
Nutritionist food plan

Common Questions and Answers about Nutritionist food plan


Avatar f tn she has osteoporosis and some prblem in digestion. She always feel tired. Furthermore her food intake is very small. She can eat one cup of milk ,1 egg or 4 spoon of steamed rice and some vegetable soup for meal.I think she has to eat some food more, but her always told me."I'm already full. I couldn't eat some more." If she more take some food,she feels bloated. So, her body lose weight day by day.I was so worried about all things.
Avatar f tn s meal plan every week and look for healthy, new foods to try. If need be most colleges have staff dietitian or nutritionist. A nutritionist may be able to help you set up a meal plan.
Avatar f tn I'm 14 and I've struggled with my weight since I was a toddler. It wasn't because of eating bad food ( well later on it was) though. When I was 10 I suddenly started binging and I'd eat about 1000 calories extra in junk food. But my parents didn't know and they still dont know. I've lessened my binging now and its not really binging anymore but I am a sugar addict! I can eat it by the spoonful. And unfortunately when ever I'm alone I tend to do it.
Avatar f tn Occasionally he will drink it but knows the difference between that and plain milk in the sippy. Appointment on Monday with feeding therapist and nutritionist. They also plan to bring in a behaviorist. Had a little break through this weekend. He took the tiniest bites of crackers and finally got him to eat some yogurt and pudding. We agree he needs to learn how to eat.
Avatar n tn There are many good ones including weight watchers. Meeting with a nutritionist to devise a weight loss plan is also quite helpful overall. Increasing physical activity is a good ideal. Overall, most people WILL lose weight if they restrict their food enough, so if he is not losing weight then he needs to eat even less. But this does not mean the weight will stay off or even continue to drop. He may need some medication help as well.
Avatar f tn and I do believe that if I am eating a well balanced healthy whole food diet and eat what I plan to eat that I have less cravings for junky processed crap food that will put excess weight gain on but won't nourish the baby or my body proper.
9197104 tn?1402287751 That was followed by 2 throat infections and 2 courses of antibiotics. With the throat infection, i developed a food stuck in throat feeling and have had it ever since. It occurs with everything i eat, even smooth foods! Last year i had an endoscopy and esophageal dilatation with no improvement in my symptoms. This year i had a modified barium swallow which shows food getting stuck in my neck muscles. I wasn't given any further help from there. I only weigh 41.
7729616 tn?1393795492 Hi, I was dx Hashimoto's in January this year and an alternative nutritionist diagnosed me with dairy intolerance. She recommended I drink rice milk, almond milk and lactose-free milk to relieve my symptoms. However, I have since been under the impression that it could be a dairy allergy rather than intolerance as I still get digestive upset when drinking the lactose-free milk and it's a very sudden reaction, which occurs within 20-30 minutes.
7729616 tn?1393795492 Hello Jo, I just finished reading your comments. It's interesting that your post ended up in my box of people asking for suggestions. It just so happens I know someone who was diagnosed with Hashimotto's this year. How were you diagnosed ? Were you diagnosed with a blood test ? My friend was diagnosed with a blood test by her doctor who apart from being an MD also practices Complimentary Medicine.
Avatar f tn I have these strange food cravings for the last 3 months: immitation crab, brussel sprouts, pomagranate, shrimp avocado, beets and sweet potatoes, NO JUNKFOOD, SO IT'S NOT PMS. Im 47, perimenpausal, recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, lower bowel resection last year, and require biweekly B12 shots just so I can be semi-active 4 of the 7 days of the week. After a few days, my thighs are very painful/weak, then I have to stay in bed for the 2nd shot.
Avatar f tn I eat all kinds of food i dont strict my diet the way I should cause I want to gain weight, I loose control and of course I start getting sick.
Avatar f tn re having and ask for advice. Perhaps your doctor can give you a referral to a nutritionist who can help you figure out a good food plan for you.
2038601 tn?1333407618 Up to 20% of the population perceive themselves as suffering from food allergy but only 1-2% of adults have genuine food allergies. The most common culprits are peanuts, milk, eggs, soya and shellfish. You will have to observe which food, on consumption is causing this problem. It could be an allergic reaction, more so if the symptoms have occurred with the consumption of the same food. Maintain a food dairy and note down and monitor your symptoms. This may help to narrow down the search.
Avatar m tn For gaining weight you should start eating the right type of fooid.Eat food rich in minerals, vitamins and all other essential nutrients. Exercise daily. Consult a nutritionist and get your diet chart made. Stay away from fattening junk food. Try gaining weight in a healthy way. Inability to gain weight can be due to eating disorders, thyrotoxicosis,any infection, worm infestation, chronic diarrhea, cancer etc.All these conditions will have associated symptoms.
Avatar n tn diabetes meal plan is a guide that tells you how much and what kinds of food you can choose to eat at meals and snack times. A good meal plan should fit in with our schedule and eating habits" They also provide information on books and other resources about the subject, such as "Diabetes meal planning made easy" by Hope Warshaw. The Mayo Clinic also offers some helpful suggestions on creating a healthy eating plan for diabetics. More information on their website: http://www.
1364495 tn?1293904753 What do the doctors think is the least of your worries? Trying to eat? Didn't understand that comment. If you are losing that much weight, you will eventually need a feeding tube or PPN/TPN IV. How much weight have you lost? How tall are you? You need nutrients.
Avatar f tn Just saying, a nutritionist isn't likely to be very helpful if the problem is your child won't eat anything but what she wants to -- a nutritionist can tell you what's best to eat but not what your child will tolerate going in her mouth.
Avatar f tn maybe you should not stick to a regimented counting type program and give yourself over to a nutritionist who can explain food to you properly. WW is good I guess, but if you do not fully understand the foods that are going into your body all the counting this and that will not help you for the long haul. Remember, you are not eating just for you, you are setting the nutritional ideas for your kids as well. They will eat what you provide at your home, what they see you eat.
Avatar n tn My son is now on a pump and has never been a major junk food nut, but, now we are way more flexible with his food because he can enter the amt. of carbs into his pump. Does your Endocrinologist possibly have a nutritionist on staff or possibly he or she can refer you to one. Your questions are VERY good ones, but I would be guessing and I do not like to do so.
Avatar n tn t worry so much about sugars) and limit your self to 45g of carbs at meal time (breakfast lunch dinner) hopefully they have you meeting with a nutritionist to give you meal ideas and tell you what food is considered free food (food you can have unlimited) which will make it easier to cook and you won't feel like you are starving! Hope this helps some!
Avatar f tn What kinds of foods are you eating? Are you exercising? The best advice I can give you is that you need to speak to a nutritionist and your primary care doctor. Have them run your blood work and find out if there is some sort of metabolic issue? Like your thyroid or something? Also talk to your doctor about a weight loos supplement he may or may not prescribe to help.
Avatar m tn \nI have discussed this with the vet and they said that the Hills food is the best food option for her so they want to keep her on that. They recommended just feeding her more of it. However, that only seems to be producing the same results - more trips outside and sometimes accidents. But no weight gain. I am wondering if there is something more I could be doing for her, or perhaps a specific request I can make of my vet to get a result? Perhaps another food brand I could suggest trying?
Avatar f tn Because of that, I suggest you see a holistic nutritionist who will put you on a plan -- that may be easier for you to follow at the present time than doing it yourself, which has apparently proven hard for you to stick to. I would also consider seeing a psychologist to see why you've gotten to this place where it's hard for you to do what you know is best for you. Good luck.
Avatar n tn My doctor just gave me the typical speech about watching sodium intake, no junk food, fast food, start walking, etc which always sounds good but is hard to follow. Every time I see a stupid Nutrisystem commercial I feel like signing up, but who's got $300 a month for that - just for portion control?! Patience is definitely needed here - again easier said than done. I am trying to watch my portion control - which I seem to be able to do during the day but struggle with at dinnertime.
1720613 tn?1309432604 It's in your best interest when you follow your doctors instructions. Proper nutrition means to accentuate the positive when it comes to food. I dislike the word diet. “Diet” implies a rigorous, self-sacrificial discipline that’s doomed to fail. Instead, focus on achieving food goals of what you should eat each day rather than what you shouldn’t eat.