed. It will not damage the zygote.
Avatar n tn you would have to have an u/s and tests done through out the pregnancy to keep an eye on the baby. but there are higher odds of the baby having birth defects if its parents are blood related than if they were not blood related.
Avatar f tn Is my baby going to have any birth defects if I am three weeks pregnant today but got my depo shot 2 weeks ago.???
Avatar f tn Look not all woman taking it will experience birth defects maybe do some research it was never passed by the fda or tested on humans
Avatar f tn s not FDA approved and has a lawsuit against them for birth defects. I purchased Prego pops lollipops for nausea sold at babies r us for $5 or so! If not try sea bands they make them for pregnant women! I really don't think meds would be the way to go!
Avatar m tn Also O positive is a very common blood group and it is easy to find many parents having this blood group with out any birth defects in the family. Many genetic problems also come from marriage between close relatives.
Avatar n tn Isotretinoin is a teratogen and is highly likely to cause birth defects if taken during pregnancy. A few of the more common birth defects that this drug can cause are hearing and visual impairment, missing earlobes, facial dysmorphism, and mental retardation. Isotretinoin's use is contraindicated in pregnancy.
Avatar f tn anyone have a baby or is going to have a baby with gentetic defects and has gone through this scary testing?
1439597 tn?1283966253 I would like to comment on the use of the fertility drug, Clomid, for those women who were curious about the risk of birth defects, and give them the benefit of my 30+ years of research in the subject. Clomid has a long half-life and is biologically active up to 54 days after it is ingested. It is thus present during the development of the embryo, even when the drug was taken prior to conception.