
Metronidazole for ngu

Common Questions and Answers about Metronidazole for ngu


Avatar f tn Now the pain and discharge is back again. She went to the clinic and came up negative for ngu but came up positive for bacterial vaginosis. She and I started to take metronidazole today that's what the clinic gave her. Also I tested negative for chlamydia and gonorrhea. We are waiting for her results back.
Avatar m tn ( he needs to see an urologist at this point for further evaluation. sometimes clearing up ngu is difficult. did his original testing come back as + for anything? did they manually examine his prostate? if you are only having protected sex, it's nothing coming from you. make sense?
Avatar n tn I have been on multiple courses of antibiotics, starting with the standard azithromycin single dose, then double dose, doxycyline for 7 days, doxycycline for 7 days plus metronidazole for 5 days, doxycycline for 7 days plus something else for 5 days, and finally erythromycin at 500mg 4 times a day for 21 days. I've just finished the erythromycin and the symptoms (clear discharge and slight burning/tingling) have come back.
Avatar m tn By midday I could feel a twinge in my urethra (I have had NGU before and it felt like this), by the evening I knew there was something not right. The next day the pain in my urethra as worse. I assumed it was NGU again and have gotten anti-biotics from my doctor. But now I read that STD's dont show up that fast- my symptom started within 12 hours, even less maybe. There is no discharge at all, no real itchiness, just a mild constant pain in my penis.
Avatar n tn Suspecting clamydia infection I purchased the standard treatment which is the same as for non chlamydial NGU (1 gram of azithromycin) which you have suggested baove but have not taken this yet. The lab which has provided me with my negative tests from chlamydia and gohnorrea is suggesting a 5 day treatment course of both metronidazole and azithromycin. Now this is longer, more interventionist and expensive than the single treatment of azithromycin you suggested.
Avatar n tn You could tell your doctor that it is your understandig that patients with persistent symptoms following treatment for NGU are recommended to receive metronidazole by the U.S. CDC, perhaps that would help. Otherwise, I think you might need to try another doctor. As for the 2nd questions, you need to be the judge of this. Drinking and drugs should not slow healing/resolution. If sex/masturbation seems to worsen things, then either hold off or at least moderate.
Avatar m tn I have heard that metronidazole is the last resort with these types of infections but is not recomended for extended period of time. Has anyone taken metronidazole. I am married and working this out with my wife. We are not active now and haven't been since this came about. Can anyone help???? This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/STDs---International/HIgh-Risk-Exposure/show/1735190">HIgh Risk Exposure</a>.
Avatar n tn 0 gram of metronidazole (Flagyl) in addition to erythromycin. The reason for the recommendation is that a substantial proportion of men with NGU also have co-existent infection with trichomonas. Trichomonas is difficult to diagnose in men but can certainly be a cause of persistent discharge and symptoms. I suspect this will help. Good luck.
Avatar m tn Your doctor has correctly treated you for both of these -- cefixime against gonorrhea, docycycline against NGU (using American spellings). The metronidazole probably was not necessary; it is intended to treat trichomonas, but that infection is not likely from oral sex. However, it won't do any harm, and your doctor was probably just being careful. Your doctor correctly told you how to take the drugs. The large single doses of cefixime and metronidazole are normal.
Avatar f tn hello, I have recently had a urine test and tested positive for ngu, been prescribed metronidazole, ciprofloxacin & prescribed myself with doxycycline tablets after research on the web. 1 day after i start medication I notice a rash in the head of my penis, it doesn't itch or irritate me, If I hadn't of seen it I wouldn't of knew it was there? can this be a side effect of by medication, or any other sti?
Avatar m tn After ur response I went back to the clinic, and asked him to treat me for an NGU, I took Metronidazole 2 g orally in a single dose and now feel much better. Thanks......I'm never gettin a ** without a dome again, learned my lesson.
Avatar m tn t NGU. My guess is the GUM clinic treated you for both but really only diagnosed NGU (unless a later gonorrhea test returned positive). In any case, you were impressively treated with a mix of antibiotics that was obviously designed to cover every possibility, i.e. NGU, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and eventually trichomonas. It often takes several days for symptoms of NGU to start to improve, and persistent symptoms at 3 days is not unusual.
Avatar n tn he noticed discharge and then took some swabs and informed me there were traces of NSU/URETHRITIS and gave me 5 days worth of Metronidazole and 1g of zithro and 250mg zithro each day for 4 days.. felt a bit relief from this but stil had the frequent urination coming on a bit but not as strong as before and not as often as before.
Avatar m tn It sounds like you need additional antibiotic treatment. The CDC recommendations for recurrent NGU are to treat with a different antibiotic (i.e., doxycycline if azithromycin was used first time) plus metronidazole (or tinidazole) to cover the possibility of trichomonas. You might discuss those guidelines with the nurse who believes additional antibiotics would not help. She could be right -- it might not work. But most STD experts would certainly give it a try.
Avatar f tn Is Gonhorrea, clamydia, and NGU use the same treatment??? My current symptoms is i have a small penis discharge every morning it is not painful at all,yellowish in color. No burning pain when urinating. Its just that discharge I'm worrying about. What is the possible sti's i might have?
Avatar m tn The doctor also prescribed me for a different dose to treat the other kind of NGU and prescribed 4 caplets of Metronidazole 500 mg, that would treat me for it. Another thing to note, the day i began to feel the testicular pain i did a heavy squat workout and began to feel the pain about 2 hours after the workout, from research i have found that other people have had the same problem of testicular pain after doing squats.
Avatar f tn Retested with swab and positive for (NGU) given 100mg doxycycline orally twice daily for 7 days. Also treated with single dose of 2g of Metronidazole for possible missed trichomoniasis. 1 week later test results come back positive for chlamydia once again. Symptoms slowly subside with treatment of doxy. (No sexual contact other than masturbation) December 20th symptoms of tingle and discharge return. December 21 return to Doctor urine test and urethral swab test taken.
Avatar m tn You have not told us what you have been treated with. Were you treated for Trich with Metronidazole or Tinidazole? If you weren't, you should go back and request this treatment as Trich is one cause of persistent NGU. It should not take months for your discharge to go away, it's a sign that something isn't right.
Avatar m tn I still had symptoms so I went back to the clinic the next day and I had a high white blood cell in my urethra. They said I had NGU and gave me 2 pills of Azithromycin 500 mg they tested me again for and Gono, Chla and this time for Trichomonas the same day of treatment. All my test came back negative a week later. The Azithro stopped the slight crust on tip of my penis, but I still have had irritation.
Avatar m tn If your symptoms are still present, I would suggest you request a swab test to look for white blood cells (this would indicate NGU) and a test for gonorrhea and chlamydia. If any of these are present, the treatment is pretty straightforward and highly effective. In addition, should you be found to have any of the above, you need to reciprocate your partner's good will and inform that she should bet treated for whatever you have as well. I hope this helps.
Avatar f tn It can be caused by chlamydia in some instances but in other instances, the cause cannot be shown. Either way, NGU is treated with the same therapy as is used for chlamydia. If your doctor re-tested you after you had been treated and you had failed therapy, she would have made the diagnosis.
Avatar m tn I currently on metronidazole for 1 week and erythromycin for 2 weeks. Right now it is 5 days since i took my 1st dose. i still feel bit pain on my uethra. The tinging/needle poking/nerve pain on my leg/thigh/toes/fingers still never go away. Pls can anyone help me..Pls..
Avatar n tn I very much doubt that this is recurrent NGU although if it is, your treatment should include metronidazole because a small proportion of NGU is caused by trich. Whatever you receive should also be received by your partner. Hope this helps.