
Metronidazole yogurt

Common Questions and Answers about Metronidazole yogurt


Avatar f tn (been taking sleeping pills for last 38 yrs, also anti psychotics) on 21st, i took metronidazole 400 X 3 times, little less pain. today, i had 6 motions and i took metro'ole 400 x 2 times, i don't feel like taking anymore of it. i had lot of yogurt. 2 hrs after taking by psy medication i feel ravenous and eat a lot of food (Sugars)every night. i am prediabetic nearing diabetic condition& my tsh is 22. i also have, acidity & fissure for long time. pls help!
Avatar f tn Yes I'm kind of similar. I believe I've had to take meds for yeast infection twice and bv once and I'm 24 weeks tomorrow. Doctor suggested me eating a cup of yogurt a day.
Avatar n tn At first time ,I think you should take a general physical examination. The ascites will be exclude If negative shifting dullness is found.The etiologies of bloating including bacterial overgrowth syndrome ,abnormal gastroenteral motility.For the former,you take some antibiotics such metronidazole,for the later,you can take some promotility drugs,such as cisapride.
Avatar f tn I went to the obgyn last week they ran urine samples and std tests and everything was okay, I told them I’m spotting still for two weeks now three and cramping the test came back for BV so they prescribed me Metronidazole I felt way too anxious about taking it , Friday I went in for a ultrasound and pelvic ultrasound I believe and got the results today that it was fine. They now prescribed me clindamycin gel which I will pick up tomorrow due to pharmacy out of stock.
Avatar n tn I am taking Metronidazole for BV and Penicillan for strep throat but my partner and I have been trying to have sex and I have no sex drive is that affecting it?
Avatar n tn t able to go back to the doctor for a follow up because I was away at college. In January I went back to the gyn and I took a dose of metronidazole. There was no reduction in symptoms and I'm still having issues with discharge, itching, burning during urination and just general irritation. Recently, my right labia has been causing me discomfort while, walking, exercising or just laying down. Does this discomfort have anything to do with BV?
Avatar f tn m only 7w4d and when I saw my ob last week she cultured me and told me today that I have a bacterial and yeast infection. Typically I can tell, this time I had no idea. She has me on metronidazole tablets for the bv, and gyne-lotrimin for the yi. I've always done monistat in the past, I don't know why she changed it this time...
Avatar n tn it happes when the vaginal flora is unbalnced- ph. try eating yogurt withn live and active cultures in it. it has l. acidophilus in it the same bacteria that is found in the vagina. good luck sweetie. i have taken the metronidazole, metro-gel. but i wasn't pregnant during those times of treatmetn. but please don't insert anything into the vagina. the doctor should have order a script for you or given you the medication right then and there.
Avatar f tn go to the store and get any plain yogurt, doesn't matter the brand or kind, get u some tampons and go home and dip the tampon in the yogurt, make sure u get plenty of yogurt on the tampon and place it in u and leave it it for a few hours at a time unless u need to change it out, put a fresh 1 in the morning and before bed, during the day do what u can, make sure u have the yogurt in the fridge and don't eat it, the active cultures in the yogurt will help u a lot, do it for as long as u w
7697210 tn?1393875868 Anybody else addicted to yogurt?OmG the harvest peach is my ultimate flavor.I dont like milk other than drinking it with my cereal so i have to get calcium in other ways.Its crazy because before my pregnancy i couldn't stand the texture or tast of yogurt and now i eat about two a day.
2028793 tn?1358874905 Is it true your not supposed to eat yogurt while you are pregnant??
403311 tn?1205951286 , My chocolate lab loves yogurt, she has yogurt with me all the time or I put some in a Kong and freeze it, she loves it, it this good for her or not?
Avatar f tn This might be a dumb question but is it safe to eat yogurt while prego?
Avatar f tn You may have now gotten a yeast infection from the antibiotics. If you were prescribed metrogel or metronidazole (flagyl), I wouldn't doubt it. I get thrush and/or a genital yeast infection every time I take it.
Avatar f tn So I had the same issue turns out it was bv and a yeast infection. .... they gave me metronidazole and it worked. Had to yes that because I'm allergic to vaginal cream. After taking your meds give yourself an extra week before sex activities and you should be fine..
Avatar f tn Sometimes, amebiasis can cause the symptoms described. Amoebiasis is an infection of the intestines and it is treated with metronidazole. It can be detected by a stool examination. So, have a hemogram, urine and stool tests done. Please discuss these issues with your primary care physician when you happen to meet him. In the meantime keep checking his weight and include plenty of natural yogurt with his meals. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn That Friday he called saying I needed antibiotics and prescribed metronidazole two tables a day for 7 days. Over the weekend, the itchiness got worse and there came the swelling. Monday of this week I went to his office again but saw his colleague since my doctor wasn't in. She decided to test for herpes and gave me valtrex since she almost guranteed it was herpes. I explained the blisters were due to all the scratching.
Avatar f tn I took metronidazole gel at about 20 weeks for bv and baby is fine now at about 28 weeks
Avatar n tn at first i didnt bother it but after my medication in soar throat and allergy(urcatitaria), my vagina started to became itchy and again, everyday i started having green discharged for `1 week. i went to a gynecologist and she prescribed me a metronidazole miconazole vaginal suppository and ive used that for `1 week.. now what my problem is, my white discharge had stop.. i am also currently taking up medice for my UTI and had experiexed sex but that was like long time ago...