
Morphine in tablet form

Common Questions and Answers about Morphine in tablet form


Avatar f tn Hi meg, Oxycontin is just oxycodone in extended release form. It is no more powerful than immediate release oxycodone. And morphine is actually less powerful than oxycodone. Oxycodone is 1.5-2 times stronger than morphine. The shape of a pill and whether the pill is a tablet or capsule does not tell you if it is extended release or immediate release. Avinza is extended release morphine than comes in capsules versus tablets.
Avatar n tn I have been taking morphine tablet form about 30mg a day for about a year. Also take very high doses of other weak opioids and some valium daily. I have severe chronic pain. However I haven't increased the dose of morphine by more than 5mg since I started and get side effects when I take too much. I believe I can stop when the pain stops. So am I addicted? I don't feel addicted and don't crave it, just need it when I am in pain, regularly and every day.
Avatar n tn he is on morphine as he is in considerable pain thoughout his whole body but they cannot find the cause - he had an MRI scan 2 weeks ago and they found nothing. he is now (well was when i last saw him 2 weeks ago) on 110 mg twice a day in tablet form, then taking liquid morphine (viles) in between. he has lost his job due to poor attendance at work.
Avatar n tn really not very effective at all in the tablet form. the most effective triptan out there pretty much in injection form... what they give you in the hospital. there is a new medication on the market called Treximet which is a tablet that works MUCH better than the Imitrex tablets because it is absorbed differently although it is the same drug by the same company... although, they really only created it because their patent just ran out so now there is generic, cheap, sumatriptan on the market..
Avatar m tn Is liquid Morphine somehow differenty to tablet-form Morphine? I am very reluctant to take the Morphine. Even so, he is the doctor I'm only a musician : ) My second question I would be grateful fro help with is that a lady I know who sufferes severe pain from degenerative bone disease is prescribed Morphine IR and Oxycodone. She tells me this combination works well for her. Does anyone have any experience of this particular combination of Morphine IR and Oxycodone?
Avatar n tn I dont see how it could show up different, since the active drug in both oxycodone and oxycontin is the same drug, oxycodone. Oxycontin has been formulated where part of the drug is released as soon as you take it and the rest is made do dissolve more slowly. Thats why your not supposed to chew or break the tablet. It's like taking morphine IR or morphine ER. They will both show up as morphine.
Avatar n tn Will I ever feel normal again if I just hang in there? Can someone give me any hope of what life will be life if I could make it to say 7 days, 10 or what life would be life if I can do 30? will I ever not be depressed, have energy and not feel like **** the rest of my life?
Avatar f tn I have just started takeing care of my mother in law who is in stage 4 breast cancer and her dr gave her Morphine SO4 IR 15mg one tablet every 3 hours and Morphine SO4 ER 30ENDO one tablet every 12 hours and I am confused on how to give them to her, she says I can give them to her at the same time and I am worried about it causing an overdose and I am having a hard time reaching her dr for instruction on how to give it to her, do i give her one first and then wait a few hours to give the other
Avatar n tn If there is 50mg of morphine in the body, 25mg (50%) will be lost in 3 hours; if there is only 2mg of morphine in the body, only 1mg (50%) will be lost in 3 hours. Note that in both cases, morphine levels drop by 50% during an interval of one half-life. (3 hours) If you took a 2mg dose of Xanax, within 12-15 hours you would have lost half, or 1mg. Within the next 12-15 hour window, you would lose 1/2 of THAT amount or .50mg.
Avatar n tn Well, I should say, unless you use liquid vitamins, but they are seldom all that complete and once in liquid form they are much more prone to rapid oxidation and deterioration, so I personally don't use them.
Avatar n tn ve only known two ppl that have ever been prescribed Talwin in tablet form, some years ago. Fortwin is NOT known to be marketed in the USA. Fortwin is a synthetic morphine derivative and is used for the treatment of moderate to severe pain which can due to acute injury or chronic illness. The effectiveness of this medications appears to be controversial. Some information states it is only equal in pain relief to codeine. Codeine is not considered a very effective narcotic for chronic pain.
19092358 tn?1472165605 I was pushing my mini van to get to someone to jump it and I tripped and fell and my van rolled over my lower leg. I was diagnosed with a Maisonneuve Fracture and extreme soft tissue damage. I had surgery and went to my follow up appointment with the doctor and ended up with a PA and she had no knowledge about my injury and wants me at two weeks follow up to do range of motion exercises.
1331804 tn?1336867358 I also take 60 mg of morphine sulfate ER total per day split in 30 mg doses every 12 hours. If you add the morphine equivalent dose of oxycodone (i.e., 60 mg) with the 60 mg of morphine sulfate ER you get 120 mg per day. Now, converting that to Opana ER. Opana ER is 3x stronger than morphine; hence, 120 mg of morphine = 120/3 mg of Opana ER per day (i.e., 40 mg). Therefore I should be taking 20 mg of Opana ER every 12 hours NOT 30 mg of Opan ER every 12 hours.
Avatar m tn Could someone please tell me exactly what this tablet is. It's oval white with a "10" on one side and,what looks like an "A" on the other. The "A" has a slightly lowered "-" in the "A"itself. I am told the street name is "misty's". It is supposed to be a sleeping drug but i need to know it's proper medical name so i can research it on the medical websites. Any ID help would be appreciated quickly!
Avatar m tn chances are u r not ready for a narcotic/and may never be in any form or fashion...the second u chewed it was a warning sign and congrats for reaching out efore this got too far...u r on a low dose relatively speaking and for a fairly short amount of time...see how it goes..taper down and get off...i too have chronic pain but do not know for sure if any opiate is a choice for me yet...they say u dont get alot of euphoria from opana but i do hear wds at high doses is hard..
Avatar f tn An accomplished drug seeking patient can put on a good persuasive con about pain levels in their pursuit to the elusive triplicate prescription tablet and stronger medication. My pain mgmt. MD has explained it to me in depth as I have been on high doses of morphine and percoset for years following seven back surgeries with complications. Thankfully I have with pain MD's help have dropped my meds by half.
Avatar f tn In July I was given 15 MG morphine sulf IR twice a day. I got spinal shots twice and PT. I improved but was still in pain. In September they added 15MG morphine sulf ER twice a day. I got another spinal shot in December. The pain changed from running down my leg to just being in my lower pain and butt cheek. The Doctor left the clinic and I got a spinal shot again in March with new doctor. For the first time I noticed relief from the spinal shots and told them so.
Avatar n tn Buy mucinex! the blue box that's in tablet form at any drug store. Check with your doctor if it's OK!
Avatar m tn Hey guys. I haven't been posting in a while because I relapsed the Weds before last wed I took 10mg hydrocodone. That same friday I took 15mg. Then on sunday I got a hold of some morphine and started taking that and the last 8 days have been a hydro and morphine binge. I'm not sure if my withdrawals with come back or not. I heard something about them coming back quicker each time you relapse.
614471 tn?1221179194 Hi Fentanyl in form of patchs is one the worse ways to apply opiates.. i have been prescribed 100mcgh for 5 yrs. and the equivilant doses is around Pethadine 75mg per hour fentanyl in form of durogesic patch is pathetic, plus the pharma companys do not have any data in long term effects. in UK i one of only few patients with experience with this, as such been advising the producers on side effects fentanyl roughly is at worse 500% stronger than average uk street heroin.
Avatar m tn I have been on a high dose of Methadone for a number of years for Chronic pain. I go to a clinic but recently asked my doctor if he would take over my care and switch me from going to the clinic, over to a time released morphine pill I can take once or twice a day. He won't write me Methadone and is reluctant to do it at all because he's never had a patient that he's had to transfer from methadone to a morphine pill before .
Avatar m tn I have been using fentanyl subliminal (?) Tablet 400mcg for approximately 1 year when I was switched to the Subsys fentanyl 1600 mcg spray. I was on this spray for 1 year. I was abruptly taken off of this medicine (cold turkey). My only saving grace was some 200 mg Nucynta tablets that I had used for break through pain ( Friday through Tuesday) I used these tablets until the doctor could see me last Tuesday @ 2:45PM. I have been given 60 MG morphine sulfate and 8 MG hydromorphone.
Avatar n tn s also taking morphine, it could be that the drug has accumulated enough in her body to finally begin having an effect on the pain. Anyway, all these are just plausible explanations. I don't know which one actually applies to your mom's case, since I haven't seen her.
654183 tn?1225309036 No one puts a drug in solution and then in a needle to squirt in their mouths. They could use an eyedropper to do that. You may need to wake fully up here if you wish to save your marriage. And you have legitimate concerns for health. I have already done a years worth of experimental chemo from the Mayo Clinic because of my carelessness. It is no joke. I would be glad to chat if you wish to PM me ---- unfortunately the bottom line seems to be that he needs to want to quit for himself.