
Nuvaring how long until effective

Common Questions and Answers about Nuvaring how long until effective


801413 tn?1333539276 How long did it take, what method were you using? Estimate from the time the contraception was no longer "effective" (24 hours after the pill, 13 weeks after depo provera, immediately after IUD removal, immediately after stopping condom use) Long-term methods for this poll would include the hormonal IUD, Depo Provera (the shot), and Implanon or other birth control implants.
Avatar f tn I was prescribed NuvaRing on Sept 20th and put it in same day around 12pm. I just had unprotected sex with ejaculation inside last night on thursday sept 28th at approx. 1am. i had it in for the 7 days and now i'm scared I might become pregnant because I am afraid we did not wait long enough. Does anyone know if I could become pregnant or when the NuvaRing becomes effective? I've read online to wait 7 days and we did but we cut it very close.
889551 tn?1416184483 Lexi is nine months old now, and I quit birth control three or four months ago because I tried the NuvaRing and hated it (my cervix was really low when I put it in, and it made it uncomfortable). This month I had spotting at ovulation, and I didn't think anything of it until DH told me that the condom had broke two days before the spotting started. At 8 dpo I started spotting and have been spotting brown and red ever since.
Avatar f tn I had unprotected sex today. I recently started on Nuvaring and was told I needed 7 days for it to become effective. Today is the 7th day. Should I take a Plan B just in case?
Avatar n tn I had unprotected sex on the 12th day of having the NuvaRing in, at this point is it an effective form of birth control ?
639543 tn?1297027634 The doctor's encourage new Moms to wait until their 6 week checkup to start bding again, as your body needs time to heal. Some women don't wait that long, but I always waited until that 6 week visit, so I could also get some BC going. No sense in getting pg that quick.....
Avatar n tn Probably not. If you still have the insert that comes with each pill pack, it should have instructions about what to do if you forget pills, and will tell you whether you're protected based on how many you forgot and which week it was. But your absolute best choice is to use a backup method (like condoms) until you start your next pill pack. Your ob/gyn can also advise you on the matter.
1027094 tn?1327429732 Just wondering if anyone has gotten pregnant on the nuvaring? Oh and if when you put it back in are you suppose to do it at the same time of day too?? I know you are suppose to put it in on the same day, not sure about the same time? I don't think I've been putting it in at the same time of day. I had a little cramping around the time I SHOULD have been ovulating. Didn't really think anything of it at the time.
Avatar n tn I put it back in on Thursday the next wk, waited 7 days again for the rig to become effective, but did not have unprotected sex until about 10 days after inserting the ring. Normally when I take the ring out, my perios starts within 3 days. It has been 5 days and no period. Could I be pregnant?
Avatar f tn I'm guessing your cycle started on the 26th, which was last monday. Most women don't ovulate on cd7. It really depends on how long your cycles usually were. Also, even if you were pregnant, you wouldn't be experiencing any kind of symptoms at this point. I think cramping is pretty normal with the nuva ring, but I think you should consult the papers that come with it or visit the site and double check.
Avatar f tn my doctor told me I was suppose to wait 7 days before the nuvaring can take effect after I inserted the nuvaring on the 4th day of my period.. I had sex with my boyfriend on two of the days before the 7 days were up.. but we did the pull out method. I have an ovulation calender on my phone and it said that I would ovulate a couple days after the 7th day was up.. do I have anything to worry about still if I didnt ovulate during the time I had sex?
Avatar f tn I have been put on Modafinil for my sleeping issues and it makes my birth control less effective according to my neurologist and pharmacist. Is there any way I can find out how MUCH less? Am I even protected at all? I have been on the pill for 10 years and after hearing this, I immediately called my gynecologist to discuss other options. She told me that the oral pill would metabolize through the liver much faster on Modafinil and so she put me on the Nuvaring.
Avatar f tn I started birth control for the first time (nuvaring) October 13th which is a Sunday. The hormones made my period last till November 3rd.. I took nuvaring out on October 25th because I just didnt like this form of birth control I scheduled an appt with my doctor and she gave me birth control pills am told me to start them Sunday the same day I happened to have ended my period. I took the pill Sunday and Monday. However Monday night I had unprotected sex and he came inside of me.
730826 tn?1317943334 Ive been on alesse, yasmin, and now nuvaring. Though I love how easy nuvaring is, I think it is to blame for my nausea. I can never remember to take the pill so its out. Condoms are a no go, as are diaphragms. No shots or IUDs. Is there anything left? If I have to I can stick it out for the next 7 months as Im not as sick as I was when I was on Yasmin. Id just rather something that doesn't make me sick.
Avatar f tn I stopped taking the nuvaring and I want to get pregnant how long after I stopped it will it take.... any body have any answers if so please tell me please.....
Avatar f tn So I had my birth control that was placed in my arm 2 years ago removed 2 weeks ago today. I was placed on the nuvaring in which I inserted the day I had my other birth control removed. I had unprotected sex with my husband three days after insertion. I am cramping and having breast tenderness. Is there a chance of pregnancy? Do you know if anyone that has gotten pregnant while switching over to the nuvaring?
Avatar f tn I had heavy, 7-day-long periods with several clots, nausea, severe cramping, and severe lower back pain before going on the pill but now have light to moderate 2-3 day long periods with few clots if any. It is most effective if you take it at the same time daily, so I set my alarm on my cell phone to go off daily at the same time. If you start experiencing nausea while taking it, changing the time can work in some cases.
Avatar m tn I was due to take my nuvaring out on the 25th Nov 2011, so i did so. ((we have regular unprotected sex while on nuvaring)). My partner and I, same one, again had unprotected sex on the 27th Nov 2011 while nuvaring was NOT in place since i took it out on 25 Nov 2011. After the encounter, i peed like i normally do.
7600327 tn?1393358885 Hi Ladies... I have been on the NuvaRing for a long time. While I had the NuvaRing in I started spotting & then the spotting turned into a regular period. I know your period isn't supposed to come on until you take the NuvaRing out, but I also know you can experience some bleeding while on birth control. Nevertheless I made a doctor's appointment & found out I was pregnant.
7600327 tn?1393358885 Hi Ladies... I have been on the NuvaRing for a long time. While I had the NuvaRing in I started spotting & then the spotting turned into a regular period. I know your period isn't supposed to come on until you take the NuvaRing out, but I also know you can experience some bleeding while on birth control. Nevertheless I made a doctor's appointment & found out I was pregnant.