
Nuvaring for pcos

Common Questions and Answers about Nuvaring for pcos


Avatar n tn Hi there. I've been having problems with my period since I first went on birth control seven years ago (Allesse28). I gained quite a bit of weight when I was on birth control. When I stopped taking it, my weight levelled out and I stopped gaining (and my migraines went away too). After two years off the birth control though, my periods stopped coming, so I went to the doctor who put me on the NuvaRing for three months, "to jump-start your periods," she told me.
Avatar f tn I had a low thyroid for a while (about a month after I stopped the nuvaring), that I took meds for, and apparently (according to a blood test) that has evened out now so I'm not on meds for that anymore. Sorry if the timeline is a bit muddled, it's all been a bit of a blur.
392087 tn?1252605359 NuvaRing® is as effective as the Pill when used as directed, but you don’t have to take it every day. You leave NuvaRing® in place for 3 weeks, then remove it for a 1-week ring-free period. You should get your period during this “week off.” (Using NuvaRing® as prescribed, you will continue to be protected from pregnancy during the ring-free week.) Exactly 1 week after you take NuvaRing® out, you insert a new one." From :
Avatar f tn I think a rapid strep test only tests for streptococcus. Ask your doctor to be sure.
1124023 tn?1261539248 and i have pcos and my last period was on the 16 of Nov. and on 9 the Nov. i took out my nuvaring and me and my husben have been trying,now its the third of Dec. and my nipples hurt and i feel like im a lttle bloated and and ive been peeing ALOT and slight cramps not nipples arent as bad of hurting but they do hurt to touch and itchy sometimes and vaginal secretions (clear).. very itchy if you what i mean..i dont what to think i need help!
1287128 tn?1331134538 I have acne which has never been an issue before I feel like my emotions are going crazy and my period will last about 6 days then stop for two days then come back for like 5-6 more days. I went to the doc last month who didn't really say anything just gave me nuvaring birth control but I hate hormonal both control so I haven't even started it. Now, I don't have insurance so I can't go back til at least next month.
Avatar n tn i have had intermittent menstrual irregularities (sometimes skip a month sometimes 2 times in one month) for over a year now usually related to my hectic studying schedule and stress. ive been treated for pco over a year ago with diane 35, metformin, and atkins based weight loss, recent ultrasounds are clear. to spur my period i ate a large helping of papaya to cause uterine contractions and it worked within a few hours.
1124023 tn?1261539248 I've been ttc (Trying to conceive) for 4 years now. I also have PCOS. Have you talked to an OB/GYN about your options yet? I will give you some advice, I went to OB/GYN's for 5 years and they all told me I had all the time in the world to conceive, and there was no point in rushing it. Well I'm 24 and completely ready, hubby and I have been for 4 years. If you are having trouble conceiving ask your doctor about a clomid/metformin treatment.
1250698 tn?1371351279 If u will b tryin for baby again soon u should just use condoms bcoz sum birth controls take time 2 get out ur system after stoppin takin them and it will alreayy b bit harder for u 2 concieve due 2 your pcos but happy marriage and all the best with ur baby dreams :-) x
2219200 tn?1419786173 Ok, so I've been on the nuvaring for a good while now to help regulate my cycle. Everything was going good. I was starting to see my cycle every month for 5-7 up until now. My spouse and I use condoms, but had one break on us about three and a half weeks ago. As it stands I am two weeks late. I took a hpt and it came back negative. So my question is what could be going on??
Avatar f tn It wont Wrk. All the medicine n the nuvaring has already came out. Its ineffective! !!!
1297979 tn?1272746390 Here's the story. I had a leep procedure (shaving off part of your cervix due to high risk pap) the end of march right after my period ended. 2 weeks later (mid april) I got the go ahead to have sex and start my new Birth Control nuvaring. That night we had unprotected sex in the middle of the night and the next morning I put in my nuvaring for the first time. Since then I've been having crazy hot flashes, I'm more tired, and sometimes feel alittle sick.
1124023 tn?1261539248 and i have pcos and my last period was on the 16 of Nov. and then on 9 the Nov. i took out my nuvaring and me and my husben have been trying,now its the third of Dec. and my nipples hurt and i feel like im a lttle bloated and and ive been peeing ALOT and slight cramps not nipples arent as bad of hurting but they do hurt to touch and itchy sometimes and vaginal secretions (clear) only one day though!!.. very itchy if you what i mean..
Avatar f tn We have been trying 4 months and I had a chemical pregnancy. I had been off and on nuvaring for 5 years. Using opk this time. has your husband had a sperm analysis?
1124023 tn?1261539248 and i have pcos and my last period was on the 16 of Nov. and on 9 the Nov. i took out my nuvaring and me and my husben have been trying,now its the third of Dec. and my nipples hurt and i feel like im a lttle bloated and and ive been peeing ALOT and slight cramps not nipples arent as bad of hurting but they do hurt to touch and itchy sometimes and vaginal secretions (clear) only one day though!!.. very itchy if you what i mean..
1560780 tn?1300843625 1st pregnancy I got pregnant even after taking the morning after pill. It ended in miscarriage. 2nd pregnancy was 4 weeks after my miscarriage since apparently you're super fertile. 3rd pregnancy was on nuvaring. I didn't try for any of them. I think if you don't try it just has a weird way of happening.
Avatar f tn Hello, Insert NuvaRing in the vagina and keep it in place for three weeks in a row. Remove it for a one-week break and then insert a new ring. During the one-week break, you will usually have your menstrual period. If you are having bleeding during the three weeks period then it can be due to breakthrough bleeding. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided.
Avatar f tn t asked my mother in law for a lil help an she did her magic on me an a month later i was pregnant so thanks to her im guna be a mommy again:)
Avatar f tn In May of 2010 I was diagnosed with PCOS. in my case their was nothing wrong with my ovaries but I did have insulin resistance which caused me very bad acne, no period at all, alittle facial hair, and definitely darking folds around my neck and arms.My OB/GYN put me on metformin and birth control. A year later I've lost 61 pounds because of it..i feel amazing. It was slow in the beginning because of the side effects from the metformin ex. stomach bloat, gas, diarrhea, and ingestion.
Avatar m tn You started Nuvaring, it can take a few days for your period to start especially when your on yo ur first mornth of Nuvaring. It takes 3 months for your body to regulate hormones. Now if you had unprotected sex within the first week of being on nuvaring (if you hadn't been on another birth control method before) then it's possible to get pregnant. I was on Nuvaring for 3 months and had no issues with it.
1134902 tn?1296066144 I am sorry to hear about your issues with nuvaring. I had started the nuvaring for perimenopause issues my gyn said would help. No docs Ive talked to since have heard of this being used for anything other than birth control my but tubs have been tied for years.After having nuvaring in for almost three weeks i started to bleed lite not spotting and its dark and not a pleasant smell at all never have had an Oder like that in 46 years and i cant stand it.
Avatar f tn i was on the depo for like 3 years and then stopped that in october and went to the nuvaring. i had like 2-3 periods on the nuvaring but i was so inconsisent with it i like screwed up my body and decided just to take it completely out and regulate my body aswell as try to get pregnant.
Avatar f tn t your cycle be 28 days, or something close. Since getting off the nuvaring in May, I have had very irregular periods. Most of them were 37 day cycles, but the past two months have been longer and longer. This past month, before starting clomid my cycle was 49. I also have PCOS. I am just trying to figure out when to take a pregnancy test. I don't wan to test too soon, as I have enough disappointments with all of this.
Avatar f tn I have been on the Nuvaring for 5 years. Everything has been normal until a couple weeks ago. A few months ago I had a light period for 1 day, it stopped and 24 hours later started again. The next month I had a light 3 day period. This month I am late. I am suposed to put the ring in tonight but I havent started by period yet. I took a home pregnancy test todag and it was negative. Can the Nuvaring stop periods even when I take it out for a week? Also, I only have one ovary.
Avatar m tn It just ended Sunday after beginning one week before removing Nuvaring and only ending once Nuvaring was reinserted. It is so irregular that I could bleed any time of the month at any intensity for any period of time. This past one was so bad that I had to sleep with a heating pad nightly. What could this mean?
1293858 tn?1272396271 The Nuvaring has been quite unpredictable for me. I was wondering were (are) you pregnant?