
Mirapex restless legs

Common Questions and Answers about Mirapex restless legs


Avatar n tn and my RLS but not often, if I take the two meds, Mirapex and Ambien too close together I get terrible spasms, it feels like Restless body and not just my legs, so I take the Mirapex around 9PM. and the Ambien when needed around 10PM.
1390101 tn?1281000559 Wow Kraz - I am sorry that you have had to deal with the problem from Mirapex. I too have RLS and have been on Mirapex for about 2 years, but fortunately have not had a problem with gambling. I am an addict, but have been doing good with that too. Interesting though, your post made me think, there are other things that if I really look at it, I probably do in excess - and have been doing more since on Mirapex. Wonder if there is a connection there.
1591337 tn?1297101349 It kinda feels like creepy crawly sensation on your legs? Well, this sounds alot like restless leg syndrome, and they have other meds for this like Requip, ask your MD about this and if your symptoms sound like you have this and you can start to sleep better! Good Luck!
Avatar f tn Hi thank Gd I found this site, thanks to all the stories I have managed to go from 20 N+ a night to 4. I started taking them for restless legs syndrome and loved the buzz. I am a single mother of 2 beautiful boys and become so depressed dont feel like getting out of bed and just want to sleep my life away. My question is once I have stopped taking these horrible pills, what do I do about my restless legs as it makes me feel like ripping my limbs off.
Avatar f tn I have Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) which includes the uncontrollable need to move my legs, and surprisingly, other parts of my body also. I take Mirapex which helps greatly. My PCP and Neuro both feel this is the way for me to go because it was so severe. I also suffer from severe insomnia because of it. I'm not suggesting that you need to be medicated, but I do recommend that you talk to you physician about it, because it can be very dibilitating.
Avatar f tn I think I could deal with the withdrawals if it weren't for the restless legs... that to me is the very worst and right now they are killing me does anyone know any way to make them stop? Or at least not be so bad?
136956 tn?1688675680 For the last year or so I have developed restless body. It moved from just my legs to all over. I was diagnosed with so many things but no definitive reasoning as to why my body is shutting down. Is there anything to treat this? I am on wellbutrin right now and seems to help it a bit but I am going to be put on cymbalta soon and I am worried its going to get much worse.
Dog Besides Mirapex, the other medications that are approved to treat Restless Legs Syndrome are Neurontin, Requip and Neupro. I recommend speaking to your doctor about these medications to see if one may be appropriate for you.
Avatar f tn I loose a lot of sleep. I get in day and night. My arms even jerk and have that restless feeling. Mirapex is taken twice a day and don't help. No drs will address it and I'm miserable . Is this a lack of a vitamin or mineral. Do I ever get rid of them?
Avatar n tn It is called restless leg syndrome which can affect your arms and legs. It usually happens to me at night or when I have been sitting for a long time. I take Mirapex for it right now.
Avatar m tn I am a 39 year old male that has suffered for years with restless legs, leg/joint pain, both of which have caused many sleepless nights. The pain is more noticeable during weather changes (doesn't matter if its warm to cold or cold to warm). My legs twitch almost constantly and is very noticeable especially when sleeping, I have been told i have had my legs have spasmed to my chest. I have also had multiple arthroscopic knee surgeries due to a parachuting accident when i was younger.
Avatar f tn I am pretty sure this is neurological. First, I have had restless legs syndrome since I was little. It has gotten worse as I have gotten older. I am 45 now. I can get it just in my legs or whole body. It isn't pain, just creepy crawly and I take meds. For awhile now, maybe over a period of 10 years, I have noticed that I am super hypersensitive to touch, especially my legs which can cause them to start "acting up".
689327 tn?1240229164 Does anyone have restless leg syndrome and if so what do doctors recommend to take so you can sleep? No matter what position I am in it hurts which it makes it hard for me to sleep I am so tired so any ideas would be appreciated.
Avatar f tn You can purchase it from a health food store. I am only on day 2 but I agree that the restless legs, arms and body are something that I would love to find an acceptable solution for!
Avatar f tn Oh, and for restless legs, try the Highlands Restless Legs supplement and eat bananas for potassium. Take hot baths in Epsom salts. Believe it or not, but walking helps too. I have also read that members here have wrapped their legs in gauze.
Avatar m tn Both are worse at night, typical for nerve pain, and there is pretty good med, Mirapex, at least for restless legs, it does work. As I have been undergoing evaluation for ALS/polyneuropathy/MS (just pick one!) I can tell you I am pretty informed as I have worked in healthcare some 40 years. I can also say with confidence, you do not have ALS. A little twitch does not a fatal disease make, especially in light of having no ALS typical symptoms (weakness is usually first symptom).
1154672 tn?1262222616 I have severe Restless leg Syndrome. I have been on Mirapex for about 6 years now, and never had a problem. I am unemployed now, and do not have any health insurance. My doctor has been great to give me samples, however; they are out of them right now. My doctor tried giving me clonazepam 1 mg 2 nights ago, I walked the floors and tossed and turned all night. I called my doctor, and she said to increase my clonazepam to 2mg before bed.
Avatar f tn Getting better sleep and exercise can help some persons affected by restless legs. Drugs include carbidopa-levodopa, opioids , tramadol can be helpful for intermittent symptoms, carbamazepine, clonazepam, diazepam, triazolam, and clonidine can be used for persistant symptoms. Also, recently, gabapentin (Neurontin) has been found helpful. I suggest you to consult physician for prescription of appropriate drug in your case. Take care and regards.
10905573 tn?1436924423 I just found I'm pregnant. I am 5 weeks. I have restless leg syndrome and the doctor wants me to stop taking my mirapex. I tried but ended up taking a half a pill (doctor said this is ok to try to wean myself off). Is there anything I can take for it so I can sleep?!?!
420368 tn?1209071706 Hi, how are you doing. Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder that is by the following four major features: 1) Compulsory desire to move the limbs usually associated with a sensation of burning or tingling; 2) Motor movement to relieve the discomfort such as floor pacing, leg rubbing, or streching the limb; 3) Partial or temporary relief of symptoms with activity and 4) Worsening of the symptoms at rest and in the evening or night.
487070 tn?1313665952 I have recently been diagnosed with PLMD (periodic limb movement disorder). My understanding is most have during the night while sleeping. (it is not Restless leg Syndrome) Well, mine happens all day long. According to my Nuerologist studies have shown that it can happen during the day as well but they group into one PLMD.
410281 tn?1254229064 PLMD, RLS and apnea. My neuro put me on mirapex immediately upon seeing the results. I actually feel like myself again. I had no idea that I was sleeping so poorly, especially after hearing about so much fatigue from my friends here. I can wake up and actually be awake!! I still shake, twitch, jerk and am quite tingly. But sleeping well sure makes it all more manageable... So for those of you with sleep disorders, or that think you might, ASK about Mirapex!
Avatar n tn s and I have tardive akathesia which is similar to restless legs syndrome but it would depend on the cause of it. If its clinically similar to Parkinson's, I did not find Bachlophen, Mirapex, Aricept and Requip to be of help but many people do. I was ruled out for Tetrabenzene and Namenda but those have shown to be of help. Atenolol was helpful for me and can be for some but I was changed to Clonidine and they interact but that is helpful on controlling akathesia for me.