
Nuvaring not refrigerated

Common Questions and Answers about Nuvaring not refrigerated


Avatar f tn Hi there, So I hope someone knows more about this. I'm on the NuvaRing and as it is quite a new thing, my doctor doesn't know it, I find that the instruction booklet and the website both give only very basic information about how it works and it doesn't help me at all when something unusual occurs.
154668 tn?1290115995 I heard from my trial nurse about keeping the bocep refrigerated. She said not to worry about keeping it refrigerated. They keep it refrigerated until they disperse it and we consume it before there would be any degradation. Another travel tip when you travel out of the country. You will not be able to send your dosing information. Enter information as normal and don’t send, but do save. When you return be sure you battery is charged and then send. It will send all of the saved data.
Avatar f tn Well my period stopped march 2nd and on march 3rd my husband and I had intercourse with no condom just not thinking. But then on the 4th I put a new nuvaring and I took it out on March 25th. But then I didnt get a period on March 29th I had a couple of really light brown spots and then nothing else.
1134902 tn?1296066144 if you suffer from alot of spotting or breakthrough bleeding while on the nuvaring it is not normal. My dr figures the hormones were too low for me.
Avatar m tn um u started nuvaring, of course it messes up ur cycles................ thats pretty commen. if u feel u are pregnant take a first response early detection test. use the first morn urine.
Avatar n tn Lantus can be left unfridgerated for weeks at room temperature and not be spoiled, as long at temperatures are reasonably cool, and the liquid remain clear. This is not, of course recommended. And not desirable. On the other hand, it will lose effectiveness, which means you may not be able to precisely titrate a dose. It's kind of expensive, so there is no need to discard it for such a short period without refrigeration.
1293858 tn?1272396271 I took out the NuvaRing on May 6th but did not have my period. So I put it back in 7 days later. On the 7th day I noticed around my nipples were sore and still to this day they are still sore. So is there a chance I could be pregnant or could his be due to the NuvaRing?
Avatar f tn I was thinking the same thing that my body is trying to get use to not being on the NuvaRing. I have not taken a test yet. I was trying to wait it out to see if my cycle comes on by the end of the month.
Avatar m tn That nuvaring is not right for you? Maybe try another BC?
Avatar f tn not pregnant. annnd he broke up with me. via facebook chat. awesome.
Avatar f tn she does not keep the pens that are being used, refrigerated, only the unused ones. Although even though they are not kept refrigerated, they do seem to keep her blood sugars under control. I wonder though if they were refrigerated would that make a big difference? I will call her physician if necessary. I only see her once a week, another nurse sees her the other 6 days.
Avatar f tn The cramps could be because of the Nuvaring. Remember that you're putting a foreign object in to your body so your body could react to that by cramping. Since it's so close to your period the cramps might be because you're getting ready to start. I recommend you see your gynecologist to tell him/her what happened. They might want to do a blood test to see if you're pregnant. Blood tests can detect very early pregnancies.
Avatar n tn I'm Not sure, but I don't trust that thing at ALL. I used mine exactly the way I was suppose to and I am now 24 weeks pregnant. I also have two friends that are now pregnant also after using NuvaRing.
Avatar f tn Hi! My Gyno put me on nuvaring and this is my first time using one of the birth control methods.  I inserted the ring on 5th day of my period, which was 4/1, on 4/5 and 4/6 , I had intercourse and didn't use condom as I have the ring in. Am I safe? Should I take plan b? If so, is it safe to take plan b when you're on the ring!? Thanks.
Avatar n tn I am experiencing the same on the nuva ring and really wanting to tell my husband I don't want to use it anymore. I thought I may be the only one experiencing that. I also had yeast. Sex was good before the nuvaring and there is no way it's not the nuvaring as your doctor may try and tell you so. I am scared to have sex because of how it may feel. I had sex with my husband yesterday and I'm still feeling discomfort today when I use the restroom like it's irrated.
Avatar n tn I have been on the nuvaring for three months now, yesterday at work while in the bathroom i noticed a small amount of brownish blood on the toilet paper . I normally have this type of blood at the beginning of my period. I experienced this while the nuvaring was still in, but thought it was just breakthrough bleeding. I went home on break and checked my calendar and realized i should have taken the nuvaring out the day before.
Avatar f tn Hi! I'm 20 years old and I just had my period March 30-April 2. This has been my first period in awhile because I have been using Nuvaring and skipping my periods. I didn't put in my nuvaring on the day I was suppose to. I have had unprotected sex on the 6 day before ovulation and 4 days before ovulation. What are my chances of getting pregnant? I'm not going to put my nuvaring in just in case I am. It is too early to take a test so I come here for some answers.
Avatar f tn Hi! I'm 20 years old and I just had my period March 30-April 2. This has been my first period in awhile because I have been using Nuvaring and skipping my periods. I didn't put in my nuvaring on the day I was suppose to. I have had unprotected sex on the 6 day before ovulation and 4 days before ovulation. What are my chances of getting pregnant? I'm not going to put my nuvaring in just in case I am. It is too early to take a test so I come here for some answers.
Avatar f tn I had unprotected sex today. I recently started on Nuvaring and was told I needed 7 days for it to become effective. Today is the 7th day. Should I take a Plan B just in case?
Avatar f tn I was prescribed NuvaRing on Sept 20th and put it in same day around 12pm. I just had unprotected sex with ejaculation inside last night on thursday sept 28th at approx. 1am. i had it in for the 7 days and now i'm scared I might become pregnant because I am afraid we did not wait long enough. Does anyone know if I could become pregnant or when the NuvaRing becomes effective? I've read online to wait 7 days and we did but we cut it very close.
Avatar f tn I never really worried about what I ate before that so now not only watching my fat but also my sugar and carbs is very difficult. Since I've been on the low fat diet my weight has gone from 186 to 146. My family has very low income and there are periods of time where I have to go without the Tricor because we can not afford the $150 dollars a month. I started using NuvaRing in July of 2008.
Avatar f tn my doctor told me I was suppose to wait 7 days before the nuvaring can take effect after I inserted the nuvaring on the 4th day of my period.. I had sex with my boyfriend on two of the days before the 7 days were up.. but we did the pull out method. I have an ovulation calender on my phone and it said that I would ovulate a couple days after the 7th day was up.. do I have anything to worry about still if I didnt ovulate during the time I had sex?
Avatar n tn I think I just screwed up. I gave my dog Clavamox that was NOT refrigerated. Is he going to be ill???
Avatar f tn i havnt had a period in two months i just got put on the nuvaring and im cramping alot is that normal..
Avatar f tn I recently stopped using Nuvaring after about 11 months. Over the last month I have gained about 6 pounds with no change in my diet and a big increase in my exercise. It doesn't seem to matter what I do, everytime I get on the scale, I have gained more weight! Now, today, I got my 1st "non-BC" period and it is extremely heavy, which is very unusual for me. Has anyone else had weight gain issues after stopping BC? If so, how long did it take for those issues to resolve?
Avatar f tn Its not BV unless you are in pain during sex and have a odor. Nuvaring does the same thing with me , Once it is place for the first week you will get a smell and then it will go away . My GYN said its the hormones and bacteria mixing. Nothing to be worried about . Its just an annoyance. You can take Luke warm baths , eat more yogurt to prevent BV or a Yeast infection from starting. I never got BV or Yeast from the odor you smell during the first week on the nuvaring.
Avatar f tn I had weird side effects.on it so i switched to NUVARING except now after a month i took it out to start my period and im not starting. Its been six days. I put in a new ring tomorrow but without a period? Iv taken tests and there negative. Has anyone else gone through this with nuvaring?