
Minocycline for acne rosacea

Common Questions and Answers about Minocycline for acne rosacea


Avatar m tn he said since i been taking minocycline 100 mg daily for 2 years and using the retin a micro 0.1% for 2 years and im still breaking out i should try something new like it may be wearing off....he put me on oracea 40mg once a day and differin gel 0.3%....i was reading the paper that comes with oracea~doxycycline and it says it doesnt kill bacteria now im getting worried because minocycline does kill bacteria now im worried i will break out more from the oracea.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with a steriod induced rosacea, my question is this, will there be continual break outs while on treatment? I've been on treatment for a little over 2 weeks and it seems as if my face is getting bad again. It has not completly cleared up but is about 75% better then what it was before I was diagnosed. I am no longer on the steroid, off for 2 weeks now but am having "acne" if you will, breaking out still.
Avatar n tn My whole face is really red to, and stops at my neck. I do have acne, and have been on Accutane for about 4.5 months. I dont know if this may be the problem or what else?
Avatar n tn Steroids aggravate perioral dermatitis, but the condition usually comes for no cause. If you go back on Minocycline or some similar antibiotic, you should clear up in a month. That should clear you up within a month. No need to go back on the pill. Also no need for chronic oral therapy. If the condition comes back at all, it probably won;t do so for years. Take care. Dr.
Avatar f tn Thanks for your reply. It is absolutely not acne. Topical acne treatments did nothing, and both Batrim and minocycline made it worse. In recent weeks, I have been careful to not touch it or pick at it, ever. The redness is slightly better but still pretty bad, and the lumps have not improved at all. Even in the "clear" parts of my face, if you press on it, there are small masses beneath the surface. They aren't quite like cysts; they're sharp and/or fibrous.
Avatar m tn A clinical trial led by doctors Luanne Metz and Wee Yong shows the common acne medicine minocycline can slow the process of MS in people who have experienced initial symptoms of the debilitating autoimmune disease. The clinical trial that led to minocycline’s proved efficacy was conducted at the university’s Hotchkiss Brain Institute at the Cumming School of Medicine. The results of the trial are to be published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Thursday.
Avatar m tn I have acne all over the back of my head and on my back it hurts to touch in some spots and to dry my hair.
Avatar m tn Hello. From what you describe, I'd recommend that you contact your family doctor as soon as possible. He/she can help you find a dermatologist to investigate your concerns. Your description does indeed sound like rosacea, and I was diagnosed with it when 27. But you also describe what might be some other conditions. Acne and seboric dermatitis can also occur with it. Plus you might have an infection; I once had a staph infection on my nose. Infections on the face are serious.
Avatar m tn Perhaps they suspect acne rosacea. Perhaps you have chronic lid margin disease. You should be checked for demodex follicularis mites in the lash follicles. You could just have chronic allergies and need to take patenol longer and use oral antihistamine as well. Dry eyes could be involved. Oral flax and fish oil may help. Maybe you didn't take the doxy long enough - perhaps minocycline very low dose with food might be easier on you.
Avatar n tn My mom and I researched it and were convinced it was rosacea, but I went to a dermatologist and she said it was acne scars and put me on all of this treatment. But I'm still stuck on the rosacea thing, because I just can't understand how all of these "acne scars" would have popped up overnight and spread around.And I have ZERO pimples on my face, it's just redness and spots. So isn't it pointless to put me on acne medication? I can post pictures if needed.
Avatar n tn ), weather changes, sun exposure, exercise, alcohol consumption, emotional upsets, and spicy food may trigger blushing and aggravate rosacea. The symptoms of rosacea generally tend to come and go. The skin may be clear for weeks, months, or years and then erupt again. Rosacea generally lasts for years. The medications that you are receiving are alright for the condition and you would definitely see some benefit with these.
Avatar f tn I have been on Minocycline for acne for well over a year. Usually I take 50mg twice a day, although for the last month have been on 75mg twice a day. If by some freak chance I had rectally contracted Gonorrhea or Chlamydia, would this antibiotic take care of it?
Avatar n tn Thank you so much for your reply. I've looked online at infections (staph,fungal,bacterial) and also at rosacea, it doesn't look the same. Like I said I've been to 3 doctors and they didn't know or didn't care because they kind of just pushed me out. I've had the topical creams (isotretinoin) for redness and different pills for acne (Nothing Has Helped) at all, I get dry but nothing fades or changes, even after months of usage. I look like i have a mask cheeks and chin.
Avatar f tn I was prescribed minocycline for my acne on the 21st of December and started taking it that day, found out on the 27th of January that I am pregnant with my first baby and I am driving myself crazy with worry! Everything I've read is telling me that minocycline is extremely bad to take while pregnant or becoming pregnant.
Avatar n tn Hi Dr. I'm a 27 yr old female. I went to my dermatologist today because my cheeks have been red for the past couple of days. I also have some hair loss, fatigue, and my feet get cold. I have a low thyroid and I was told those were symptoms of my hypothyroidism. My question is the redness of my face is flat, on both cheeks, and doesn't have acne on it. I don't think that's a symptom of hypothyroidism. I'm scared it could be a lupus malar rash.
Avatar f tn I have been on Zoloft for about 7 months now, after dealing with crippling anxiety and depression. this medicine really worked wonders! recently I was put on Minocycline for my chronic forehead and shoulder acne, and I was all for the idea of clear skin, whether I had to take pills or not. ever since, slowly but surely, my anxiety is making a reappearance, along with my depression, both of which I thought were long gone.
Avatar n tn I am 28 and have had rosacea for about 1 year now. My skin is severely dry, tight and flaky. My cheecks are always extremely red. Rosacea sufferers are not supposed to use exfoliaters, so how am i supposed to get rid of the dry flaky skin? I cant use cover up because it only highlights the dead skin and i dont like going out in public with my skin all red and flaky. HELP. I dont want to take antibiotics. Does anyone know of any natural remedies?
Avatar m tn ive been taking this for 15 months now without doctor s prescription. it works well to prevent the acne growth in my back , face and head.
Avatar m tn I went to two different dermatologists and both prescribed regular acne medications (topicals and minocycline) which did not help. When I finally made the connection to exercise, I stopped exercising completely and my skin completely cleared up. Every time I try mentioning the exercise thing to my doctor they say to just make sure I wash my face afterwards (trust me, I'm doing that!).