
Metronidazole yeast

Common Questions and Answers about Metronidazole yeast


Avatar n tn My doctor prescribed me metronidazole because of my yeast infection but I'm really "iffy" about taking it because I don't want to harm my baby. Have any of u guys taken metronidazole while pregnant ?
Avatar m tn My question is, I think I have a yeast infection after taking metronidazole to treat BV. Is it safe for me to take Monistat without a doctor's diagnosis of a yeast infection? A bit more detail if needed - doctor told me I had BV and prescribed the Metronidazole gel for 5 days. I finished using the gel on Sunday Oct 2. My symptoms seemed to be going away. However, starting yesterday morning, I have been experiencing some itching as well as thick, cottage-cheese like discharge.
Avatar f tn Yeast is typically not fishy..sounds more like BV to which case monistat will not treat.
Avatar n tn ve been reading it could be a yeast infection , but have no idea, just its very strange because the metronidazole worked very fast and now that ive come off itching burning and dry..not allergic to it because only when i finished its had this affect very confused, and most people would say to phone the clinic so i did and nothing was made of it..
Avatar n tn My Dr has treated me with Metronidazole- brand name used was flagyl Nylstatin for yeast, clamycin,spandnox (for yeast), and recently had some relief with Augmentin(which was prescribed for a chest infection). When i was on augmentin all the above symptoms went away however came back 1 or 2 days after i came off the anti biotic.
Avatar m tn can you two share a genital yeast infection? You can .
Avatar f tn I visited the doctor Monday with a vaginal infection and was given Metronidazole to start taking. I went back for results Wednesday and I was confirmed to have BV. My doctor then gave me Erythromycin to take (2, twice a day)... as well as the Metronidazole (3, three times a day). This seems like an awful lot of antibiotics. Why was I given Erythromycin, when from as far as I can tell, Metronidazole alone is the recommended treatment for BV? Hope someone can shed some light on this. Thanks!
Avatar f tn Yes i went to the hospital and they said it was a yeast.
1308690 tn?1273696411 Intravaginal clindamycin cream is preferred in case of allergy or intolerance to metronidazole. Intravaginal metronidazole gel can be considered for patients who do not tolerate systemic metronidazole, but patients allergic to oral metron-idazole should not be administered intravaginal metronidazole. I do not know what pills you are on but If you have an allergy or intolerance to metronidazole then the insurance company would most likely place you on Intravaginal clindamycin cream.
Avatar n tn I'm 25 weeks pregnant my doctor prescribed me Metronidazole Vaginal Gel for a bacteria that I have, has anyone else taken this during a pregnancy ? I'm really scared I've read about women who've lost their baby by taking this gel I'm really scared I called my OB and I asked him if its safe for the baby and he said it is but I'm really concerned about this, its my first baby too. I need Help anyone ??
Avatar f tn Is everything just super irritated down there from the BV, yeast infection, boric acid, and Metronidazole? Like urethritis? Or is all this the BV worstening now that I'm no longer on any medication for it?
385161 tn?1270081218 t do any more cultures, just prescribed vaginal inserts an antibiotic called metronidazole. I looked it up online when I got home. Web MD says taking antibiotic oral metronidazole is safe, but vaginal inserts are NOT for pregnant women. So naturally I called the doctor back in fear and was told they are safe and to take them. Now I don't know what to do and I am sort of freaking out. I need some advice...anyone take flagyl or metronidazole vaginal inserts for BV? is this doctor correct?
1054108 tn?1314298660 My OB has prescribed me fluconazole 150 mg (one tablet only) for yeast infection and metronidazole 500 mg (to take for seven days) to treat bacterial vagnosis infection. She said it is safe however I am still hesitating. Please I need your advices.
Avatar n tn i finished taking metronidazole 500mg for 7 days and then took a pill for yeast infection for one day cant remenber the name but a week after the npleasant smell is still her ..
Avatar m tn Has anyone cured this red meatus problem yet? I'm really desperate. Been having this red meatus lips (especially after masturbation) for 1.5 years now. All tests negative (tested urine twice; even once after a prostate massage; put a swab in my glans and brought it to the hospital... ALL negative.)Tried Azitromycin, itraconazole with miconazole, daktarin, ... Nothing seems te help. Has anyone tried metronidazole combined with miconazole cream? Thanks in advance.
Avatar n tn I had watery foul smelling discharge last week I knew it was bv so I used the metronidazole vaginal gel but now I have white thick clumpy discharge no smell no pain and I'm 26 weeks pregnant. I havent had any prenatal care so i basically self diagnosed myself. How do I clear it up.
Avatar f tn the brownish/or blood discharge went away, but now I'm not sure if I have a yeast infection or if it is still the bv? there seems to be alot of discharge still its not brownish or blood anymore it's yellowish-clear but it itches down there. My period is late and it is NEVER late. I have always had regular on time periods, never late or early, never spotting except 4 when I had something wrong. Doesn't the BV medicine can cause yeast infections right?
Avatar f tn It could be from the yeast. Yeast is clumpy and flaky. The discharge could be irritating your vagina. This is what causes the itch as well. Please, call your doctor on Monday. Explain what is going on. Make sure you tell them what medication you were prescribed. Then go from there. They may tell you to come in. They may just prescribe you treatment for yeast.
Avatar f tn Sounds like a yeast infection. Was it antibiotics that you were on? I never got yeast infections until i got pregnant and took antibiotics.
Avatar f tn So I had the same issue turns out it was bv and a yeast infection. .... they gave me metronidazole and it worked. Had to yes that because I'm allergic to vaginal cream. After taking your meds give yourself an extra week before sex activities and you should be fine..
Avatar f tn hi,i have been diagnosed with trich about 2 years ago after having it for at least a year,got treated with single dose of metronidazole,the symptoms seemed to clear out but came back with the next period.i couldnt get reinfected in the meanwhile. Next time about a year later still having the smelly discharge i took flagyl. The symsymptoms disappeared for another 4 months and came back again. It is possible i have been reinfected somewhere along the way.
Avatar f tn And BV usually improves, at least transiently, with metronidazole or tinidazole. And yeast infections always are a consideration for unexplained vaginal discharge, although your symptoms are not typical for yeast. Most physicians would have evaluated you for yeast BV, but you might check back with them to be certain.
Avatar f tn I have a yeast infection might start my period soon and im on Fluconazole and metronidazole (2 pills 72 hours apart and metrogel for 5 days once every bed time) yesterday was my first day on pill and gel and today i notiched like this blood like little clumps nothing like discharge i want to know if its normal ?
Avatar f tn 2 days after that I was put on a 7 day course of Metronidazole for a tooth infection. About a week after the pills I started to get itchy and sore down below plus lots of abdominal pain so I went for a std test. I had finished the course of pills for about a week before the test. Would the Metronidazole have effected the results???? As I am now feeling bad down below again!!
Avatar f tn i have my yeast infection 3 weeks ago... but until now, i think its not yet ok.. i still feel itchiness on my genital area but not that itchy anymore compare to the first week.. i itch sometimes but i have still this watery grayish discharge.. i dont feel any burning sensation when i urinate.. i am just worried about this discharge.. i know its not a normal discharge because it is too many.. but on my first week of infection.. i hev this discharge,, chheezy cottage like discharge..
Avatar f tn For the bv, doctor prescribed metronidazole gel and for the yeast infection, he prescribed terconazole cream
Avatar f tn Just an FYI... Taking Metronidazole usually causes a yeast infection afterwards. If you notice that you have one after taking the antibiotics it is normal. I also had a question for you. How long will you be taking the Metronidazole and what tests did your doctor run in diagnosing you with BV? The reason I ask is because I have symptoms very similar to BV however every Dr. I go to suggest that I don't have it.